Season 4, Turn 07 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 07

Days 1 - 15 of the Fourth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Death of a King

  Host RP | Jack Handy
~Lady Ræva Ryswell, called Little One by her father, had spent most of her childhood living on the edge of the world. Long days playing within the outskirts of the Dothraki Sea, while Edward Ryswell tried to maintain what little he had in this place abandoned by the Gods. Every evening, around the dinner table, her father would tell tales from back home, about brave knights and evil Queens. He'd curse Queen Visenya Targaryen and her family, while speaking about how the Great Wolf, John Stark, would one day bring Edward home and return his family to their previous glory. Ræva was only 18 when all of her father's wishes came true. The Starks had welcomed him and his Essos army back to the North and Visyena Targaryen was dead. The war was over and the Ryswells were finally home....   But this peace was short lived, as the Melee at Oldtown would change everything. There an evil man known as the Green Knight killed her father, cut him down without regard, and broke a young woman's heart. Few seemed to care, as nothing was ever done to the Green Knight, or his Dragon King. John Stark couldn't risk making an enemy when he had plans to expand his Kingdom south. Little Ræva was now the ruler of House Ryswell, alone and enraged.   In 420 AC, as the North prepared for War in the South against House Bracken, Ræva invited King Stark and his family to her home, Glenmore Keep, to honor and celebrate him for welcoming her and her father back to the North and to discuss the plans of invasion through the Riverlands.   Stark, unaware of any ill will towards him from the Lady, arrived at her castle with his wife and son. Stark's young daughter was unable to come as she was on Bear Island visiting her Aunt.   As the night went on, all seemed festive and joyous, as John Stark drank much wine and ate till he was full. What happened next is up for debate as House Ryswell has said little about the incident but what is known is that members of Ræva's guard entered the room and began to butcher members of House Stark, who arrived with very few soldiers.   Lady Stark was stabbed in the stomach and died the next morning. The Stark boy was lynched from the castle walls and John Stark was forced to watch it all. He was then held down on a great table, as Ræva climb atop him and plunged a dagger into his heart, some say 100 times. Rumors say she bathed in his blood and danced through the great hall. That morning, she ordered her army to march on Winterfell, and to kill the last Stark. How would this affect the alliance with the Free Folk? Would the North continue their invasion south? Much is unknown at this time but one thing is true, a great man was betrayed and murdered. Many are calling it the Massacre at Glenmore Keep, others want to call it The Red Supper, while some are just calling it the Guest Right   House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
~Ser Godric Stone, looking out towards the Bite from Breakwater castle, sees the sails from Brittlefang Breakwater Bite. Thousands of ships begin to head straight for him. Godric is not worried, as any half-man, savage such as Brittlefang, doesn't stand a chance in a naval battle with him. A servant walks out of his room, clenching a small note from a Raven. He bows and stands there, nervously. Godric, who is unable to read but not willing to admit it, talks to the servant without looking at him, still staring out into the sea.   "What does it say?"   "Kk King Stark has bb been killed, m'lord," he stutters through his response.   Godric smiles. "Excellent. Now we will drown his savage dog at Sea and march on White Harbor."   House Ryswell | The North | Eddy
I, Lady Ræva Ryswell, do take my place as the rightful Queen of the North. It is a great tragedy! Lord Stark was set upon by rogue wildling bandits on the road, where his wife and son were brutally murdered! Grievously wounded he made his way to Glenmore Keep where he whispered in my ear that I had his blessing to become Queen of the North! I call Ladies Flint and Mormont and Lord Magnar to bend the knee, and will continue relations with the Thenns and Frostfangs.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Magnar Brittlefang has learned a thing or two about naval warfare since he touched down in White Harbor for the first time. His flagship The Northern Winds leads a towering fleet of ex-pirates into Breakwater Bite, crushing the resistance there as he makes his was back to the shining city at the mouth of the bite   News of King John Stark alarms him! This could mean the collapse of the Kingdom of the north, which could hurt his people   House Mormont | The North | Knight
Lady Ræva Ryswell is a fool if she thinks the North will believe such a fantastical tale and so readily accept her, and if she were not the daughter of the late Lord Edward Ryswell I'd think this story the product of stupidity and would struggle to call her a 'Lady" of the North. No, a far more believable tale is spreading through the North, and I'll make sure the truth does not get buried in the lies.. Let it be known that our King's body was likely not even cold by the time she penned that letter demanding our fealty.. and in her haste this opportunistic traitor made a foolish mistake: Lyanna Stark's body was never found. The North Remembers.
— Maria Mormont, Lady of Bear Island
  House Ryswell | The North | Eddy
We are searching for her body as we speak, Lady Mormont! My people are carrying the Stark family's bodies to Winterfell in the grandest procession the North has ever seen.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Magnar Brittlefang considers the new status quo. The two great men of the North are gone. The loss of John Stark and Lord Titus Crowl leaves no obvious successor, but the answer is surely not Lady Ryswell, who sits unproven and without accolades. This was the same issue he had with Lord Magnar, the Bastard Crowl, and why he opposed his rule beyond the wall, so it cannot go to him either!   The North needs a man proven in battle and capable of wielding diplomatic weight. Better yet, it needs two of them. A new Stark, and a New Crowl. Brittlefang cannot be that man, as his place has always been ruling the Freefolk. The Northmen are not his people, but perhaps he can help the Northmen make a decision…   House Flint | The North | Anathelius
Lady Flint looks up across the Bay of Flint's Finger. Silent and still she lets the letter, informing her of King Stark’s death slip from her hands. Giving herself a moment, she quietly greaves for the King, wishing for him to have a place with the old gods and find peace.   Collecting herself she rises from her chair and informs the Flint council of what has transpired. Sadness hangs in the air. After a brief pause she retakes her seat. "Send ravens to all the Lords and Lady's of the North. There shall be no civil war. No infighting. The north will stand strong and will not be bowed or broken. Ensure land and people they need someone to look to have a Lord or Lady to ensure they are safe. Send word to all the Houses of the north to meet at Winterfell, and ready our retinue so that we may join them. I have not fought two wars against people that looked to oppress the north just to see it destroyed from within."   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
One of the members of the alliance of the 4 Kings, has died.   Now far from these battles, my friend and ally has died, betrayed. Which breaks my heart. However, I will not travel north to say goodbye to my friend. At least not now. We will make a ceremony at the Eyrie with the 7. I know that they weren't their gods. But King Stark needs peace and rest, and I would pray to every god to save his soul.   May the Old and the New Gods be with him.   House Karstark | The North | Damia Rose
"Another leader of The North is dead. Maester Marak, tell me I have read that message wrong and that it does not say that King Stark is gone. Tell me that my eyes have deceived me or that I learned one of my grammar lessons incorrectly. Tell me that we have not lost another man such as he." Her eyes filled with tears as her hand tightened on the parchment.   "You read it right, my dear. King Johnathan Stark is with the Old Gods. Unfortunately, I must tell you that there are conflicting reports as to his cause of death. Some are saying it was a betrayal at House Ryswell's own hands. The Ryswells are attempting to dispel this with their own account of a wilding attack. Even further, Lady Ryswell, well my Lady, she is calling herself the next Queen of the North. There is a call for all to meet in Winterfell."   Large teardrops finally fell down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut. "The circumstances of his death are unclear. Rumors of her own house doing the deed. And yet she has the audacity to claim the title of Queen." Her hand started to shake from the force with which her hand was grasping the parchment now. "I see. Thank you, Maester Marak. I ask that you send out a message of my own to the Houses of the North, Thenns, and the Frostfang Clan. I would write it myself if I thought I wouldn't pierce a quill through to the other side right through. Tell them I will see them in Winterfell. Tell them that we will get to the bottom of this, together. And make sure, Maester, to include a special note to Lady Ryswell that King Stark's body best be left as is so that we all may see exactly what became of him. Lest she think of any more trickery. I'm going to see Katlina and then I will be preparing to leave at once. We ride at first light."

Disagreement over Fleet of Pentos

  Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Twenty Pentoshi trading ships are needlessly and brutally murdered via an invasion fleet of the Myrish at Myrish Traders Route   Despite the two coming to terms relatively recently, though the deal never materialised to the agreement, this savage betrayal by the Myrish is condemned by Pentos.   Prince Horro, currently residing in Summerhall has called the attacks "A true showing of the Characters of Essos currently"

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
The Battle at Lannister Ships
Caelia stood overlooking the scene before her, the palpable sense of unease threatening to shroud her composure. The Ironborn, their ships numbering around 50,000, had assembled at the confluence of Prester Waters, marking a critical juncture at the borders of Lannisport. "This battle," she mused, "is poised to shape the future, to test the depths of our mettle, and to reveal our resolve." Her gaze, usually serene, was now tinged with a fierce, deep-seated anger and hatred. "You think I haven't seen, haven't been preparing for this moment? This is my destiny, my life's culmination," she whispered, a faint, sheepish smile gracing her lips. "My entire existence has been a preparation for this very hour; the time is now, and I shall not waver. This obstacle," she trailed off, casting her gaze once more upon the turbulent, agitated sea, "is but a pebble upon my path to the destiny I've carved."   As Caelia's fervor and intensity radiated, two soldiers had been engaged in a heated debate over whether to approach her. The newcomer on the left, having drawn the shorter straw, initially struggled to muster the courage. Caelia's demeanor was far from her usual elegance, and the air was thick with apprehension. Her stunning beauty and serene presence were momentarily overshadowed by an aura of unease and fear. After some prodding and encouraging shoves from his comrade, the hesitant soldier managed to stammer out, "W-we ar' read-y Miss, I m-mean, lady, sorr-y, ehrm, S-septa Caelia..."   Caelia's response was sharp and impatient, "What is it?!" Realizing her own brusqueness, she promptly composed herself, her demeanor transforming into an ethereal calm, as if she were an angel descended from the heavens. With a gentle grace, she replied, "What is it, soldier? How may I be of assistance?"   The soldier, taken aback by this sudden transformation and charmed by her grace, stumbled over his words, "Our fleet, m'lady, we are ready to engage."   With a nod of acknowledgment, Caelia sent the soldier on his way, gliding past him as she made her way to the dock. The soldiers nearby struggled to maintain their footing amidst the tempestuous weather and her daunting presence. The stakes were high, with their fleet at a disadvantage, and the odds seemed insurmountable. Gathering her indomitable will, she called upon the blessings of the Mother and her inner resolve, declaring, "Gather around me, everyone; it is time for a prayer."   Her voice resonated through the tempest, cutting through the clamor and discord of the storm. As a circle formed around her, Caelia stood in the center, both leader and supplicant. She began by uttering her prayers softly, an intimate conversation with the Mother, before raising her voice for all to hear. "Dear Mother, heed my call. I summon you to this forsaken place, where shadows loom and darkness reigns, and yet it stands high enough for our voices to reach you under the veiled, stormy night." Her words were imbued with a power that commanded attention and devotion. "Hear my prayer, bless these men who stand beside me, grant us the strength to overcome our adversaries in this hour of need."   Like a radiant beacon, her prayer transmitted across the waves, reaching the neighboring ships. Men of the sea knelt, echoing the fervor of her prayer, their collective voices rising above the roaring storm. Her words, forceful and enigmatic, surged with an invigorating power, and the soldiers on each ship were ready, not just to fight, but to defend their Septa with their very lives. The faith of the Seven, guided by the light of the Mother, ignited their spirits as they prepared to meet the coming onslaught.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
In the plains outside of Bronzegate, history has changed.   Thousands of years ago, a battle was won outside the Bronzegate by King Monfryd V Durrandon against the Andal invaders. It is recorded that King Monfryd V decisively defeated the Andals by baiting a charge out of the petty warlords, intentionally weakening his center as to encircle his enemies who charged too deep into his battle-line. Unfortunately, poor Monfryd had put himself in his weakened center to give morale to his soldiers which cost him his own life.   Few have even heard of this battle, let alone the death of King Monfryd, but one of those few who have is Prince Alexander, son of Otho Bracken. Raised as the intended heir of House Bracken his whole life, he has a mind for strategy that few others possess.   When his father appointed him to lead the attack on Storm’s End, Prince Alexander knew that in order to win he had to understand the Stormlands, down to the last river. It is no surprise that he quickly read about the Battle for Bronzegate.   When one of Vaegon’s largest hosts, led by Lord Fell, was positioned in the very plains that King Monfryd was slain upon, Alexander rushed to meet the enemy in battle at such an opportune location. Having rallied every possible soldier he could for battle, Alexander positioned his strongest soldiers on the left flank of his infantry, with his cavalry deployed predominantly to the right of his formation.   Prince Alexander eagerly called for his soldiers to rally for a charge against the unprepared Lord Fell, quickly smashing his own infantry into his enemy. While Lord Fell had initial success in pushing back the Royal Army, the left flank of Alexander stood firm. As a result, the line of battle shifted over time to the left, giving the perfect opportunity for the Royal Cavalry, under Lord Cox, to hammer and anvil the rear of the Targaryen army after defeating Lord Fell’s cavalry. With the cavalry engaging in the rear of Lord Fell’s army at will, it was clear the battle was over.   In short order the Royal Forces prevailed, causing a stampede of a route to the nearby Bronzegate as thousands wanted protection behind the high stone walls. There was no safety to be had. Prince Alexander ordered a quick pursuit, not granting Lord Buckler the chance to open the gates to his retreating allies. Thousands were cut down at the very gate of the Bronzegate, no mercy granted.   Lord Buckler, promised mercy if he simply surrendered his castle to the massive Royal Army outside his lands, opened the gates and was quickly placed under house arrest in his own keep. With over 32,000 soldiers of Summerhall slain, in exchange for 20,000 Royalists, it is clear that the Second Battle for Bronzegate has been a decisive victory for the Andals.   House Dayne | Kingdom of Summerhall | Tadashi
~Lord Davos Dayne, having invaded the outside of House Costayne, feels not as good as he got word from his homeland Starfall being besieged and effortlessly taken but not pillaged nor damaged by Lord Tom.   ~Lord Davos returns to retake House Dayne of Starfall for good and regrouping with his other remaining armies. "Having the effort to fight alone against Lord Tom is enduring and tolerating the slow defeat, surely grasping the upper hand in the battlefield. We shall ride and retake Starfall. Our enemies' main forces are closer than our friendlies thus we need to ride home hastily. Move out!"   Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
The Battle at Lannisport Part II
The wind howled like a deranged banshee, tearing through the ranks of the faithful defenders, as they clung desperately to the sides of the gallant galleys. The seas off the shores of Lannisport churned in a maddening frenzy, echoing the grim determination of the Ironborn, who numbered fifty thousand strong. Their ships, though small and agile, appeared like a relentless wave, crashing upon the hopeful but outnumbered fleet of Caelia.   The battle began with an ominous cloud of despair hanging heavy in the salty air. The Ironborn advanced with unrelenting force, their war cries blending into the thunderous roar of the waves, shaking the hearts of those loyal to Septa Caelia. The odds were stacked high against them, the shadow of defeat loomed large, and the faithful felt the crushing weight of the challenge before them.   But Caelia, a beacon of strength and unshakable faith, stood at the helm of her flagship. Her voice rang out like a clarion call, a prayer to the Mother Above. "The Seven watch over us, for we are their children," she declared, her unwavering conviction echoing over the tumultuous waters. The divine blessings coursed through her veins and those of her devout followers, their spirits lifted as they drew strength from the heavens.   As the ironborn closed in, Caelia's galleys, slow but resolute, became a bastion of unwavering faith. The gods smiled upon them, and the battle took a different turn. With unyielding resolve and the miraculous blessings of the Mother, the tide shifted. One by one, the Ironborn vessels were swallowed by the unforgiving sea.   The battle ended with a triumphant roar as the last of the Ironborn floundered in the churning waters. Caelia's soldiers, battered and weary but filled with victorious elation, raised their arms to the heavens. The sea, once turbulent, now lay still and serene. The divine power of the Seven had prevailed.   Yet this was but one battle, and the war was far from over. The Ironborn would regroup, their thirst for revenge unquenched. For Septa Caelia, it was a daunting path that lay ahead, but her faith remained unwavering, a guiding light through the darkness of conflict, for there were more battles yet to be fought.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
"What the fook did you just say?"   Ser Grandison knew the news would not be taken lightly. Which is why he personally offered to deliver it. But the knight drastically underestimated the bigotry of the man across from him. Which he soon learned after attempting to calm him.   "...they are here to lend us their aid, Lord Wylde. They are not-"   "Not our enemy?" the Lord sneered. His face then grew redder than a Fossoway apple. "The fookin' Dornish are on our lands, and you expect me to think they're here to help?!"   Lord Wylde's arrival with his half wildling allies had proven him even more unruly than them. Loud and brash, it took constant effort to stave off the Lord's desire for battle. So for now of all times....   "They are sworn to King Vaegon. He sent them-"   "I don't fookin' care if the High Septon sent them! Our ancestors fought those salty bastards for hundreds of years for a reason! During the Century of Blood, House Swann itself fought Yronwood, and put them down like the dogs they were. And last fookin' year, they invaded our lands. Burnt our fields. Raped our towns." The maelstrom of emotions the man felt reached their crescendo. "...and they took the life of my own brother before my very eyes. And you say they're here to help?" In a blink, the man violently overturns a table between them, bewildering several officers in the room. "What the hell did Ellyria say about that? After all her talk of getting Dorne to pay us what we're owed? She instead just lets them land by the thousands on our shores freely?!" Ser Grandison could not answer. "I tolerated her because she was my cousin's lady. And half the pretty things she said didn't sound half bad. But I'll be DAMNED before that foreign bitch sells OUR land-"   Ser Grandison conspicuously moved his hand to his hilt, while another knight drew his sword. Though they were the only two in the room to do so. "Do not speak of the Queen Mother with such venom," he replied plainly.   Lord Wylde scoffed at him. "All I know is, between Bracken's men and the Dornish, I know who my enemy is. How bout the rest of you?! I say, we march back south and tell those bastards how welcome their help is!" Two men beat their shields in turn.   "Even if you brought every man in this army south, you would not have the numbers to turn them back. And I promise, you will not have a single one," Ser Grandison replied.   "I'd rather die protecting my lands than for a cause I couldn't give a wet fart for."   "Message!" The appearance of the page was a welcome reprieve to Grandison. He needed to gather his wits before things escalated any further.   "What is it?"   "The banners of House Wensington. They were raised after the southern host marched through his lands." Gods dammit.   "So the bastard finally shows his colors. He's officially declared for Bracken has he?" Lord Wylde voiced aloud over the clamor that followed.   "A message. He wishes to speak to you ser. He approached Lord Mertyns saying he has news."   Ser Grandison pinched his nose. The situation got worse by the moment. "...fine. Tell him I shall speak with him."   "Seems we have our excuse to march south!" Lord Wylde boasts with a grin. Ser Grandison ignored him as he left, telling a nearby captain to not let a single one of these men outside Storm's End. Even the smallest mistake now would cost them all their lives.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Long Tom, still recovering from his wounds, cannot command his forces directly. The reports are his son Armstead is doing well. 20k of Dayne’s men died taking Starfall. Following that, he organized a force to halt the march of Lord Davos of House Dayne. While at the same time has cut off Davos from Dorne, stranding him in The Reach without aid. Reports House Uller sails and marches to aid Dayne, but already Armstead set a blockade to slow their forces and inflict heavy losses while he rallies his naval forces to cut off those who survive breaking the blockade. Reports from The North, Stark has been murdered by Ryswell or wildlings.

Braavosi Restoration, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
The Lorathi Senate broke out in laughter upon hearing the offered discount for the Pleasure Gardens. Seresha rolled her eyes but did applaud alongside the senators for the Lyseni delegation. Few of the Free Cities have really cared for the rebuilding efforts for Braavos. Even the bankers scoffed at the thought of a restored Braavos. Although Lys didn't offer much aid for the city the senate still appreciated the recognition of their efforts.   Seresha hoped that this recognition would restore the faith of the Lorathi senators. Lorath simply couldn't afford to rebuild Braavos itself and has been reliant upon donations from the patrician families. It was easy for the Braavosi exiles to contribute towards their home but for Lorathi senators the cost was starting to add up. Despite her fathers reports that the city was close to being ready for limited resettlement the Pro Lorath Leviathan Party was starting to doubt the project could ever be completed.

Articles under Season 4, Turn 07


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