Alysse Santagar Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Alysse Santagar

First Lieutenant of the Windblown Alysse Santagar (a.k.a. The Leopardess)


The life of a sellsword is all Alysse has ever known with her father, Symon Santagar, being the famed commander of the Windblown.   Technically, this has not always been the case as Symon fled Dorne when Alysse was only 7. A minor House under direct allegiance to House Martell, Symon tried to forcefully take the title off his brother, for whom he thought was weak, knowing the perils to come in westeros.   He was unsuccessful however, escaping barely by the skin of his own teeth. He managed to find transport East in the form of a smugglers ship, some say with aid from Jay Dalt himself...   After this unsuccessful move, Symon needed money and did as most western Lords do, they joined a sellsword company.   With the ties to Jay Dalt, Symon joined the Windblown which had strong ties to Pentos. It was agreed that Alysse would spend half her days with her father and half in Pentos. With Magistre Horro paying for studies. It is said that she became close friends to Aelyx during this time.   Indeed, at the age of 16, while she too joined the Windblown fully. Accompanied. By Aelyx, a scribe and a priest of R'hollor.   Alysse excelled. An established swordswoman. Her light and agile figure was more than even some men could bear. Though, he true talents were as a leader. She inspired ferocity and loyalty. She would drink with the men, whore with them and fight for them. On the front lines if needed. She earned her title as her father's right hand at the age of 19. Though, it would not last.   Her father's passing was a surpise. An illness took him after an injury and was not recoverable.   Alysse believed that, as his daughter and an established commander she would take over the Windblown next. Unfortunately, with the influcne of Horro Mopatis it instead fell to Aelyx.   At first, she felt hard done by. Betrayed by the two men. One was a surrogate father and another a friend... though more if the rumours are to be believed.   This was dampened quickly, as Aelyx named her his First Lieutenant. The only known woman to be granted the title for them. Though not full command, it was in all but name. With Aelyx off to see his father constantly.   The two formed a successful duo during "The War of Fyre and Freedom" with Aelyx's cunning and Alysse's ability to lead and inspire loyalty.   They remained unbeaten during their campaign. Two teenagers leading a fight against the greatest dynasty there has ever been...   Though when it ended and Aelyx received all the glory... it did hurt. Now, she plans for all to know her worth. Perhaps she shall take her family's claim once more.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
  • Father: Symon Santagar
Targaryen Family Tree.png
Free City of Pentos
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
397 AC 24 Years old
Ruled Locations


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