Vaegon Targaryen Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Vaegon Targaryen

King of Summerhall and Dorne Vaegon Targaryen (a.k.a. The Summer King)


A tall man, with broad shoulders, and sporting a yellow/golden cape with a red three-headed dragon as the sigil of The King of Summerhall. A weak boy growing up, he showed signs of brilliance with books and other learned skills from a young age. He is considered a master cartographer and strategist on both sea and land, spending days in his palace at Summerhall mapping out the known world and reading of the great travels of Corlys Velaryon as well as the great conquests of Aegon and Aegor The Conquerors. With Aegor being Vaegon's uncle, he is also the first cousin to the late Queen Visenya Targaryen and only living great-grandson of Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. With the death of Queen Visenya he initially wanted to support Jaehaera's claim but when she denounced it and married her sister off to the new King Otho Bracken, Vaegon did not swear fealty to him. Instead he chose to declare himself King of Summerhall with intentions to retake the throne for House Targaryen once he gathers enough support.   Over the last 10 years he has traveled through Essos, from Volantis to Norvos, bringing knowledge of these lands back to Westeros. He is married to Lady Oakheart who has become his queen. In his 2 year reign of Summerhall he has been known as most prominently as "The Summer King".
“Fight like a Dragon, and die like one” were Otho’s words to Vaegon as he raised Blackfyre to strike the Dragon King of Summerhall. Vaegon, with Haste in hand blocked the first blow which came from above. Feeling the Valyrian Steel clash with his own sword of ordinary steel was like sailing a ship directly against the wind. Vaegon blocked the second blow which came from below, but Otho’s attack then changed to a stab and as Vaegon tried to block it with his sword it shattered into pieces.   Blackfyre had pierced Vaegon's heart. He fell on his knees, looked up and saw the sun being covered by dark clouds. All form of sound disappeared. All sense of pain vanished. And as his eyes closed he knew this was the end. A whisper escaped his mouth as soft as the breeze blowing through the trees in the woods near Summerhall. He remembers his childhood with his cousins Visenya and Lucaelarr. He re-members Arwyn and his children and a feeling of warmth fills his chest. A tear rolls down his cheek. “Forgive me… My love.”   -The death of Vaegon Targaryen, The Summer King  


Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

Fire and Blood
Date of Birth
23rd of Twelfth Moon
Date of Death
1st Fortnight of the Ninth Moon
383 AC 420 AC 37 years old
Circumstances of Birth
His mother dies from complications of this birth
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed wth Blackfyre by Otho Bracken


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