Daemion Mopatis Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Daemion Mopatis

Magistrate of Tilers Hamlet, Thulks Tower, and the Dragonpit Daemion Mopatis

Related Character Bio

The middle child and the one often forgotten and neglected, Daemion rules several southern Holdings in the name of his father, such as "Tilers Hamlet" "Thulks Tower" and "The Dragonpit" constructed for Daemon Targayren.   His work is often low key, dealing with issues and domestic policies. Daemion is often named as the acting ruler when his father sets off for leave.   After the war, which saw his younger half brother launched into the headlines and eventually named heir, saw Daemion at his lowest.   Working often with his Father and the only one to truly been taught to rule he always though he would be his father's heir. Not the jumped up sellsword.   The war, which in his eyes was forced due to his half sister, also saw lands taken from Daemion due to the peace deal between Pentos and Myr. With the vast majority of his being owned in the south such as "Samal" "Mylonos" and "Ny Myrelor"   The war that saw the Mopatis Family rise into a Monarchy also saw Daemion form rivalries with his siblings. Blaming them for all his losses.   Personality wise Daemion is typically calm and thoughtful. Enjoying the lesser arts and sports. He had the Dragonpit turned into a chariot course which has seen profits fill his coffers.   What is known is that he shall, at one point, battle his siblings for what he believes... is his.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

Free City of Pentos
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
393 AC 28 Years old


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