Season 4, Turn 16 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 16

Days 16 - 30 of the Eighth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
An announcement comes from Lyson:  
Unfortunate as it is to see brothers fight, it is now clear to see that the scales have definitely tipped in favour of the righteous crusade of Pentos. No more bloodshed is needed and as such I would call Myr to surrender to Pentos and draft a treaty that would end this senseless fight. The rest of Essos and Pentos alongside us, as many times declared, does not wish to wipe out Myr, only to free the lands under Myrene occupation. So, please let's finish this once and for all.
  The Windblown | korelajacky
The sun dipped below the horizon as Alysse, the new leader of the Windblown mercenary company, surveyed the city of Myr from a distance. The sky, painted in hues of orange and purple, served as a backdrop to the silhouettes of the city's walls. Alysse turned to her lieutenants, not long ago she was one of them.   "Tonight, Myr falls," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand battles.   The Windblown camp buzzed with activity as soldiers sharpened their blades and polished their armour. Siege engines creaked into position, and war drums beat rhythmically, setting the stage for the impending assault.   Several hours later, under the cover of darkness, the Windblown silently approached the city gates. Alysse, mounted on her black warhorse, raised her hand, signaling the assault to begin. Siege engines unleashed a barrage of projectiles, crashing against the sturdy gates of Myr. The clash of steel and the roar of battle echoed through the night as Windblown mercenaries clashed with the city's defenders.   Personal guards and city watchmen fought valiantly, but the disciplined and battle-hardened Windblown mercenaries proved to be an unstoppable force. Alysse, leading the charge, cut through the guards with her gleaming naginata, her every movement calculated and lethal. The city's resistance crumbled under the relentless assault, and the gates of Myr swung open to the conquering force.   As the last defenders fell, Alysse raised her naginata, a signal for her mercenaries to cease hostilities. The once-bustling streets of Myr now lay quiet, the city surrendered to the Windblown. Her soldiers formed ranks behind their leader as she ascended the steps of the city's main square, her cloak trailing behind her like a regal banner. She turned to face her army, a triumphant smile playing on her lips.   "We have taken Myr," she proclaimed, her voice echoing through the city. "We have taken Tyrosh!“ She proclaimed, having no doubt the naval divisions of the Windblown company managed to accomplish their mission. "Two Free cities have fallen under our might. Let this be a lesson to those who oppose the Windblown. We are the storm that sweeps all in its path!"   The mercenaries erupted in cheers, their weapons raised in salute. Alysse raised her hand once more, and the Windblown soldiers marched triumphantly through the conquered city. The streets resonated with the sound of their boots, a declaration of victory that echoed between the buildings. As they paraded through the city, the banners of the Windblown unfurled in the wind, proudly displaying their emblem.

Braavosi Restoration, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Qarlon Jaqen stood on the deck of the merchant ship as it fought its way through the stormy waters of Lorath. He and a third of the senate had departed 2 years ago to assist in starting the resettlement of Braavos. He felt like the administration team had done all they could. What Braavos needed was time to grow. The ship at last won the battle against the rough waters and pulled into the busy harbor.   A surprisingly large crowd had braved the weather to welcome them home. A cheer went up from the crowd as he disembarked from the merchant ship. Qarlon slowly made his way through the crowd shaking hands with senators and citizens alike.   "Father!” Seresha shouted, finally spotting him in the crowd. The crowd parted to allow the two to embrace each other.   “I'm so proud, you did a great job as Acting Magister.” Qarlon said, patting Seresha on the back.   “Well I had a great example to follow.” Seresha said as she pulled him into a tighter hug. The two began the trip back to the Palace catching up as they walked.

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
-PART 1-   "My King, the forty hundred men of House Flint are advancing towards the castle"   "So it's time now..."   He moved outside to the walls and ordered the knights to take charge of the archers, who looked down and saw a sea of soldiers with the banner of House Flint and House Stark. Further, there were catapults. It looked like the northern army hadn't wasted their time. At the south, the waves crashed against the castle, while at the east the river was calmed.   He looked at his soldiers that were shooting arrows and suddenly... chaos. A rock hit the wall and the sound reached all over the castle. While some men died, some were severely wounded, others composed themselves and started shooting arrows. It looked like the wall was still standing. It was probably the first time that Flint soldiers were fighting Corbray soldiers on land. At least the first time that both houses had a chance.   "Shoot! You are Vale men! Our honor is stronger than their rocks, stand up and fight!" The battle continued for a time, but hope arrived from the South. A big navy with the Corbray banner on their sails was arriving. Hope reached the hearts of the Vale men when suddenly reality hit. One ship was taken down by one of the catapults, then another. Eventually, the fleet reached the castle.   They were led by Ser Arrinor, the Uncle of King Jamie. He stank terrible as he was half dead. "My King, let me and my men secure this castle. Escape. If you get captured, the war is over." The King and the Ser discussed for a time but then, the northern army breached the wall. Chaos reigned at the castle and the king followed the advice of the Ser.   The battle in the yard of the castle was terrible, but when the night fell, the Vale army could defend the castle and the Northern Army regrouped to send another attack.

New High Septa In Town

  Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
**Official Announcement to All Players**  
Esteemed players and citizens of Westeros and beyond,   It is with great joy and reverence that we declare the ascension of Septa Caelia to the esteemed position of High Septa. Through the collective wisdom and votes of the Most Devout, Caelia has been anointed to lead the Faith of the Seven into a new era. Her vision and unwavering commitment to the divine have solidified her role as the spiritual leader of our realm.   But this proclamation goes beyond the halls of the Faith. High Septa Caelia is determined to expand the influence of the Faith throughout Westeros and across the Narrow Sea into Essos. A new sanctuary of faith has been established in the majestic Seven Star Mountains, symbolizing the widespread embrace of the Seven's teachings.   Recently, a delegation led by Septon Abelard set sail and has just landed in Silty Town. With the gracious support of Magistrate Morro Mopatis, this delegation aims to represent the Faith in the most favorable light, fostering unity and understanding among the diverse cultures of Essos.   Today marks a historic moment, a day to celebrate the dawn of a new chapter in the Faith. As we extend our reach, let the bells toll, and the prayers rise, echoing the spirit of unity and faith across Westeros and Essos.   May the light of the Seven guide us all.   Blessings and Faithful Regards,
— High Septa Caelia of Greenshield

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~A letter from Alexander Bracken to his brother, Aegon Bracken, current day.   Location: Kingsroad at Hasty Hall , Bracken Encampment outside of Hasty Hall  
Dearest Aegon,   As the ink meets parchment, my thoughts weave through the tapestry of our shared bloodline, entwined with the echoes of the Riverlands' tumultuous history. The path I tread, marked by the clash of swords and the burden of a crown, bears witness to a destiny both glorious and grievous.   In the realm of kings, war is the crimson melody that orchestrates their legacy. Though my heart recoils from its brutality, I have become a participant in this grand saga, a hero by the standards of a realm thirsting for valor. The accolades bestowed upon me, the laurels earned in the crucible of battle, are not for myself alone but for the very essence of our lineage.   Aegon, my cherished kin, know that every scar I bear on the battlefield, every victory etched in the annals of warfare, is a testament to the Bracken name. The crown I may wear is both a weighty burden and a symbol of our lineage's endurance. In these moments of glory, I yearn for you to look upon me with pride, for in the eyes of a brother, I seek solace and affirmation.   War, a merciless maestro, has unveiled its dissonant chords before me. The dream I once harbored in the innocence of youth has revealed its gruesome visage. Yet, as I navigate this somber reality, I do so with a newfound wisdom. Diplomacy, I've learned, is the true architect of lasting peace, and I strive to wield it alongside the sword in the dance of power.   As the heir apparent, I am bound by duty, not just to the realm but to you, dear Aegon. I see in you the potential to be a paragon of justice, a torchbearer of our lineage. The mantle of kingship will one day rest upon your shoulders, and I shall endeavor to guide you through the labyrinth of responsibility.   Let not the shadows of war and the specter of my leprosy cast a pall over our familial unity. In my heart, I carry the hope that you will inherit a realm shaped not only by the sword but by the wisdom that tempers its edge. Be proud, Aegon, not only of the hero I strive to be in the eyes of the realm but of the legacy we together shall weave in the rich tapestry of Westeros.   With unwavering love and the hope for a brighter future,
— Alex

Evangelism At Its Finest

  Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
The one and true voice is beckoning to you. Do you possess the strength to heed its call? Can you embrace it with unwavering belief?   Conclude your prayer, shake off the dust from your robe, and answer the summons to join the Faith. Become an integral part of the flock as we open our doors for recruitment into the Most Devout—the holiest of councils, charged with the sacred duty for the people, with the people, all under the benevolent blessing of the Mother.   If you aspire for your voice to echo in matters of great importance, send me a letter detailing your character—no need for intricacies at the outset—accompanied by your motivation and the reasons you believe you should be entrusted with steering this divine movement.   With bountiful mercy and blessings to all,
— High Septa Caelia


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