Season 1, Turn 04 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 04

Days 16 - 30 of the Second Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Claims of the North, Continued

  House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
We request that Lord Flint of Flint's Finger leave The Stony Shore to us.  

Ascension to the Throne

  House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
You little bastard ha… You attacked me without declaration… You will burn at your castle… I will kill every one of you for what you have done… I will forgive you if you do not enter Horn Hill. But as a little bastard, you won't do that.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
The Targaryen flagship has landed in Blackwater Crossing. The Red Keep looms over the troops, big and long abandoned.   The rightful Lord of House Footly has arrived with the troops and will be supported to take back their castle as well as The Great Reach Fields.   Loyalty to us shall be rewarded.   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
I pledge my sword, my dragon and my life to Queen Targaryen Dun Fort.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Thanks brother. You shall rebuild the home of our ancestors sworn to Dragonstone.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I swear my fealty to the mighty Dragonstone and will send casks of arbor gold with all speed so it will arrive in time for your official anointment upon taking your throne.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
I swear fealty to the Targaryen Queen! Long may she reign!   House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
I swear fealty to Queen Visenya, long may she rule! Long live the Queen!   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Your negotiation skills have impressed me, Lord of House Costayne. I would like to appoint you to be my right hand and Warden of the South.   House Costayne | Coldmoat | sandman
You honor me, great Queen. I will continue to serve in whatever capacity you require. We will send ravens to the lords of the Reach to see whom else might wish to pledge fealty to the crown. We hope it may end some conflicts seen brewing over lands. Those whom are vassals, we do not want fighting and starting conflict over lands that have been claimed by 2 or more lords, but have been taken by only one of them. To be clear, he who gets there and holds it at turns end is considered the owner between the Queen’s vassals. But I will negotiate between parties if needed. Once a castle is taken to bring peace in the matter.   House Appleton | Appleton | PoopyMc.Butt
We beg the throne to let this mistake go unpunished. We shall of course retreat from Mander Headwaters Field of Two Betrayers. This unfortunate mistake is extremely awful and we wish to compensate Lord Footly for the armies he has lost because of our mistake. From my calculations the amount he has lost is 1, so we offer in return for forgiveness 100. One hundred times the amount our mistake caused him.   House Caswell | Bitterbridge | nickjones12113
I’d like to make a different argument to King's Landing. You should cast the old Lord of Tumbleton out of your graces, as it was cowardice, not loyalty, which drove him to hide behind your blade. If he runs now, he will run again and leave your side or worse, betray you, when it suits his needs. Instead, take the two lords with the stones to break weak lords as we have shown we are willing to do the hard work and respect your crown, not seek it out of survival. My sword is yours should you want it. House Caswell of Bitterbridge regrets nothing and is willing to bend the knee, but let us finish our work and put cowardly lords to the dustbin of history.   House Footly | Tumbleton | Basket Weaver
I stand to argue that you, above all, are the dishonorable and weak lord. We exchanged ravens and had a pleasant discussion, then you turned and attacked my home at the first notice. I may not be strong, but I am loyal and do not deal to betray those who have shown me kindness. I would argue that now you see the power of the Targaryens, you have decided to pledge loyalty, especially after your coconspirator Appleton abandoned the cause of eradicating my family. Your backing down is another form of cowardice, at least mine is honest.  

Vale Construction

  House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
I, the King Nyunyu of the Silver Mountains, have ended the construction of the Silver Pass to protect our realm from the inner lands and announce the construction of a greatest fortress on the top of the highest mountain to have views of all the realm.  

Allies! Yay!

  House Targaryen | Summerhall | Koen27
I announce my alliance with Hightower.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I confirm this alliance.   House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
In a similar fashion I, Mathis Magnar, have allied the Skagosi with House Umber.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
Lord Irwin Cerwyn the Uncertain wants to remain good buds with allllll the mighty kings and rockers of the North, hoping to supply their lords and ladies with the finest furs caught and cured at the confluence of the White Knife.


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