Jay Dalt Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Jay Dalt

Prince of Lemonwood, Commander of the Stepstones and Dornish Fleet Jay Dalt (a.k.a. The Lemon Prince, The Salty Prince, The Queen's Whore)


Jay Dalt was born into a world where the rugged beauty of Dorne met the noble blood of House Martell and House Dalt. His father, Deziel Dalt, and mother, Arianne Martell, provided a lineage rich in the history and tradition of the region. Raised alongside his brother, Jackson Dalt, Jay's early years were steeped in the martial and diplomatic arts, characteristic of Dornish nobility. Yet, it was the call of the sea and the lure of adventure that ultimately shaped his destiny.   Choosing to leave the comforts of nobility behind, Jay ventured into the treacherous waters of the Stepstones. There, he transcended his noble birth to become a revered pirate king, claiming dominion over these pirate-infested islands for love and adventure. This part of his life was marked by daring exploits and the forging of a legacy on the high seas.   His life took a significant turn when he met Princess Visenya Targaryen. Their ensuing love affair became a saga that rivaled the tales of old. Unlike secretive lovers of history, their relationship was open and acknowledged, celebrated even, which was a testament to the strength and authenticity of their bond. This union produced a daughter, Helaena Targaryen, embodying their love.   Jay Dalt's life was intricately woven into the fabric of the Targaryen dynasty, not only through his relationship with Princess Visenya but also through the connections he fostered with her brother and husband, Lucaelar Targaryen, as well as with King Aegor Targaryen I, the reigning monarch of their era.   The bond between Jay and King Aegor was one of mutual respect and friendship, rare for someone of Jay's unconventional path to royal favor. Aegor, known for his wisdom and age, found in Jay not just a swashbuckling pirate but a loyal and courageous friend. This relationship afforded Jay a unique position within the Royal Court, where his opinions and counsel were valued by the king himself. King Aegor admired Jay's zest for life and his unorthodox approach to the challenges that faced the realm, seeing in him the embodiment of the vigor and resilience that he wished to inspire in his people.   Lucaelar Targaryen's relationship with Jay was more complex, shaped by their shared love for Visenya. Lucaelar, both Visenya's brother and husband, navigated his feelings with a combination of respect for his sister's choices and a subtle, unspoken tension with Jay. Despite the potential for rivalry, Lucaelar respected the bond between Visenya and Jay, understanding the depth of their connection. This tacit acknowledgment did not erase the complexity of their situation but allowed a peaceful coexistence that was rare in the annals of the Targaryen dynasty.   Lucaelar and Visenya's marriage produced a daughter, Jaehaera Targaryen, a princess who was a living symbol of the Targaryen lineage and its future. Jaehaera's birth and her legalization as Lucaelar's heir underscored the official narrative of the Targaryen succession, even as Jay and Visenya's daughter, Helaena, represented a more unconventional branch of the family tree. Helaena's position, though less traditional due to the nature of her parents' relationship, was nonetheless significant within the dynamics of the royal family. She was a testament to the depth of the bond between Jay and Visenya, and her existence highlighted the intricate web of personal and political relationships that defined the Targaryen reign during this period.   Amid the tales of valor and love that swirled around Jay Dalt's life, a darker narrative was woven into his legacy: his involvement in the slave trade. This aspect of his empire, while not widely publicized, was an open secret among those in the know and stands in stark contrast to the more romanticized facets of his persona.   Jay's mercantile empire, vast and diverse, extended its reach from the sun-baked lands of Dorne to the bustling markets of Slaver's Bay. Among the commodities traded were opium and other goods, but more nefariously, human lives were also bartered with a cold efficiency that belied Jay's otherwise charismatic demeanor. This trade included the selling of smallfolk and prisoners of war to slavers in the Far East, a lucrative but morally reprehensible business that contributed significantly to his wealth and influence.   The slave trade, while immensely profitable, cast a shadow over Jay's reputation, especially among those who suffered from its consequences. His involvement in such dealings contradicted the chivalrous and adventurous image he projected, revealing a complex character capable of both great love and profound indifference to the suffering of others.   It remains a matter of speculation how much Princess Visenya Targaryen knew of Jay's darker ventures. Her silence, whether born of ignorance or tacit acceptance, added another layer of complexity to their relationship and to her own legacy as a queen who presided over a peaceful yet morally ambiguous court.   However, the zenith of Jay's power was met with challenges that would test his resolve and loyalty. The revolt of the Free Cities and the rebellion of several Westerosi lords marked the beginning of a tumultuous period. Despite leading a heroic defense of Lemonwood against a massive fleet from Volantis, the world Jay knew began to crumble with the tragic loss of Queen Visenya in the Second Battle of Blackwater Bay. Driven by a deep sense of vengeance against House Mopatis for their role in the tragedy, Jay's final days were consumed by a quest to avenge.   Jay's life came to a tragic and mysterious end at the Great Parley of Tyrosh, where he was assassinated in an opium den, struck down by unknown assailants. His death left many questions unanswered and a legacy that was as complex as it was profound.   Jay Dalt, son of Deziel Dalt and Arianne Martell, lover of Visenya Targaryen, and father to Helaena Targaryen, lived a life that was a vibrant tapestry of love, adventure, and tragedy. His story, marked by the depth of his relationships and the breadth of his ambitions, remains a poignant reminder of the enduring power of the human spirit and the dark side of greed and excess.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

377 AC 418 AC 41 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered - Stabbed to Death in an opium den

In 414 AC, Jay Dalt escorted his lover, Queen Visenya Targaryen, to Slaver's Bay, where Visenya was inspired by her great-grandmother, Daenerys Targaryen, who's still looked upon as a savior by the commoners of the region, envisioning herself as a transformative leader. She was enchanted by the cultures of Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai, seeing potential for significant change if she could one day extented her Empire further East.   While Visenya engaged with local traditions, Jay covertly negotiated with the Great Masters of Meereen to secure new slave trade agreements and strengthen his ties with the wealthy slavers. In Astapor, he solidified his commitments by purchasing 10,000 Unsullied soldiers for Visenya, blending their diplomatic mission with hidden agendas and complex politics.   The pictures below are from this trip:


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