Season 4, Turn 11 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 11

Days 1 - 15 of the Sixth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
The South Road Offensive
The Campfire crackled as the soldiers sat around pouring one another sourly tasting mystery soup from the boiling pot over the fire. The night was cold in the Forest, with anxiety laying in the men, only reprieved by the sour soup. Much had already fallen asleep, with many expecting another ride in the morning against King Vaegon’s rear trails. The men on watch were sharing stories of their previous charges just last fortnight   "I swear to the gods Tommand here charged a cart with just a sword on his horse, took the heads of the guards clean off, and sent them flying 20 yards away." said the scraggly soldier, his brown hair greased to the sides from sweat. He was nearly spilling his bowl of sour soup.   "That’s not true you idiot, it was one man and he slashed his chest. Took him ten minutes just to fully die" another soldier interjected, this one having short blonde hair. He was older than the rest, with colder eyes.   "You both are lying. I saw him pissing himself in a bush as we began our charge into the carts," chimed in a third man. He was no older than twenty, his facial hair still growing in.   One of the soldiers cut in, "Guys look!". Pointing towards the castle in Appleton, one of the trebuchets landed a flaming sack pile into one of the windows. Within a minute smoke started coming out of the tower as the fire in the room shinedcout into the dark night. Leaning in-between two others who were sitting, he said "With shots like those, we'll be back on the south Road before the month's end." Spilling a little of his soup in his cup on the guy to his left.   Another Soldier raised his cup. "King Vaegon's surrender is not long now. Soon we all can go back home" he proclaimed.   "Yea, so you can go back to riding pigs and sneaking off to practice kissing on them" the twenty year old guard chimed in with. They all laughed as the moonlight shined on the smoking tower   House Fossoway (Red) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Ricky Norris
Vaegon this war is done, even if you cannot see it. I feel we could have been good friends as peers. However, you lack the temperament to be King. I was reluctant to swear to Tom as my brother had already sworn to you. I have regretted this decision. I told myself I would stick it out for the war, and I have. No longer will I bend knee to Summerhall!   I swear my fealty to Thomas Costayne and through them Otho Bracken. May the Reach and the Realm know a new age of prosperity.   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
As news arrives of David’s bending the knee to Costayne, Lord Duncan Fossoway sits in front of a roaring fire in New Barrel . Duncan is usually a sober man, but in the weeks since he signed peace with Lord Florent, he has been isolating himself, nursing a drink for hours at a time as he stares into the flames. Amidst the inferno, he sees the bodies of his men at Breakwater, at Fireplum Gardens. Men bleeding out on the beaches, in the fields, never to see their loved ones again.   With a sigh that ripples across all his flesh and bone, Duncan nods. He is happy for his brother, to have found peace through submission. He had considered it himself, the letter sitting on his desk from Long Tom himself. He does not want any more men to die needlessly, whether directly under his leadership or through coin sent to his king. But he cannot bring himself to bow to Costayne, at least not directly.   Duncan stands up and ambles over to the table, his last will and testament resting upon it, finally completed and signed. His hand rests upon it for a moment, two, three, before he walks back toward the fire. This evening, he had told all his staff to have the day off, to go be with their family—they had gladly taken the opportunity without a second thought, of course, and he was happy for them.   Duncan knew that there could be a place for him, under the new order. He was a bright young man with bold dreams. However, he knew in his heart that he was only an obstacle to true change, the kind of change that could bring prosperity and joy to the masses if it was given a chance. He felt a burning impatience for the smallfolk, to give them the opportunities he had promised them. Instead, he had led them headlong into a losing war, a servant at the altar of death.   In front of the fire lay Oathkeeper in all her glory, unsheathed and glimmering. Lord Duncan knelt down and grabbed Oathkeeper by the hilt, extending it toward the fire but not touching it with its tip. He turned the blade in his hands, so that it now pointed towards him, towards his stomach. Staring down the blade, he thought of all the bloodshed he had been party to, through his failures in leadership. He thought of all the thousands newly orphaned by the wars he had participated in. He remembered one soldier at Breakwater, feebly crawling towards him as his entrails hung behind him. Lord Duncan had plunged his blade into the soldier’s back to mercifully end his life and, though he knew it was the right thing, it still haunted him.   Duncan hoped that, whatever happened after he died, he would face some justice for what he had wrought, and that the people would flourish for his demise. With tears streaming down his cheeks and mingling in his beard, Lord Duncan Fossoway of New Barrel thrust his blade into his belly, gripping the sides of Oathkeeper to bury it deeper in. Grunting, weeping, Lord Duncan bled out, to be discovered the next morning by his staff, the fire extinguished in the night.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
House Fossoway of Cider Hall your fealty is accepted and you are welcomed back into my house's halls once more. A feast will be held as soon as I am able to host such things. This civil war in The Reach is finally over. Now it is time for Summerhall to surrender along with those who still support him.
News of the death of Lord Duncan arrives. Tom Costayne cannot believe what has happened. House Fossoway of Cider Hall is ordered to tend to his brother, collect his family's sword as he is now its rightful heir, and ensure all is in order for the transition of leadership in the region.
Armstead reports Danye’s forces have been wiped out completely from the area. Davos of Dayne is gone from The Reach and cannot be found. He has either fled to the mountains, to Kingsgrave, or is dead amongst the men he lead. A search is conducted, but has so far been without luck. Negotiations with Dorne are ongoing and if peace is not soon found, many more Reachmen and Dornishmen will die. But Armstead is in high spirits hearing Fossoway has switched sides and Florent was on his way south to help against Dorne should peace talks fail. This news has brought some comfort to armstead.   House Florent | Kingdom of the Andals | Fey
What about the greatsword Dawn? Have you found it? Claim it as yours!   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Armstead is being praised as a great general with skills to move his men as if he sees the future. Armstead possesses no foresight, though the gods do smile upon him. His father’s personal history fighting Blackmont with tactics and notes from 2 different wars there have come in handy.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
Ser Grandison stopped his horse atop the hill, tightening its reins so that it turned about. Below, marched the Army of the Cape without him. The ravens they had received from Stonehelm’s maester confirmed Lord Selwyn Wensington’s words.   And upon reading its contents, he did all he could for House Swann, in the hopes he had saved what little the house would have left, in Lady Ellyria’s wake. He hoped young Robert would understand the lengths he went to for them. But it ultimately mattered not.   Ser Grandison would retire to his land on the Slayne and work its fields until his ignoble death. A fitting end for a commander that oversaw the Stormlands’ greatest losses in recent memory. The fate of their realm now solely rests on the men who marched below.

Death of a King, Continued

  House Mormont | The North | Knight
The morning is both a beautiful sight and a dreaded inevitability for the young woman currently occupying the guest room of Deepwood Motte. They had just arrived the night before from Bear Island, and if all went well they were only resting for the night before continuing to Winterfell. She doesn't have long to think about what comes next before a knock comes at the door.   "Your Grace, a message has arrived for you." the voice of a man says from the other side of the door shortly after knocking.   "Go on, what is it" she calls out without getting up from the bed. "Lady Maria Mormont wishes you to know that the lords and ladies of the North stand with you. All but the treacherous House Ryswell are ready to accept you as Queen of the North." She sighs. "Then it is time. Is that all?" "Yes, Your Grace. Would you like me to prepare the carriage?" "No, some horses will do. It will be quicker that way, and less conspicuous. Have the others ready to follow behind." "As you wish."   The woman looks out the window once more, the morning light a stark contrast to her inner thoughts. "I can't sit here and cry about it. That's not what they would have wanted.." As she says this a large furry beast picks up its head to look at her with a mix of confusion and worry. Behind it were two more of similar size still sound asleep. The bears see the girl as family, understanding that she is the kin of their mother and often sensing her negative emotions as they would with Maria. "It's okay- I'm okay. At least I think so." she says trying to reassure the creature that was now continually staring at her, and then without missing a beat she quickly jumps out of bed to begin the day.   Two groups leave the Glover lands that day. One is a handful of horseback riders, and the other a convoy of armed cavalry, wagons, and the three bears that Lady Mormont has become known for. The riders go ahead of the other group, Lyanna discreetly among their ranks, while the other group brings supplies and otherwise acts as a decoy. It is a tense trip for the convoy, but after a few days everyone arrives at Winterfell safely.   When Lyanna enters the keep, she does so with a somber look as she thinks of her parents and her siblings, many of whom she believed would be far better than her to rule the North. But it's when she thinks this that the memory of her being asked to stay at Winterfell when her family left for the Ryswell lands came back to the forefront of her mind. Her father had picked her, from among everyone, to look after their home and take over should something happen. And now something had happened, and she needed to take over. The North needs a strong leader, and as a Stark she'll be damned if she's going to be weak when she is needed most.   Her resolve strengthened, she makes her way further inside and takes the High Seat of the Old Kings of Winterfell. It is there that over the course of several days many lords reaffirm their oaths of fealty to Lyanna and to House Stark, their new Queen promising them all to protect the North and avenge their fallen King. Her first act as Queen once this is complete is to declare Ræva Ryswell and all who follow her enemies of the North for the murder of King Johnathan Stark and the majority of his family in an attempt to end the Stark bloodline. The North is united, and they will have justice for their King.   House Ryswell | Eddy
Queen Ræva Ryswell condemns in the strongest terms this monstrous act of greed. Lady Mormont, the spider behind this puppet Stark, desires only our land. No doubt she will claim piously that she means to hand it to some other poor soul, but the revenues flow to the crown. This greed will end a noble house, and we call on the Lords of Westeros and The North to reject this act of violence. Upon the joyful discovery of Lyanna alive, Queen Ryswell swiftly dropped her claim to the throne. She will not, however, swear to a puppet queen under the thumb of a vindictive lady.   House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
Let it be known to the Realm that this pretender "Stark girl" is nothing more than a common bed whore, probably selected from this animal known as Brittlefang after one of his "conquests." What little reputation my name or lack there of carries in this world, House Torrent of Littlesister of the Vale and loyal vassal to King Jamie I, King of Mountain and Vale , offers any support we can to House Ryswell and their rightful Queen,
— Ser Godric Stone, Lord Viceroy of Solitude
  House Ryswell | Eddy
I thank you, Lord Viceroy. Perhaps these greedy Northlords will back down before blood is shed…   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Greta Cavebear: The Thenns strongly condemn the Ryswells, and have not overlooked their blatant and failed attempt to wipe out the stark line. The Northmen will stand by House Stark, and so will the Freefolk beyond the wall. Mormont and Flint will uphold the legacy of the Northmen until Lady Stark is of age to rule.   In the meantime, a new, stronger bond has been formed between Lord Magnus Magnar and the representatives of the Thenn clan. We intend to stay united, because we know the vultures are circling. Brittlefang will be freed and his torture avenged. The Vale shall pay for their betrayal of House Stark!


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