Season 1, Turn 06 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 06

Days 16 - 30 of the Third Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Claims of Treason, Continued

  House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
I shall march in defense of my bannerman.   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
You are the one whose fault it is. You openly conspired against the Queen and shall be brought to justice   House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
What?   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
You told the queen you are raising an army to fight her. Let's see the outcome. Rebellions will be shut down in the name of our Queen Visenya Targaryen.   House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
I didn’t say that.   House Baelish | Baelish Keep | Ækron of House Ulmerias
House Baelish denies all accusations of plotting against the Queen. We have been attacked unprovoked and undeclared, and ask for justice.   House Redfort | Redfort | Zeus
I messaged the Queen when I saw that attack. I believe she is just and will see I'm no threat.  

Footrace Turns to War

  House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Lord Cerwyn has just informed me that he is, with the support of Lord Stark, breaking his sworn and public word that a race would decide the owner of Torrhen's Square. We both agreed repeatedly and publicly with our swords and blood to uphold this contest and abide by the result, providing the entirety of House Tallhart to the winner. He claims privately that Lord Stark supports him, and I can only hope that he lies as Stark has not answered my ravens. I hereby name Lord Cerwyn "Oathbreaker" as cravens and cowards have no place in the North. I make this public so that the realm may know that when fighting erupts it was not I who started it, but the Oathbreaker who refused to abide and shows the great dishonor of his house and name.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
Indeed, you have won the race, fair and square. But now we shall see who will win the war, 1 on 1. I broke no oath with you nor will I break any oath I made to my king.... settle this with bravery, my lord, not insults.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
“A friendly footrace it is, with all courtesies mentioned” referring to the courtesy I stated, that whoever won the race would get the entire house. You PUBLICLY and CLEARLY agreed to these terms. You have now reversed yourself and gone to war. Therefore you are and will ever be an Oathbreaker and a liar. The only insults here are the ones you have created for yourself.   I would be happy to define any of those terms to demonstrate quite clearly that you broke your oath. I invite King Crakehall in the West, King Targaryen in the East, King Stark in the North, and King Hightower in the south to each check our exchange, verify that I was attacked AFTER winning the race, and confirm that the pitiful Cerwyn is a liar.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
I am not a liar, just a sore loser. You got what you wanted, now is the time to see how bad you wanted it. I gave you all courtesies and expect nothing back but your very best, without the help of another army. However, while you send ravens to kings across the realm, some without names, I shall pledge once again my undying loyalty to the North, it's King Stark of Winterfell who remains stoic and mysterious.   I also announce my recognition of the Queen on the Iron Throne Visenya Targaryen and swear fealty to her, long may she reign.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
You are a liar. You don't get to change the definition of the word lie. You swore to give me House Tallhart and you did not. I need no help against you, pitiful frogman, my ravens are to assist against Stark who also assaulted me. Oathbreaker, your head shall grace a pike. You gave me no courtesies once I seized the capital, you immediately broke your word.  

Claims of the Westerlands

  House Serry | Serry Hall | Orion
I will claim Lannisport and Casterly Rock.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I will not enter the city of Lannisport.   House Serry | Serry Hall | Orion
I thank you my king.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
Of course.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
We claim Casterly Rock.   House Banefort | Banefort | Nyron
We claim the Northern Westerlands.  

Conflict in the North, Continued

  House Umber | Last Hearth | Andrizzle9972
I declare war on Winterfell for attacking me without declaring and not responding to my ravens.  

Ascension to the Throne, Continued

  House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
I, Prince Vaegon Targaryen, Lord of Summerhall, Warden of The Marches, promise to be faithful to Queen Visenya Targaryen, first of her name. I pledge fealty to them, and shall defend them against all enemies. In good faith, and without deceit. I swear this, by the old gods and the new.   House Banefort | Banefort | Nyron
House Banefort swears fealty to King's Landing. Long live the Queen!  

Warden of the South, Continued

  House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
The war is won and so now Wyvern Hall, you may claim your spoils, Horn Hill, as were your terms if he would not swear fealty and give you peace. Please let us celebrate and discuss the future over some wine.   Highgarden, please refrain from taking Horn Hill; those are spoils belonging to Wyvern Hall for victory. Brightwater Keep would rather kill himself than fight, accept peace, or swear fealty apparently for he was offered many ways for peace, not only one.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
Hightower is pushing neigbours into fealty and pertaining himself as lord paramount of the reach. Fall for it, or don't. Your choice. Nonetheless, Horn Hill isn't his to bestow on anyone.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Webber, I have pushed no one to fealty. You are the one claiming castles not yours, including Casterly Rock, which you can't even reach first. Your greed shows. Wyvern Hall and I were at war with the late owner in support of our Queen. She can make a decision if she wishes, but as Warden of the South, it is my duty to uphold rightful claims and keep the peace. Would you force me to defend his claim? If he asks it of me, it will be my duty.   Challenging me publicly is not wise. Let's talk privately for I do not seek conflict.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
I do not challenge you. I explained Horn Hill is not yours to bestow on anyone. It is either the Queen's or up to me and Wyvern Hall. And we already settled on the matter.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
You challenge my authority granted by the Queen. You say I do not decide who gets Horn Hill? Only the Queen, you, or Wyvern Hall? That IS challenging me. For I have all the authority granted by the Queen as Warden of the South and her right hand. When the Queen is unavailable, I speak for her and negotiate for her on matters in my region. This falls with that scope. Had I known beforehand you had privately worked it out already we could have saved us some time.   I am the right hand of the Queen. When she shits, I wipe her ass, as the saying goes. And when she does not speak on a matter in my region I speak for her. In this case, I attempted to head off conflict before it happened. You wish to privately challenge me, send a raven with your thoughts. Claiming I am not paramount might be true, but where are your bannermen I ask? Nay, twice you challenge me publicly and this cannot be allowed or others may think to do the same. Just because you're strong does not make you powerful. Offer apologies and you will be granted mercy and I will overlook these slights. Do not and only the Queen’s mercy can save you.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
You seem to be unaware of how to get bannermen. Those who swear fealty to you are your bannermen. Also we acknowledge your power over your region. From Starfall all the way to Sailor's Sept.   Also, your threats, intimidation and insults through private ravens will not go unnoticed. We ask for you to leave all other lords in the realm be, and not threaten them into submission.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I did not insult you privately or publicly. Let us just stay in public chat if you will try to say such things and people will all know the truth of it. I will repeat my last raven after my public request for apology.  
Now you can offer apologies or be punished. I hope an apology comes and we can move past this quickly. If not I will punish you if the Queen doesn't stop me. You are in a bad position unfortunately and left me little choice to save face with your public comments undermining my authority. So I privately beg of you to apologize to me publicly and save us from a war. For I do not think punishment will be liked at all and that will lead to war. Save us all men and offer a simple apology so we can move onto more important matters.
  Seems to me I beg YOU to apologize publicly. And yes I beg privately to save us from conflict in public. I don't NEED to beg. I did it to appease your ego. But instead of just apologizing you again undermine my authority publicly. I am Warden of the South, including all of The Reach. If I say Horn Hill goes to Wyvern Hall, from now on you assume it's as if the Queen commands it. You are a vassal of the Queen. You swore your sword to her and as such are subject to her laws. I am the law in the South   So I say again apologize and I will forget this 3rd public slight. Anything else will see you punished by paying either lands or men to your Queen as a tribute for undermining her authority and causing discourse in her realm. Failure to submit to punishment and your life is forfeit. Your heir will take your place as you will be executed.   Privately I was nothing but respectful. I warned you of what would happen. I did not threaten. I begged and warned you what would happen. Yet you repeatedly make it seem as if I have no authority over the reach or you. Well it's time we put that to bed. I told you don't need to be my bannerman if you choose not to. But you're undermining my authority, which cannot continue publicly. If you have issues please bring them to me privately. Instead for a 3rd time you claim I am nothing so now you will learn the hard way for the easy way you passed on more then once.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
I am not undermining your authority. I am denying its existence. My allegiance lies with the Queen, and none else. You are usurping her power by proclaiming to be the law in the South. Westerosi history is not kind to usurpers.   Funny you mention the Queen that often. You only swore fealty. My men fought 2 rebel lords in the reach in her majesty's name. By now, my loyalty to the crown is unmatched already. But maybe if you send more and longer ravens your loyalty will never need to be tested.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
My loyalty to the crown was known to her from the beginning and only her will stopped me declaring my fealty. I am an extension of her will. If the Queen commands me to give her Hightower, it will be done without question for she is Queen. The Queen herself decreed publicly for all to see.  
Your negotiation skills have impressed me, Lord of House Costayne. I would like to appoint you to be my right hand and Warden of the South.
  Yet you deny the existence of my authority? That is denying the Queen’s own decree.   I BEGGED for an apology and you slap me in the face for it. now you will be punished for I am a man of honor and keep my word. Gift the Queen a castle worth 50 income or gift the king 1000 men, your choice. Failure to agree and you will be punished further and much worse. Don't force my hand or you will be executed as I have said before. Your son can rule your lands in your place.  

Claims of the North, Continued

  Children of the Forest | Bomber the Undying
The Children of the Forest see that the natives of Skagosi Isles entered our claim of The Free Folk. We advise you to turn back and give up what you trespassed peacefully   House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
Leaving lands I already have because you claimed them? Tell me what the other option is.   Children of the Forest | Bomber the Undying
I claimed those lands before you entered them, so you disrespected my claim. If you listened to my claim, I wouldn't be asking you to leave the lands.  

Marriage Alliance

  House Banefort | Banefort | Nyron
Lord Banefort's daughter, Adrielle, is to marry Lord Orkwood’s son and tie The Iron Isles in blood. The marriage will be held at Pyke and we invite fellow Lords to come.


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