Season 1, Turn 02 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 02

Days 16 - 30 of the First Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Conflict in the Riverlands

  House Mallister | Seagard | Pufferfish
House Frey has decided to move all of his army into a siege on my lands. He has turned hostile for no reason after seemingly being friendly.   House Frey | The Twins | Miiii
You did not answer my message, Lord Mallister. I sent you a message of peace and my messengers did not return. Write to me with private messages.   House Mallister | Seagard | Pufferfish
Lord Frey decides to attack anyone that doesn't enter an alliance with them. They are war mongerers. Attempting to take advantage of a friendly neighbor.  

Claims of the Reach

  House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
I claim Horn Hill, anyone that enters will be seen as our enemy.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Wyvern Hall, why did you not moved towards it first order? no one would have been able to get there before you if you had.   House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
I did…but somehow those fucking 1 men beat 3 of mine and is still standing… but it's warning if Brightwater Keep tries anything.   House Florent | Brightwater KeepThuella
We also claim Horn Hill. That is a warning if Wyvern Hall tries anything.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
King House Oakheart will remain neutral for this Horn Hill conflict.   House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
Too late Brightwater Keep.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Well there was your mistake right there. You sent only a small force towards Horn Hill when it should have been enough men to take the lands without question.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
With Casterly Rock’s approval, I will be claiming House Crakehall and paying Lord Lannister handsomely for it.  

Friendships in Dorne

  House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
We confirm our alliance with Thomas, The Brave. A Brave man if I may say.
My eldest son Erik Dalt has the luck of getting married with the beautiful daughter of Prince Martell! The wedding will be in Sunspear. We are glad to invite every Lord Prince and King to the wedding. We will celebrate a Tournament that will last a month. Food, wine, beer, opium, and sex will be guaranteed. Even the ugliest can be happy that night. And that's not all. The Salt and the opium it's on me, the Salty Prince.   Also I would like to let you know that I proclaim myself Prince of Dorne and King of the Narrow Sea and the Stepstones. The Capital of my Kingdom will be Sunspear. Nevertheless, I will not have control of the lands nor the Castle. Those lands will belong to House Martell who swore fealty to my house.   House Martell | Spottswood | Aegon The Conqueror
Indeed we in Dorne have come to an arrangement that suits us both. My daughter is my eldest child and heir and Erik Dalt is his father’s heir. With their marriage we are now one house and so Sunspear will be the capital of the new kingdom!   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Bastion Coldheart will be in attendance at his ally’s union. Casks of Arbor Gold will flow in abundance.   House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
Hoping to offset the famine of Skagos by bringing luxurious items from the South to trade for food in the North, Lord of House Magnar sets sail for the wedding with the only thing Skagos has that Westeros does not - a unicorn.  

Oddities in the North

  House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
Over the centuries we have sent expeditions to farther waters and have found that the people of House Sunderland sometimes have webbed feet or extra toes. As far as talking to fish is concerned I believe House Farwynd of Lonely Light is much better at that than we are.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I will need to fire my nan... she only told lies to me I guess.   House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
We will be more than happy to take your nan.   On a completely unrelated note the people of Skagos are very low on food. I think both of the people I mentioned died during the winters of plague. We haven't spotted any signs of Wildlings from the Bay of Seals for... two score years?   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I can only hope the Wildlings spread the sickness to the whole tribe and it wiped them out, once and for all.  

Travels in the Crownlands

  House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Visenya Targaryen has set sail in Central Blackwater Bay. The fleet is headed towards Kings Landing, a town that in future shall become a central city of power. Plans are made and ravens sent, but it’s in the hands of The Seven if the ships reach their destinations. Another ship is on a mission towards Island of Dragonstone to secure the heart of the Targaryens. A third ship will sail south to get the support of the lords of the storm lands.   I send my greetings to my brother in House Brune.  

Claims of the North

  House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
I shall take Torrhen's Square and New Castle unless my king commands otherwise.   The Children of the Forest | Bomber the Undying
After the Shivers killed all of the Free Folk beyond the Wall, The Children of the Forest decided to come out of hiding and reclaim the world. We will start by claiming The Free Folk lands.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I deny this claim to Torrhen's Square. Should you by luck take it, we shall cede House Tallhart to you. However, if we take it first, we expect the same courtesy in return.   House Flint | Flint's Finger | Deleted Player
Seems fair   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Unfortunately we are in the same position, landlocked with no opportunity to expand, meaning I cannot accept this when House Cerwyn has access to New Castle and if he takes that then Hornwood as well.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
A friendly footrace it is then, with all courtesies mentioned extended toward the winner. I hope House Stout agrees to the same, regarding control of New Castle and House Manderly.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Indeed! Our best runner has just been shaken out of a drunken stupor.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I'm sending my best runners too fueled by cocaine and whiskey. They won't even feel the pain in their legs until they fall off.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Are you sure they’re not swimming?   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
One is swimming to Southern Redwyne Straits, but the rest make landfall so will need to run not at Redwyne Straits South Coast, Blackcrown, or The Arbor.


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