Season 4, Turn 19 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 19

Days 1 - 15 of the Tenth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Baelish | Kingdom of the Vale | nwvr
Lord Ækron Baelish stands over a map with his Bannermen in the main hall of the keep at Pebble. After waiting for months before attacking, bringing restless cries for war from the young warriors of the fingers, he had decided to strike on three fronts. All were successful with minimal losses. He has silenced the whispers behind his back of cowardice, the aging knight had grown weary of war but his age had brought wisdom and patience. The Skagosi fleet that had sailed from the south hoping to catch the vale undefended, they had not counted on a reserve force left in the port of Gulltown. At the last possible moment the trap was sprung and now the tens of thousands lost are a feast for the bottom feeders of the Sea of Crabs   A small expedition has landed amongst the chaos of the bite's waters. They await reinforcements at Old Harbor. Fighting fiercely to take the northerners away from their King's armies   And finally Widow's Watch has been captured to push the flints back from the sea   However none of these victories elicited so much as a smile from the black death, he issued new orders, dismissed his generals and retired to write a letter to his goodbrother, the king of the mountain.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
The meeting of Hornwood has started   House Magnar | Kingdom of the North | Verus_Dolar
Magnus Magnar awoke with a start, beads of sweat on his forehead. The room was unfamiliar, the air thick with an otherworldly aura. Confusion lingered as the remnants of a dream, or was it more than that, played in his mind.   He found himself standing in a moonlit courtyard, not as himself, but as a sleek black cat. His surroundings were hauntingly vivid — a towering structure in the distance, surrounded by mist-covered hills. As the feline observer, he had glimpsed into the heart of the Vale.   Now, back in his chamber, Magnus couldn't shake the ethereal experience. He pondered the implications of his warged journey, wondering if the tower in the vale held secrets or foretold of an impending destiny. The strange sensation of fur under his fingers lingered, a tactile echo from the dream that felt too real.   In the quiet of his room, Magnus Magnar grappled with the uncertainty, contemplating whether the dream was a mere illusion or a glimpse into a mystical realm that awaited him.   "Ugh, my head. What the hell was that " Magnus thought to himself, as he wonders the halls of Kingshouse. The feeling that this dream was different just would not subside, until he remembers of a letter from Brittlefang. He turns to one of the guards "Wake the maester, and tell that fucker to fetch me all letters from the Thenns, I must look over them"

Bringing the Faith to Savages, Continued

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
The forces of House Costayne have taken Solitude with a few thousand men only to be faced with 71k men at West Bite and having 50k moved into White Harbor without warning, leaving his men pinned between two armies both vastly out numbering House Costayne's few thousand men in the region.   Gornson | Frostfang Clan | rven
Maybe your men should leave the region... Or never even have come here. We shall correct that mistake   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
The captain of the forces says "My orders are my orders. We ask the Thenns to lay down arms and embrace the mercy of the mother or suffer the wrath of the father. Pray to the crone for guidance on the matter for the strength of the smith is in our arms and the stranger awaits to greet those in the next life who die in this conflict."

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  The Windblown | korelajacky
With the news of the invasion of Tyrosh and the Windblown defeat, the fate of the Free City of Myr was sealed. Early in the morning, the Windblown soldiers started forcing people out of their homes. The soldiers were instructed not to harm the civilians and they could pack and take whatever they wanted. Afterwards, the civilians would be sent towards the army of Myr outside of the gates and lands beyond. Aside from razing the city to the ground, the Windblown hoped to create large migration crises for their enemies as thousands of people will lose their homes.   The Windblown made it clear what would happen if Tyrosh is invaded. Now it is time to follow through.   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
If Tyrosh was reclaimed and liberated. Are you going to call my liberation of my home city of Myr an invasion too?   The Windblown | korelajacky
''Should the forces of the Free City of Myr or any of its affiliates dare to advance upon Tyrosh, the Windblown company shall obliterate Myr from existence''   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
The march to Myr continues...   People celebrate in the streets of the free city of Tyrosh as soldiers of the City of Myr march through the streets once again marked by its banner. Many in the army being volenteers from the city of Tyrosh visiting home.   Magistrate Thaeros Naaris of Myr finished the celebration with a speech   "Our allies, our enemies, and the world believed we were weak when we were at our strongest. I attribute that victory to you, our fighting men at arms! It is your faith and loyalty to me and your city that has won us this day! We have snatched victory from what many had thought were the jaws of defeat. If those soldiers of fortune continue their fight against us we will soon see the Windblown company without an army and then without a company. They are inspired by the purse rather than the soul and it is our spirit and soul that will win us the war and see our city defended!   To Myr our home!"   "To Myr our home" the soldiers echo...   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Banyani entered the senate dressed in his captain's regalia, his right hand resting on the pommel of his saber. He felt slightly uncomfortable as the eyes of hundreds of senators focused on him ready to hear his report. The young captain kept his composure and he saluted his father.   “At ease captain, give us your report on the League Council. We are eager to hear of the happenings of Southern Essos.” His father said as he took a moment to collect his thoughts.   “I must unfortunately report that the League Council was unable to achieve peace between Pentos and Myr. Casualties on both sides are in the thousands, and before my departure I received word that Myr was razed to the ground by the Windblown...” Banyani was interrupted by an angry outcry from the senate.   “Are they mad !?! First Braavos, then Volantis, and now Myr in ruins! Westeros is nearly united and the Dothraki ride towards the Free Cities! Our response is to burn yet another city to the ground!” Senator Sallos said in disbelief.   The situation is grim senators, between Volantis and the war many refugees have taken to the roads. All cities on the mainland including Braavos should expect people to begin arriving.” Banyani handed his written notes to his father before returning to his seat.   “I suggest we send what aid we can to assist these refugees and begin preparing for the future. I fear dark times await our republic.” His father said as the senate chamber echoed with worried discussions between senator's.

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
The waters rushing under the ford at Ar Noy crash loudly in the ears of Khal Hazdahn and the assembled horde. They have ridden hard for days and have farther still to ride before they reach their goal. At last the final hapless merchant crosses the river and hurries to lead his donkeys far away from the army of men under who’s stony gaze his labors are scrutinized. With a flick of his sword into the air, the signal is given and the silence plunged into chaos as thousands of tens of Dothraki funnel into the narrow ford, horses snapping and curses ringing as they navigate the narrow space. From the small hill Khal Hazdahn watches with a grim look. His men are restless. Too many fights have broken out, too many men injured. They’ll get their taste of foreign blood soon enough… It cuts to the quick to ride by juicy Qohorik towns left untouched, fresh maidens left unsullied, gold left unplundered… Alas, a deal is a deal and the Dothraki always keep their word.

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
After the war the regiment of the Day Watch under Jaehaera's command is being restructured. A part of them will get horses and will provide a heavy cavalry . They call themselves the Holy Hundred. Their new position is not an accident because there will be a new sept being built in Hollow Sanctuary, an old and holy place the army rediscovered on their march.   With the riders headquarters next to the sept they are able to provide protection and perhaps they will even attract new settlers in that region who can use the Fellwood Kingsroad for fast travel.   The kings road reaches Storms End in the east Kingsroad at Storm's End and House Wensingtone in the South.   Lord Wensingtone, who played a key role in the war has gained favors and riches, so the population is expected to get a huge influx over the next years.   But that's all future stories. First this means hard work! Our men are going up to Williswood to gather enough wood for the constructions that are planned.

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Uller | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Rasche
With peace talks now officially concluded, House Uller does officially bend the knee and swear fealty to King Bracken and the Iron Throne. May his reign last as long as his words ring true! -Harlan Uller, the Hound of Hellholt   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
House Bracken welcomes House Uller back into the Realm with open arms   House Oakheart | Kingdom of the Andals | Koen27
Welcome to the fold old friend.   House Dayne | Kingdom of the Andals | Tadashi
House Dayne bend the knee and swear fealty to the King Bracken!   House Allyrion | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} TheLegend
House Allyrion bends the knee and swears fealty.  

Baelish Bastard

  House Baelish | Kingdom of the Vale | nwvr
Words long whispered throughout the Vale of a secret natural born son to Lord Baelish from Yohnston have now spread to the north. William, known as "Black Stone" was fostered in The Eyrie under the watchful eye of his aunt and her husband, the king. He was trained in the art of war by his father before the war of the bite and is a fine warrior himself. Not long after his seventeenth nameday he was trusted with leading the attack on Old Harbor. Lord Ækron decides to put an end to the rumours and acknowledges his bastard.


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