Season 4, Turn 06 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 06

Days 16 - 30 of the Third Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
Howling winds bend the trees around them, the gale doing even worse to their tents. Freezing rain chilled their bones, dousing any fires put up. Crimson petals scatter across the Storming Rosefields as the scouts are brought before him.   “Sire! The newt has amassed a host of 22,000 men-“   “Numbers we expected,” Ser Grandison muttered. The Army of the Cape had assembled on their borders, knowing Jaehaera would waste no time in marching with the declarations of war. Her desire for the Stormlands was well known. “Be-“   “Peasants say Bracken has just taken Haystack Hall with 25,000 soldiers as well!” another scout blurts as a bright flash of light casts itself across the sky.   The light in Ser Grandison‘s eyes disappear with it. And his orders are almost missed in the deafening roar that followed. “…tell the men to pick up camp. We make for Storm's End.”   The violent storm battering the flowering fields that week prevented any sort of timely march. Leading to the infamous Battle of Roses. Hundreds of loyalists, crownlanders, and men of the Day Watch blindly charged across the plains to harry the fleeing Stormlanders once knowledge of their retreat was learned.   But what started as a simple harassment soon turned into full-fledged battle, as Connington knights rallied the rear van to turn back on their pursuers. The flowers around them became mud, as thousands of men turned course and charged on the Targaryen force. This in turn escalated Jaehaera’s own offensive.   Thundering hooves could not be discerned from the thunder above. Dark clouds, heavy rain, frequent lightning, and massive petal storms provided an impenetrable fog of war as neither side realized the quickly growing scale of battle.   Before Ser Grandison could realize the extent of the conflict, tens of thousands of men were already charging on foot, or atop destriers, at each other. Mounds of bodies piling high. Muddied fields soon became red once again, as the storm did nothing to wash away the barrels of blood spilt. Grandison could only marshal his vanguard and several columns at the fore to disengage in the chaotic days that followed, knowing the battle was lost.   30,000 men were said to have died among the flowers. And when those roses bloomed again…many said they would surely have the reddest petals of any flower in Westeros.   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
“A hollow victory,” Lord Duncan says to himself as he stands amongst the corpses littering the battlefield at Fireplum Gardens . He had successfully routed the remainder of Lord Costayne’s forces on this front, but reports had already begun to come in of a massive host of troops led by Lord Florent that had pushed through his lines and were pressing for New Barrel. Tens of thousands more loomed nearby, and Lord Duncan steeled himself for what was to come.   After days of bloodshed, Dunk Fossoway invites Lord Florent to a parlay at a camp set up between the lines. Tense though the meeting may be with countless lives on the line, it is amicable. The two lords reach an agreement, with some reparations put in place to Lord Florent in exchange for peace and mutual nonaggression. The two lords shake hands as uneasy friends, and Lord Duncan removes his troops from the front. He sets his sights on supporting his brother’s efforts in the north—this front may be closed, but the war is far from over.   Every time Duncan closes his eyes, all he can see are the rivers of blood of his men, of Costayne’s, of Florent’s. The harsh beaches of Breakwater stained crimson from his failures there. So many lives ruined, from the men themselves to their families waiting for them back home in vain. Soon enough the war will end, and peace will reign, and his dreams for the smallfolk in his lands can be fully realized. Soon.   Host RP | Koen27
The Duel of Mopatis and Costayne, Summerhall, 1 day after the funeral of Jack Oakheart 420 AC
(This RP Death of a POV or Main Character, has been approved by both players.)   The duel has been dragged on for nigh an hour now, and both Aelyx and Tom have inflicted many blows on one another. As Aelyx tries to regain his balance from an earlier volley, Long Tom lunges forward directly towards his enemy. Aelyx feels a stinging pain in the left side of his chest and as he looks down through his blurry dry eyes he catches a glimpse of the Reachman's sword piercing through his chest, just below his heart. He looks up at Thomas Costayne in defiance. If looks could kill there would be no life left in Lord Costayne, yet there he stood. As Aelyx looked upon his face it began to blur and his focus started to shift to the sky behind. It is a beautiful day with the sun shining bright on the lush green fields around Summerhall. Although way too soon, it was a good day to die.   Exhausted and out of breath he slowly removes his sword from the chest of The Prince of Peril, who drops to his knees in the grass below him. His sword Qoy Samvi slipped from his hand as he fell backwards onto the grassy field in which he had been fighting for his life for the past hour.   There lay Aelyx Mopatis, The Prince of Peril, Commander of The Windblown, Wielder of Qoy Samvi, Slayer of Queen Visenya and Heir to Pentos. And now he has passed away from this world…   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Long Tom returns to his lands terribly wounded, sweating from fever the infections his wounds have caused. If not for the fact Oldtown has the best maesters to treat him, Long Tom would not have survived his wounds. Laid up in bed two weeks, he receives news his forces were routed at the Fireplum Gardens, but Florent has broken House Fossoway of New Barrel. Now that they were weakened and the defense against Dorne goes as well as can be hoped, Armstead led the taking of Starfall. Tom’s heart swells with pride; his son is doing well.   Tom sends word that after the funeral of Oakheart, he was challenged to a duel by Aelyx Mopatis, a duel Tom accepted wishing to avenge the late queen. Aelyx had the advantage, being far younger and wielding his house's legendary sword, but Tom would not be afraid. The 7 protect him. Tom had no doubts and so surrounded by enemies watching from the stands, Tom prays as he enters the arena, the Mopatis family hurling insults from the stands. The people watching were all vocal and loud in support of Aelyx as he entered, encouraging the young man. Aelyx ignores it all including his family telling him to kill Tom. Instead Aelyx focuses his pure hatred upon Tom and without a word from either of them a long and deadly dance began.   After a full hour of fighting with strikes landing back and forth, Tom stood victorious over Aelyx, though horribly wounded himself. He thanks the 7 for their protection once more…   Free City of Qohor | Gaming Snake
I still remember the alliance between Costayne and Dorne, but it seems this has come to an end.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
I remember an alliance between myself and Costayne, Vaegon always respected them and still does. That’s why he didn’t kill Lord Costayne when he came riding to Summerhall for Jack Oakheart’s funeral. But Bracken has forced war upon the realm. I could no longer sit idly by as my vassals were attacked and violated by his reach lords.   Aegar's perspective during and after the duel between Aelyx Mopatis and Thomas Costayne
Young Prince Aegar watched the duel in agony, closing his eyes every time Aelyx was hit, praying for him to survive. At first it seemed Aelyx would have the upper hand, moving around lively and swift, avoiding the blows of Costayne's sword. The longer the fight went on, the more tired Aelyx got. And Lord Costayne, an older and wiser man, took this advantage to wear down his opponent. When eventually Costayne plunged his sword in Aelyx's stomach Aegar's heart stopped for a moment.   There he lay, dead in the grass, and all Aegar could do was stare at the lifeless body of his friend. Aegar admired him, perhaps even loved him. In the moment he was overcome with disbelief, as if he could not trust his own eyes anymore. Next to him Horro Mopatis turned to rage, and needed to be held back by Vaegon’s guards or he would attack the much weakened Lord Costayne.   On the inside he was screaming, crying, and fighting whoever he thought was involved. It was Costayne who killed him, but Aegar’s own father could’ve prevented this from happening by taking the Lord captive or forbidding the fight from happening. For a brief moment he even blamed himself for failing to save Aelyx. Failing to convince him to sail to Essos together sooner. The day before they had spoken together about returning to The Windblown company together, but it was not to be.   On the outside however Aegar appeared to remain calm, still staring at the lifeless body of his friend.   Hours later once everyone had left the place of the arena, King Vaegon had returned to Summerhall getting ready to meet up with his army near Hasty Hall, and Lord Costayne was long gone on his way back home. Aegar could not blame the old lord, he was only fighting to return to his family, and it would be cruel for his friend Armstead to never see his father again.   Aegar returned to the palace with the sun setting behind him. A determined look could be seen in his eyes. But there was no one around to see him. Aegar had lived in Summerhall his entire life and knew exactly which hallways to take when avoiding being spotted. He gathered what supplies he could take from the palace kitchen, no more than to survive for a couple days.   When approaching the stables he nearly got caught by five riders heading north. Aegar could not see who they were in the dark of the night. All that was visible to him were the five silhouettes of horses and riders disappearing in the distance, as he felt a chill over his spine. He entered the stables cloaked and packed and saw that his father's horse was gone. Next to it was the stable of a greyish black horse. It was Aegar's plan to remain hidden and not draw too much attention so this one would do.   They stormed out the building as quiet as the wind of the night. His cloak waving in the wind momentarily revealed the scimitar-like sword Soy Samvi, The sword of Prince Aelyx Mopatis, by the side of the Prince Aegar.   He looks back at Summerhall as it disappears behind the trees behind him. He thinks of his father, whom he might never see again. He thinks of his mother and sister who will wake up finding the letter he left on his bed telling them to await his return, saying he is not where he had gone to keep his tracks covered.

Ominous Beginnings

  House Magnar | The North | Verus_Dolar
A thick white fog draped itself over the shipwrecked bay. All that is seen is eerie blank sails, standing through the fog, as their looming silhouettes are only broken up by the flashes of lighting riding across the sky. The only sound heard breaking up the lapping of waves crashing upon the cliffs were hundreds of oars slicing into the sea.   Their destination is unknown.

Prayers to the New Gods

  Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Lords and ladies, rich and poor, mothers and fathers—heed well,
For a looming tempest darkens our realm's tranquil dell,
As somber clouds foretell a storm, despair's embrace draws near,
Yet the Mother's benevolence guides, alleviating every fear.   To these fervent entreaties, let your hearts surrender, oh hear my plea,
Embrace the path of virtuous light, cast away your sinful plea,
In the Mother's loving presence, find solace, find your way,
Shun the allure of sinful acts, let the night be turned to day.   Every one of you, I implore, embrace the faith of the Seven's light,
Nurture spirit, wisdom's glow, and share our truth, both day and night,
No burden great, no heavy yoke, spread our word, embrace the creed,
Build sanctuaries, holy shrines, in the name of the Seven, heed.   In devotion's sacred flame, your heart and soul shall truly sing,
Rewards divine for faithful hearts, while sinful souls in torment cling,
So I have spoken, and may the Mother bless with strength anew,
May the Crone enlighten your path, and the Stranger remain known to few.   Anyone who holds the Faith dear and believes they are worthy of its rewards and even punishments! - You can build (gift to the order of the Septon) holy places within your territories. A neutral place to spread the true beliefs. Acts of benevolence can be rewarded, while acts of sin will be openly scorned. The choice is yours. May faith light your way   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
I hear the words of Septa Caelia and they fill my heart with hope again. It seems that The Seven are still strong even when the east is under attack of Essos's dark magics. The Day Watch will support your quest to strengthen the faith again and to build holy places.

Great Tournament of Ny Sar, Continued

  Free City of Ny Sar | KingEridani
With preparations in full for the coming of the year of the bull, and with it the grand tournament, the city of Ny Sar swells with traders and merchants from all over Esos. With those that traveled from the west comes also news of border strife once more in the disputed lands. The city magistrates draw up new deployments for the legion, and patrols are sent forth to escort foreigners from the border. Gul Dukat himself made a public appearance in which he shared a sentiment of empathy with the humble merchant, and reassured the hungry crowds that the tournament would not be delayed.   Registration for the tourney is open to all; I think I said 7 cycles so I'll post up the lobby on turn 8   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
With most of Westeros at war, I doubt many Westerosi have time for fun and games in Essos

Braavosi Restoration

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Magistrate Qarlon Jaqen has managed to navigate his first serious crisis of his term. Not only has the elder statesman secured an alliance with Norvos, but has also diplomatically ended the crisis at Braavos. The City of Lorath has signed a trade agreement and a treaty of friendship with the Vale. This was a hotly debated issue as anti-Westerosi sentiment is high within the Lorathi senate. Qarlon managed to bypass the issue by turning the leading men's frustration against the Targaryen dynasty.   Magistrate Jaqen has decided to take up residence in the Braavos reconstruction camp to directly oversee the recolonization of the once great city. In a surprising move, Qarlon has left his daughter Seresha as acting Magistrate of Lorath during his absence. Qarlon's good track record and his insistence that his son Banyani is needed for a diplomatic mission has calmed the patriarchal senate for now.   Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
The Magisters of Lys have "voted" to send a delegation to Lorath to offer their support for the reconstruction of Braavos. Among the caskets bringing all sort of Lysene amenities and delicacies to soften their future public of Lorathi senators, lies a sealed envelope bearing the text of the speech, personally written by Moredo Rogare, that the Chief Delegation will read in the Senate:  
Pentoshi, Myrmen, Volantenes, Lyseni, Qohorik, Norvosi, Tyroshi, Lorathi, Braavosi, We all grew accustomed, in time, to consider each other as rivals, protected by our impenetrable walls, by some unfathomable magic or by some unbeatable troop of Unsullied. We all grew accustomed to prefer the exotic, the alien, the outsider to our own neighbour, sneering at our brethren while embracing those who only see us as cashiers, whoremongers or slavers.   Be honest with yourself, and tell yourself you didn't smile at the news that Braavos, the mighty, the invincible, fell. Whose turn is it to stay on top?   Yet, the moment we thought that - even for just a second - we all began falling with her. For the loss of one of us - of the strongest of us no less! - affects us way more than we realize: it shows we are not impenetrable anymore, or we never were, even if we believed so. It shows our freedom is not something we value above our interests, but is just for show, a means to justify our limitless, thus unattainable, ambitions. And gives all men the drive to collect those relics of a name "Free" Cities, one by one.   This is why the Magisters of Lys - all of us, as one man - have come to applaud Lorath, for her courageous and noble initiative of reclaiming the lost city. With her restoration comes the opportunity to affirm once again our core value, that of independence from all and above!   Thank you, Lorath. Lys will always be grateful to you. And for that, all members of the Senate will have a 3x2 offer discount for the Summer Islanders "dancers" of our Pleasure Gardens! Enjoy ;)
  Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
"The Rogares always have such a great way with words. Fair better than I could ever have said it. Here, here Lys. Lorath has done us proud."


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