Titus Crowl Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Titus Crowl

Warden of the North, Keeper of the Great Wall, Lord Crowl of Deepdown Titus Crowl (a.k.a. The Wildling Lord, Umberbane)


Lord Titus Crowl, a figure of formidable repute, stood as a testament to the complex tapestry of Northern and Free Folk heritage that defined the stark, unforgiving landscapes of the North. Born of Stark and Skagosi blood, his life was a melding of traditions, where the fierce independence of the Free Folk and the staunch resilience of the Northmen were intertwined within his very being. A man of few words, Titus found solace in the wilderness, hunting alongside his cousin Jonathan Stark and the Magnar of Thenn, his bonds strengthened not by words, but by shared silence and mutual respect.   Titus Crowl’s military acumen was unmatched, his understanding of tactics and strategy honed through years of relentless warfare and the harsh realities of survival in the North. His leadership during "The Umber Culling" solidified his reputation as a ruthless, yet just leader. The decisive decimation of House Umber's bannermen and the redistribution of their lands to his progeny was a move that, while brutal, aimed at ensuring stability and loyalty within his domain. This action, however, was not merely a display of power but a calculated effort to unify the North under a singular, indomitable force.   The execution of the last of the Children of the Forest under his command marked a dark chapter in Northern history. The burning of the massive weirwood tree, a sanctuary for the dwindling Children, was an act that underscored the inexorable advance of man into the ancient, mystical corners of the world. The alleged curse spoken by the last of the Children, as the flames consumed them, haunted the legacy of House Stark and House Crowl, a somber reminder of the price of progress.   Lord Crowl’s vision of the North, as a unified realm of Northmen and Free Folk, was a testament to his belief in a shared destiny, transcending the ancient enmities and divisions. This belief, however, would ultimately lead to his downfall. In the year 418 AC, as the Targaryen Northern Army made its retreat southwards, an agreement brokered for peace was shattered. The attack on Deepdown by the retreating forces, an act of treachery that saw Lord Crowl cut down by a storm of arrows, was a betrayal that resonated deeply within the heart of the North.   The death of Titus Crowl was not merely the loss of a lord but a symbol of the North's enduring struggle against the encroachments of external powers. The Targaryen assault on Deepdown, a breach of trust and honor, sowed seeds of deep-seated hatred for the Targaryen name among the Free Folk and the Northerners alike. The legacy of Titus Crowl, marked by both his unparalleled strategic mind and his unyielding commitment to the unity and independence of the North, remains a beacon for those who continue to resist the tides of change, holding steadfast to the ideals of freedom and justice that defined his life.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
  • Mother: Inga Crowl
  • Father: Hother Crowl
  • Wife: Alys Magnar
House Sigil

Player (Season 1)
Mathis Rowan
Player (Season 2)
Titus Breakwater
374 AC 418 AC 44 years old
Circumstances of Death
Combat - Killed by an arrow from Targaryen forces


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