Barristan Grandison Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Barristan Grandison

Commander of the Army of the Cape, Ser Barristan Grandison

Related Character Bio

A cousin of the current Lord Grandison, and Commander of the Army of the Cape. A strategist and competent officer. Pledged his service to House Swann, being a close friend and milk-brother to its lord at the time, Siegmund Swann, the Black Swan's father. Led forces against Summerhall in Revan's Rebellion. His parleys with Vaegon Targaryen afterwards directly led to the alliance between Summerhall and Queen Ellyria. Earned Lady Ellyria's favor by staying true to her and supporting her claim after the Black Swan's death.
House Sigil

Rouse Me Not
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
360 AC 61 Years old


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