Faramel's Blight Condition in Meintalia | World Anvil
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Faramel's Blight

Also known as Demon Blight, or simply The Blight, Faramel's Blight is a divine condition that afflicts the land, plants, animals and even corpses in the area. It sinks into the earth after a heavy demonic presence and is as of yet impossible to cure, though several mages, scholars and priests are continuously working on it.
The Blight makes land largely infertile, making agriculture near impossible and twisting and tainting the few plants that can grow here. It also causes physical deformities and illness in those who live in blighted areas, even bestowing curses on some such as the curse in Enuthia that causes all who die there to rise as undead that night.
The Blight in Meintalia is at it's worst in Faramel's Prairie but also afflicts the Ryvern Wastelands and Arthrypt Wetlands. The worst afflicted location is Enuthia, and it is because the Blight here that the country is such a desolate wasteland. It is also thought the The Blight in Enuthia is what causes the dead to rise every night and turns any who die here into undead.


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