Season 1, Turn 14 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 14

Days 16 - 30 of the Seventh Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Oathbreaker, Continued

  House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Lord Pryor appears to have a hard-on for duels! I challenge him to one. If I win, he will surrender his illegal holdings in Houses Cerwyn and Winterfell and assume my debts. If I lose, I will surrender two of my castles to correspond.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
The duel is with ME, since I am the one who challenged you. To the death, just to remind you. Winner gets to live, not inherit lands.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I will duel you after my combat with Lord Pryor as that will not be to the death. If I am injured in that fight, my son will fight you.   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
Sacrificing your son to try and squash your original beef is a brave move. What will you think of next?   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I challenge Lord Pryor to said duel for the aforementioned terms. It will not be to the death as I have a fight to the death after I want to be alive for. You defended an Oathbreaker sir, and then claimed you would NEVER defend an Oathbreaker leading me to call YOU Oathbreaker and further a thief for in the dark of night sending an Army to seize Winterfell which I rightfully won by destroying the mad King Stark with Lord Bolton.   Thus I call you Oathbreaker, thief, and if you reject my duel coward and craven as well and unworthy of a position of honor in the realm.   We shall see if his grand words about how I simply MUST accept Lord Cerwyn's duel or everyone will see my dishonor were indeed real or merely propaganda he doesn't believe in, as I suspect. Watch him try to get out of it.  

Tumbleton Wall, Continued

  House Footly | Tumbleton | Basket Weaver
The Builders of House Footly continue the construction of the Tumbleton Wall to protect the capital. They send fliers throughout the land asking all those interested to send builders and troops to serve in the construction and manning the wall.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
House Oakheart will contribute to this Wall if it means to protect the capital.  

Tense River Lords, Continued

  House Mallister | Seagard | Pufferfish
I am getting weird ravens from House Bracken. He’s demanding loyalty to the Queen and preparing to invade me.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I suggest you swear your fealty to the Queen then, Seagard, for he will likely attack you if you don't. Your allies, the Ironborn, are also vassals of the Queen if that will put your mind at ease.   House Mallister | Seagard | Pufferfish
We will renew the vows of our ancestors… Will Bracken now remove the thousands of units at his border itching to kill me?  

Tournament for Marriage

  House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
I would like to announce a tournament for the hand of the daughter of Horn Hill. The winner must exchange a castle dowry of equal or greater value to Brightwater Keep, which will be the dowry the winner receives. Horn hill will also give the winner 500 golden dragons and second place will receive 200 golden dragons as a purse. I have offered to match his gold bringing the total to 1000 dragons to first place and 400 to second. Entry will be based on the dowry offered by the possible winner. You may also add gold to the dowry paid to Horn Hill.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
The age of knights. I like this.


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