Johnathan Stark Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Johnathan Stark

King of the North Johnathan Stark (a.k.a. The Great White Wolf, The Young Pup)


A cousin of a cousin of the main line, Jonathan Stark was once thought insignificant, a Stark in naught but name. But times change and now it is he who rules in Winterfell. Despite his weak claim upon taking the mantle of House Stark, Jon's leading role in the scouring of the Ironmen cemented his position as Lord of Winterfell and High lord of the North. In 418 AC, he declared Independence for the North and joined the Alliance of King's against Queen Visyena Targaryen. Unfortunately in 420 AC, he was murdered at a dinner hosted by House Ryswell.
House Sigil

Winter is Coming
Date of Death
1st Fortnight of the Fourth Moon
385 AC 420 AC 35 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by House Ryswell during Guest Right
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