Season 1, Turn 07 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 07

Days 1 - 15 of the Fourth Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Claims of the North, Continued

  House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
You didn't answer my question. You "advised" me to "turn back now and give up my lands peacefully". What is the other option?   If you were not able to reach the lands that you claimed, then perhaps you should not have claimed those lands? Claims are not some magical casus belli or justification for war. Claims are merely a declaration of your personal entitlement.  

A Clash of Royal Importance

  House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
The Dornish Fleet ambushed the Targaryen ships in Shipbreaker Bay. Many ships sunk that day until the Queen herself came to inspect the damage. The remaining ships gathered in Storm's End. The Dornish commander was invited, too. The Queen likes strong people.   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
The great dornish fleet was almost destroyed. The objective? Have the control of Shipbreaker Bay and reach Griffin's Roost and Rain House. Status? Achieved. The Cost? 220 Dornish lives and 11 ships. Mood? The survivors are happy, drunk, high, and stoned. All of them will become minor lords of Dorne.   In attendance:   Jay Dalt, 2nd eldest son of House Dalt, nevertheless heir of Lemonwood. His brother is now ruling Dorne from Sunspear under the protection of the Martells, so he renounced to Lemonwood. He is in charge of the mission and the leader of the expedition to the Stormlands.   With him, there are so many friends: Gargalen, Uller, Vaith, including Esternmont... and his bestfriend: Martell.   Uller: Yoww Vaith, I have something on my mind... those ships near Narrow Sea - Stormlands with a banner of a dragon with 3 heads... where are they from? I never saw anything like this!   Vaith: I don't know and I don't care. Whatever, I am rich now. I will go back home and create a merchant route over all Dorne.   Gargalen: HAHAHAHAHAHA BRUH! You live in a desert. What you wanna trade, sand? I have salt, try something different.   Martell: Hmmm... a dragon with 3 heads... maybe...   Jay Dalt: Yup, maybe we are in trouble.   Estermont: Why?   Jay Dalt: I don't know, but my father is a friend of The Brave of House Hightower and I remember that when I went to The Citadel the Maesters always told me myths and tales of the Targaryens and their dragons...   Gargalen: Dragons?! HAHAHAHAHAHAH, and you believed it? Those are fairy tales man. Grow up you must be our leader.   Jay Dalt: Shut up! Iwill take your salt and put it in your ass till you became salt. Then I will gift you to Vaith for trade.   Everyone is quiet.   Jay Dalt: Hahahahahahah I'm joking dude. You are my friend. I will never hurt any of my friends.   As I was saying, Targaryens and dragons. But we also have good relations with the Targaryen of Summerhall and he never talked about dragons.   Martell: Yup but the news is that a Queen is creating an army for rule over Westeros.   Uller: All of Westeros? I mean... that's not possible. Both of your families have difficulties for rule over Dorne.   Jay Dalt: That's why I think we are in trouble.   Vaith: Nothing to worry about, Jay, with the Dalts and the Martells together, nothing can face us!   Estermont: Yup Jay. And you are the best strategist ever. I remember when we won a battle and they were 100 more than us!   A black raven appears with a note.   Martell: Jay... that's for you. Showing a letter with the dragon of 3 heads.   Jay Dalt: After reading the letter: Uller, Vaith, Gargalen, Esternmont, prepare the men. Split up the castles to the families of Dorne.   Rain House for Wylde. Mistwood for Mertyns. Griffin's Roost for Connington. And for the brave guy over there *pointing a random guy*, Seaworth Keep. If he has no last name call him Lord Seaworth.   I want all the ships that you can get and every man ready to fight. You will wait in Rain House for new orders.   Martell, I need you go back Sunspear and let my brother and your father know that I will meet the Targaryen Queen in one week in Storm's End. If I am not back at the end of the month, be ready for war. Call all our allies!   One week later. Jay and only 5 men reached Storm's End.   Queen Visenia Targaryen, let me introduce myself.   Prince Jay Dalt, son of Deziel Dalt and brother of Erik Dalt. Heir of Lemonwood and Commander of the Dornish fleet. If my father is the Salty Prince and Prince of the Salt and the Sun, I am just the Fury of the Salt.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Visenya greeted the southern lords. They were younger then she had thought. And... nicer? Especially that Prince Jay Dalt; he looked dashing.   “So Jay Dalt, ‘Fury of the Salt’ sounds like an interesting title. Where did you get that from?” Somehow she forgot to ask about that destroyed fleet. It seemed insignificant compared to Jay’s bright eyes.   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
Jay Dalt is confused. "Emm... I... my father and... the fleet."   On his mind: What's going on!? I am here to discuss the battle of Shipbreaker Bay. Why is this beautiful and elegant Queen asking for my titles...? Is it a trap? No no, impossible, we are only 6. If she wants, we are dead. My armies are on... Oh god, Jay! Focus, why are those eyes looking at me in that way?   He clears his throat. "May our men leave the room? I can get unarmed if you want."   "In our family, the titles of Prince of the Sun and Prince of the Salt are to remember our origins. We have blood from Tyrosh and the Summer Islands."   "The Sun is always related to the Summer Islands, and the Salt related to the Narrow Sea. My grandfather crossed it, swimming, to escape from Tyrosh."   "I took the title of Fury of the Salt as Commander of the Dornish Fleet, also for my trade skills and my good taste of food, wine, opium and women and... men. In Dorne we have strange "traditions" if I may say."   "My big brother took the title of Prince of the Sun. He set Sunspear and with the Martell rule over the Dorne, the Stepstones, and now Cape Wrath."   "Also those titles are related to how we torture our enemies, but I wont say those words in front of a so magnificent Queen.   Jay is trying to stay formal, but having such a close conversation with a Beautiful Queen of a similar age... He is in shock, doesn't know how to react. The only thing that he knows is they wanna rule over Westeros and the dragons of his family, why she is so friendly and passionate?!   His mind: Stop talking! Too much information!   "Hope that my little story entertained you..."   "Before, I couldn't avoid hearing that you have a brother. Is the Summerhall Targaryen your brother? Our families have good relations with them, but I never heard about a Queen. Also, my spies heard something about ruling over all Westeros. Is that true?" Jay said, approaching the Queen. "Maybe with the power of dragons?"   His mind: Why am I approaching? She will eat me... Be confident! Show her that Dorne is ruled by 2 great families! And we will not simply bend the knee... before they were talking about the Vale... maybe the Vale failed... Dragons I am sure!   Jay stopped walking, now he is only 4 steps from the Queen.   His mind: She is more beautiful than I thought.   "Maybe we can discuss the situation, taking in some wine." With bright eyes and his best smile, Jay decided he was all in.   His mind: I'm done.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Visenya and Jay went for a stroll in the gardens of Storm's End. Nothing fancy to see, but at least some hedges provided privacy. On the way they talked about Visenya's cousin, Vaegon, and Jay's brother in Sunspear.   “I will send both an invitation to join the new small council I want to establish. To make the lords talk more and kiss less… I mean kill less.” Visenya got beet red.   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
Jay got beet red too. She said "kiss". "That is wonderful news! But... but Dorne is not willing to bend the knee to a foreign Queen. Maybe with a marriage... I mean, every queen needs a King. So our houses...   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Oh Jay! I'm already married, to my brother.   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
What the fuck, your brother?   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
It's an old family tradition to keep the blood pure. It has something to do with the dragons of our ancestors. Sadly, my parents died because of the Shivers before they could go into detail about it. But we always were told that it's important.   She thought, "why am I telling a stranger my family secrets? And why does his chin look like those of a chiseled statue?"   Most Westerosi think it's a strange tradition, but we have other strange traditions too. Like marrying more than one partner.   She blushed again. "Why can't I just shut my mouth? I should just kiss him, then I can't talk." The idea sounded absolutely logical to her.  

Ascension to the Throne, Continued

  House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
I, Visenya Targaryen, will unite the realm under my banner. All who don’t swear fealty to me shall be enemies of the realm.   My brother Island of Dragonstone who is married to me according to the old family traditions, will rule at my side and bring peace to the North.   Furthermore I will appoint trustworthy Lords into a small council that will help me rule the realm.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I, Jack Oakheart, pledge my sword to the Queen on the Iron Throne and bend the knee.   House Targaren | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Be my guest Lord Oakheart. I am pleased by your and the other lords words.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I, King Eddy Ryswell swear fealty to the Targaryen Queen of the South. Surrounded by enemies and oathbreakers, the North does not hold my loyalty.   It seems that in addition to being an Oathbreaker, Lord Cerwyn has gone mad and attacked all Kings around him!   House Banefort | Banefort | Nyron
By order of the Queen, the fleet of The Iron Isles will sail to aid House Ryswell!   House Redfort | Redfort | Zeus
Thanks Queen for ignoring me   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
She is busy in Storm's End.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
A messenger approached her “My queen another raven from the Vale.”   “Argh! I don’t have time for that. Why can’t they write to my brother? What do I have a brother for?”   “Um… I don’t know?”   “Send my brother a raven! I don’t care what he does with that Vale conflict, but he should do it fast.”   “As you wish!”   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
I have not received a single raven yet. I have never wanted war to begin with.  

Claims of Treason, Continued

  House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
For good will to the lords of my realm, I open to discusion of surrender.  

Conflict in the Reach, Continued

  House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
A deal has been made with Lord Footly. He is to be given Fellwood Castle and Grassfield Keep to stay as a buffer zone between King’s Landing and Summerhall. Lord Footly will be under the protection of House Targaryen.   Prince Vaegon would also like to speak with Lord Jay Dalt in person to discuss urgent matter about the land distribution regarding Cape Wrath. As soon as he has finished his business with the queen, whatever it may be. ;)   Prince Vaegon is grateful for the invitation from the Queen. A host from Summerhall will travel to King's Landing to attend the small council.  

Marriage Alliance, Continued

  House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Hightower announces a marriage of houses with Serry Hall. Dowries will be exchanged next turn. The wedding will be held at The Arbor and will have all the arbor gold you can drink.   House Serry | Serry Hall | Orion
Serry Hall confirms the marriage and dowries.  

Warden of the South, Continued

  House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I declare war upon Blackmont for ignoring my ravens for many turns.


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