Season 1, Turn 08 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 08

Days 16 - 30 of the Fourth Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Ascension to the Throne, Continued

  House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
In the meantime, ravens are flying through the land to invite Lords to The Small Council. A place to talk about politics and everything concerning the new realm.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
All hail the Queen of Rook's Rest.   House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
All hail the Queen! Long may she reign!   House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
All hail!   House Bracken | Stone Hedge | Jamhalo
I, Lord Otho Bracken, hereby declare that I have sworn fealty to House Targaryen and will serve as both their Master of Law and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands.   May the realm prosper under the firm leadership of House Targaryen.   As my first order of business, the houses Frey and Mallister are to immediately swear fealty to myself. We request that Banefort stop their attacks against House Frey, and that House Frey stop their attacks against House Mallister.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I also pledge loyalty to House Hightower in the name of the Queen.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
"All *hiccups* hail the Queer! *hiccups* Queen! Queen I *hiccups* meant." said the known drunkard of Coldmoat.   House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
HEAR HEAR!   I am announcing that I will be hosting a Jousting Tournament in the name of my cousin The Queen Viseyna. Any who dare can sign up to compete. I've hired Lord Oakheart of Old Oak to organize this event, which will take place at my home of Summerhall!!   There will be gambling and drinking during the 8 day event, and many other pleasures will await you here… And if that's not enough, the Queen herself will attend the tournament as our special guest to celebrate her ascent to the throne.   LONG MAY SHE REIGN!   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I will attend this tournament and win it in the Queen's name.   House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
I look forward to meeting you, my Lord Hand. I'm sure you'll be a worthy adversary.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Congratulations to the Queen on her forming of the Small Council and also to all of the Lords on it. Long may she reign.   You as well, Summerhall. I'm sure you will not only be a gracious host of the tournament but a favorite to win it and with many fans to support your cause.   House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
Haha you are too kind my lord. But my main reason to be victorious in this tournament is so that I can keep my money. It is the least I can do as the newly appointed Master of Coin.   House Bracken | Stone Hedge | Jamhalo
I also wish to attend this tournament.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I would join! King Ryswell.   House Vrywel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
Can House Vyrwel send his champion?  

Claims of Treason, Continued

  House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
Wyvern Hall are you trying to help the rebels in the Vale?   House Vyrwel | Wyvbern Hall | Gaming Snake
No, I'm not fighting anyone or helping…   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
Redfort explain this then   House Vyrwel | Wyvbern Hall | Gaming Snake
Well I got a castle a few turns ago. He offered me help against the now dead Brightwater Keep and I accepted it. He messaged me that you did him wrong to attack him and said that he's been accused of conspiring against the Queen or talking badly about her. He wrote to the Queen but didn't get any response, so he said he will give me a castle. I didn't trust you, so I put my men there to garrison it and I was right. You attacked it right away. I’m not fighting their war or anything. I bend the knee to the Queen.   House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
It’s sad that King’s Landing is not answering my surrender.   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
You didn't trust me!? You were gifted in the middle of war and you expect to simply get away with it. You need to remove your men from Redfort immediately. North Port is sentenced to death already.   King Corbray, I have never received a raven with your wish for peace - only attacks on various places against my men. Your actions only prove to the world that you are a rebel.   House Vyrwel | Wyvbern Hall | Gaming Snake
And why did you kill off House Shett? What is the reason for your hostilities?   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
I've already explained myself. Conspiring against the Queen, refusing to bend the knee, and gathering armies to rebel against the throne.
I've entered into peace talks with The Eyrie. I ask all involved lords to stop their attacks.   House Redfort | Redfort | Zeus
Dragonstone I will stop my attacks. As you said we were making peace...   House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
Peace has been reached. I swear fealty in name to all the lords who swore fealty to me and myself to the Queen.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
This is joyous news, the Tournament in Summerhall has even more to celebrate now.  

A Clash of Royal Importance, Continued

  House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
Jay was thinking about the relationship between Viseyna and her brother. "What a cringe. What's their problem? I mean, they are siblings!"   Viseyna was talking "... marrying more than one partner."   Bazinga! Jay forgot about that weird stuff of fucking between sibilings... for tradition… (Well maybe he was still thinking about that, who knows.) and took part in the conversation.   "So…" What was going on?!   Jay wanted to talk but Viseyna was already kissing him.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Nobody will know what happened in the gardens of Storm's End for the hour Viseyna and Jay were there. And nobody dared to ask why both had such red cheeks and even tiny branches in their hair.   The queen declared she wanted to “sing, dance and bath in the blood of my enemies”. Then she apologized to Jay for not having the blood available. She looked sincerely sad about that. However, someone made the proposal to hold a Jousting Tournament and that sounded like a good alternative. So they would do that soon.   For the moment the weight of ruling a realm made itself noticeable. It was time to get back to Red Keep. But perhaps she could visit the Ruins of Summerhall on the way home? And there was one question that she was anxious to say out loud. One question that she needed more willpower than she thought, because he could say “No”. But she eventually asked Jay: “Will you come with me?”   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
Viseyna, I will come with you to the Ruins of Summerhall! I will take part in the Tournament and…   Jay stopped. "Oh fuck, I have been here almost a month" he thought. “I need to send a raven to Sunspear right now!” Jay forgot that he sent the order to attack if he never came back from Storm's End.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
While a great portion of the Targaryen army stayed in Storm's End to defend the city and rebuild parts of the fleet, the Queen takes huge baggage with her to Summerhall.  

Conflict in the Riverlands, Continued

  House Mallister | Seagard | Pufferfish
I thank my Iron island friends for saving me from immediate death. I will be in your debt and you can count on me being a loyal ally to you.  

Warden of the South, Continued

  House Blackmont | Blackmont | Zacorin
I hope The Seven damn you for your paranoid genocidal deeds, Lord Costayne.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Blackmont you were given many options for peace and MANY months to consider. My ravens went ignored and unanswered. Declaring and attacking you got your attention quick enough though. You hold a grudge about Starfall and would not renounce your claim to it, as I asked. I allowed you time to expand and consider my offers.  
  1. Peace without fealty and I keep Starfall.
  2. Your fealty to your Dornish kin and Starfall will be returned in the future.
  3. Sunflower Hall for peace without fealty to the Dornish, but have alliance with me.
  4. You do not renounce your private claim to Starfall, or choose an option of peace, and I kill you.
  You chose option 4 by default for not responding or renouncing the claim. I will not wait until you are strong and have more men and power to attack me if I go to war elsewhere. No, I will deal with you now, not later. It is unfortunate you ignored me and held a grudge, but once you are gone I will sleep better at night having peace of mind once more, not needing to worry about a surprise attack from a lord holding a grudge.  

A Deal of Pebbles

  House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
Mathis Magnar of Skagos boards the ship of Richard Pryor of the Pebble. After discussions they shake hands on the agreement that House Magnar will pay the sum of 1,000 gold dragons to the Pebble so that House Magnar can retain lawful ownership over Eastern Bay of Seals in an agreeable fashion. The funds are to be used to help him in his southern affairs and the deal will not take long.


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