Season 1 Gallery

A chronological look at the recorded history of the Melodies of Spring, as told by the finest artists of our time.

Collection from 406 AC to 407 AC

Queen Visenya Targaryen and her Hand, Lord Thomas Costayne, known as "Long Tom", Second Moon, 406 AC

Aegon Martell crossing the Great Dornish Desert, Fourth Moon, 406 AC

After winning the tourney, King Consort Lucaelarr Targaryen presents his sister-wife, Visenya Targaryen, with the title of the queen of love and beauty, crowning her with a wreath of flowers and dedicating his victory to her, 3rd of Fifth Moon, 406 AC

The Northern Army, commanded by Lord Titus Crowl, the Wildling Lord, Fifth Moon, 406 AC

The Massacre of the Forest. The last of the Children of the Forest are slaughtered by the Wildlings. Rumor says the Children cursed the North for a thousand years before their demise, 19th of Eleventh Moon, 406 AC

The infamous bards, Johnathan Oakheart & Siegfried Swann traveling through the Reach, Fifth Moon, 407 AC

The Death of Marcus Banefort by Lord Otho Bracken at the Battle of Seaguard, Seventh Moon, 407 AC

The City of Myr, Tenth Moon, 407 AC

Imagery, Artistic


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