Season 1, Turn 05 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 05

Days 1 - 15 of the Third Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Warden of the South

  House Costayne | Coldmoat | sandman
Lords born of the Reach and any who entered later, if they so wish it. Please save me many ravens and declare your loyalty as my bannermen and by extension fealty to the crown. Do so and I promise you protection from your enemies in the Queen’s name. I make this public announcement as to avoid further conflicts erupting with the Queen’s vassals or my allies in neighboring regions. I seek to establish peace in the south, be you a vassal of the Queen or not. My duty is to keep the peace. If you seek something for this loyalty, I have nothing to offer. Only those who fight loyally against enemies attacking the crown or its vassals will be rewarded.   I seek not to bribe or force those unwilling to swear fealty for then their loyalty is questionable or for sale. Nay, those who wish to be loyal do so of their own accord. Some have done so for protection but the Queen is a loving one and offers it freely to those who are her vassals. She can also be merciful and vengeful as we will soon see, I do not doubt. While the Queen deals with Kingswood Brotherhood, which she already has well in hand, I will focus on my doorstep to find peace if I am able.   House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
I swear fealty to Warden of the South.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Thank you Wyvern Hall. I will speak to Brightwater Keep about how we may come to peace.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
South Blackwater Rush and House Footly will go back to the Lord of Tumbleton. If that is done I will accept to stop the fights.   The Red Keep is all dusty and rotten. My troops will restore the battlements and fortress as well as the city‘s port.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I declare war on Brightwater Keep as they have yet to reply to my ravens and the fortnight comes to an end. We have next turn to continue negotiations as well before I attack. But I will not delay my declaration and be forced to wait another turn to attack. For unlike the Lord of Brightwater, I declare before I attack. It's my hope that peace can be had still as my declaration is harmless until I have attacked.  

Conflict in the North

  House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Lord Stark, I would like to politely say what the fuck?  

A New Targaryen

  House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
I proclaim myself Prince Vaegon Targaryen of Summerhall.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
There are awfully many people calling themselves princes and kings nowadays. I bet it’s just some bastard half blood.   House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
I can assure you, I am no pretender or bastard. I am the true heir to Summerhall. I will swear fealty to my cousin in The Red Keep.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
In this case I welcome you as family, Summerhall.   The fleets of Narrow Sea - Stormlands and Northern Straits of Estermont spot each other and exchange greetings from far.  

Claims of Treason

  House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
I declare war to Houses Baelish and Redfort for plotting against the queen.
Report Date
23 Oct 2022


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