The Sand Sea Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Sand Sea

The Sand Sea is the name given to the expansive desert south of the Trader's Path. It is home to Skarulp, Gorhai-Horhai, Wyvern and various other monsters, and as such is largely uncharted or unexplored.


The Sand Sea is an expansive desert full of dunes and various ruins. There are no roads or paths as the wind shifts the landscape constantly and as such it is easy to get lost. From the top of larger dunes it's possible to see for miles and most travellers use The Ruined Temple, Trader's Path or Sahlabao's Bluff as landmarks to find their way.

Fauna & Flora

The Sand Sea is an arid, desolate region where not much can live. The species found here are specially adapted to survive with little water and high temperatures. As such, there is little diversity but the creatures that do live here tend to be highly dangerous and eat whatever they can find, be it animal or man.


  • Cacti
  • Marram grass
  • Desert Orchids



  • Vultures
  • Fennec foxes
  • Scorpions
  • Sand lizards
  • Antelope
  • Camels
  • Desert Skarulp
  • Gorhai-Horhai (Death Worms)
  • Roc
  • Wyvern
  • Chimera
  • Sphinx
  • Manticore
  • Hydra
  • Lamia
  • Djinn (allegedly)

Natural Resources

Alternative Name(s)
The Eastern Desert, Sahlabao
Location under
Owning Organization


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