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The capital of Vevia and the second largest harbor in Manniskar, in which over 80 ships can be moored at the same time. Like Bratislen, it was also founded during the time of Engelia, however, it does not share the same architecture or heritage from the Empire, due to the face that in 478 EE, the city got raided and pillaged by a Trerian fleet and army, which sacked the town and left it in ruins. It would only be rebuilt later on, in 612 EE, as Gerard Ostrów, first king of Snadov, expanded his dominions from Bratislen and judged that Lebetyn ought to be rebuilt and renamed. During the ruling of Engelia, Lebetyn was called Lolinen.   After it's reconstruction, the first mayor decided that the past should never repeat itself, and so, he began a massive construction work of a fort that would be able ward off any attacks coming from the sea. This building stands to the present day, and simply goes by the name of Fort of Lebetyn.


Lebetyn is, like Sarusa, a great center of trade and commerce, as the merchants and burghers from the town buy goods from Preomona and Brandjorden in order to have them manufactured and sold back for higher profit. However, the biggest problem the city faces are the Trerian raiders from the north, which have been hindering trade more and more.


The city is protected by sturdy stone wall that is about 15 meters high, with portcullises and large gates protecting it's entrances. On the seaside, a large fort is built on top of a hill on the northern side of the city, armed with several ballistae and trebuchets.   Recently, a large project started getting funded by the city's burghers to buy cannons from Sarusa, to be put on the Fort and mounted on ships.

Industry & Trade

While the surrounding lands are poor for extraction of ores and gems, Lebetyn has several manufactures and guilds that produce consumer goods and other luxury items that are sold to the other kingdoms. The more distinguishing crafts in Lebetyn are cutlery, jewellery, haberdashery and bronze working.


Unlike Bratislen, Lebetyn is built mostly on brick and wood, not only because it is cheaper, but also due to the harsher winter of Vevia.
Founding Date
110 IE
Alternative Name(s)
Around 600 thousand.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization