Ellyria Swann née Mopatis Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Ellyria Swann née Mopatis

Lady of Stonehelm, Princess of Pentos, Magister of Sylverbone Ellyria Swann- Mopatis (a.k.a. The Black Widow, The Night Bird, The Storm Queen, Visenya's Witch)


According to family servants, Ellyria has always been indulged by her father. Though a shrewd and cunning man in court, he was ever the doting father in private. Gifts, lessons, allowance; no cost was too great for his daughter. The young lady enjoyed a great amount of his attention, Horro noted to even watch her play with her dolls late into the night. The birth of her half-brother, Daemion, did little to detract from this. Some even say her education and tutors far surpassed his own.   As she grew older, she became a garrulous socialite in Pentos’ upper echelons. The Mopatis estate even becoming known for a time as 'The Maiden's Garden'. Countless young women gathered there from across the city, with countless young suitors waiting for them outside. Her love of music and the arts was widely known, and with Horro's influence, was even given parts in several performances on stage. However, she truly was talented in range, with her voice earning her the moniker 'Nightbird of Pentos'.   Due to this and Horro's growing ambitions for increased ties to Westeros, the Black Swan was to be her final suitor. Though she was aghast marrying a Westerosi, his charm, zest for life, and talent with a lute quickly won her over. Their 5 years touring the Free Cities after the wedding was some of the best of her life. The 'Blackbirds' became well-renowned in Essos. Their return to Stonehelm saw the relationship take a different turn however.   The Black Swann always resented his lordship. Though he cared for the smallfolk, he was not suited for rule. Ellyria however, was. It was no secret she openly governed in his stead. A charming host, skilled negotiator, shrewd steward, and simply ambitious, her competence did much for Stonehelm becoming a cultural mecca.   Even after Revan’s Rebelliob and the castle town’s pillaging, Stonehelm’s works attract hundreds of foreign merchants, artisans, and performers to its ports. With its prime location for trade, Pentos' influence, and their infamous seasonal balls, much clout was gained at home AND abroad far before Revan's Rebellion.   After the war’s tragic events however, and Juspar Baratheon’s death, a loyal knight to her plundered Storm's End's vaults, bringing its treasures to Stonehelm. Gasps were said to be elicited when Ellyria dawned the ancient Durrandon crown herself, and declared that the Stormlands should mimic the Northern Kings. She named herself Storm Queen, and Queen Regent for her eldest son until he came of age.   Detractors claim she slept with Vaegon to secure that throne. Others say that she was the witch Visenya spoke of, charming countless lords with blood magic. Some say that she even killed the Black Swan herself for power. But the truth is, she played the game well, and had the power and coffer of Pentos to support her. She endeared herself to, bribed, or marginalized all lords of the Stormlands to a significant degree with Storm’s End’s vaults or Mopatis coin.   Her year long reign came to an end however when Vaegon Targaryen declared against Otho Bracken. Unfortunately, the war was over before it started. Her brother’s death saw her finally flee to Pentos with her children. And was the final act of the war that caused the last of her supporters to fall in line behind Selwyn Wensington, who shortly after declared fealty to Jaehaera Targaryen and Otho Bracken. Her title of Storm Queen was lost.   Her father has now given her land in the Sylverbone to manage, naming her his next heir upon her brother Aelyx’s death. What she plots against her enemies since her dethroning, real or imagined, is anyone’s guess.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

Player (Current)
Year of Birth
388 AC 33 Years old

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