Aelyx Mopatis Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Aelyx Mopatis

Commander of the Windblown, Magistrate of the Rose and the Sylverpit, Ser Aelyx Mopatis (a.k.a. The Prince of Peril)


Not much is known about the youngest of Horro's children's upbringing. With the slender and deadly Windblown commander emerging during their war against the Targayren's with frightening efficiency.   It was only revealed after the war that "The Prince of Peril" for which he was nicknamed in reference to "The Tattered Prince" and the fear he struck in the hearts of his Targayren foes, was the son of Horro. When he was named his heir as well as receiving the famed Valyrian sword Qoy Samvi.   How Aelyx joined the Windblown is contested as is most of his past. His parentage, his upbringing before the Windblown and if he truly killed Queen Visenya is all clouded with mystery.   The common consensus is that Horro himself placed Aelyx as the squire to the former commander at aged thirteen. Records also show several unlikely people also joined the Windblown at this time such as a scribe and a priest of R'hollor. Assumed to teach the young man.   Aelyx took over command of the Windblown three years later, at the age of only Sixteen. His first task? To fight the largest and greatest dynasty Westeros had seen, the Targayrens.   Aelyx came upon them like a force of nature, as the world crushed around the dragonlords. Ensuring their defeat with Aelyx unbeaten in his campaign.   It was this record that saw him seen as a solid commander with a dangerous reputation. Made from his quiet demeanor and the ability to speak true when needed. Many either fear or dislike him with the young man not having many friends, though only a fool would not see him a threat.   In the years after the war, Aelyx has done his utmost to support his father, including keeping his sister on her Throne. The siege of Evenfall Hall for example. When the Tarths rebelled. Claiming they would never bend the knee to a foreign Queen. That may have been the case. The Prince of Peril lived up to his name, destroying all resistance and showing that if you are unable to bend the knee for his sister you shall never walk again. The Windbown causing a storm for the Storm Queen.   Though he cares little for his sister, Aelyx sees the resources have been pumped into Westeros and knows the Mopatis Family will live and die by that hand. As heir this is his priority now. To keep his family power strong.   He has a cordial and often friendly relationship with Vaegon having once been caught saying "He is one of the few Westerosi I respect". Again, the truth is clouded in mystery. Is Vaegon someone Aelyx would consider a friend? Or does he need the Targayren ties to keep Pentoshi influence on Westeros?   The commander also as takes a strong interest in his Nephew, Robert Swann. Often teaching him arms whenever they are together. Is he a family man? Or does he just want to earn the young man's allegiance?   What the future holds for the future Prince is unknown as no one can really say exactly what he will do next.   Slain when defending King Vaegon Targayren from an assassination attempt in Summerhall.  

Family Ties

Immediate Ties
House Sigil

Free City of Pentos
Date of Death
2nd Fortnight of the Third Moon
400 AC 420 AC 20 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed during a duel by Thomas Costayne


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