Season 1, Turn 15 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 15

Days 1 - 15 of the Eighth Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Oathbreaker, Continued

  House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Is this Lord as great a coward as he claims I would be for refusing Lord Cerwyns challenge? I see no acceptance! Perhaps he has closed his rookery and sent home his Maesters, the better to avoid the shame of losing his Ill-gotten gains…   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
History buff as you are, King Ryswell, need I remind you that you not only refused the original challenge of trial by combat issued by the Lord you claim victory over and upheld by the Queen herself. You also refused my own personal offer to duel you in Capt. Cerwyn's place, as his champion.   Stop your constant pestering and posturing. You disgust me. This is no way to conduct yourself, if you are to be taken seriously as a king. I found no oaths to be broken, only feelings were hurt and names were called. Even still, lives were lost, and far as I'm concerned the only 2 responsible parties involved shall settle their score with steel, not stones or scorn.   That being Ryswell and Cerwyn. You can leave Manderly, your poor son, the Starks and snarks, grumpkins and bumpkins, and poor lil' ol' island boy ME out of it. I'm just a real estate mogul and loyal servant of the Crown.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Of course I don’t forget! Your endless prattle of lies means little. Of course I plan to duel Lord Cerwyn. Do you or do you not refuse my duel, o Lord of no honor?   House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
I believe a challenge has been issued? If one of the challengers is at risk of being eliminated I will allow them to join the Nights Watch, if everyone involved is in agreement.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I doubt there will be an elimination! Lord Pryor, after castigating me for considering rejection of Lord Cerwyn’s challenge, now refuses to accept my own, showing himself to be a hypocrite and a coward. I guarantee he will send some big public speech talking about all the wrongs I have done while neatly avoiding all mention of an actual fight. He hides behind his armies and cowers in his keep speaking through ravens and bannermen. Fight me Lord Pryor or show the realm what a coward you are.   I ask the queen to immediately rule in my favor and grant me House Cerwyn and Winterfell so I can fight Lord Cerwyn. Lord Pryor has shown himself a coward and unworthy to be a lord of this realm.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
The challenge is mine, the Yeti King of Ryswell says he has accepted it, finally.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I accepted your challenge long ago. As our duel will be to the death I will duel Lord Pryor before I duel you, but the coward seems to be welshing.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
Will it be able to be featured at the next tournament? I remind my opponent that no lands or titles are to be won in our contest. He'd have better luck in that venture by joining the lists. This is a grudge match, over life and death.   As it was already pointed out, you welshed first, coward. I demand satisfaction.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I am hoping that both fights will take place, but Lord Pryor is conveniently not responding. I am also aware that no lands will come from you. I never welshed on you, you were the one who invaded my lands and broke your oath.   Nope. A foot race or athletic competition is not an oath. I swore an oath to my late king. I renew my oath to the Old Gods. I uphold my oath to my Queen, long may she reign, and her decision to allow me the opportunity to get my satisfaction against you. Your cowardice is showing us new shades, but it all comes up craven yellow. May it blend well with some blood red soon.   How exactly am I a coward? I accepted your challenge. Lord Pryor is the only coward here.   What is this word "nope"? A foot race is a foot race, but an oath to withdraw from House Tallhart AFTER the footrace is indeed an oath to withdraw. You broke that oath by not withdrawing. You bandy words like a damn maester, coward.  

Tournament for Marriage, Continued

  House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
4 or 8 combatants are needed for the tournament. If 5, 6, or 7 lords show interest and we don't make it to 8, the top 4 wealthiest of suitors will decide who gains the spots. Gambling will also take place for most who attend so don't forget your coin purses.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
LC Webber will participate in the tournament   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Our first entry. Excellent. Just name the dowry you offer and I will add your name to the list of participating lords. It must be a castle of equal or greater value to Brightwater Keep and you may add gold to raise your chances to gain entry. Only the winner's dowry is accepted with the marriage. All other fighters keep their dowries.   House Webber | Coldmoat | Lord Appiecommander
If won, Highgarden will be the dowry of Lord Webber, who also will participate. Not to be confused with the Lord Commander.   House Serry | Serry Hall | Orion
House Serry would ask to send a champion. Serry Hall will be our dowry.  

Tumbleton Wall, Continued

  House Footly | Tumbleton | Basket Weaver
House Footly thanks the Queen for the generous contribution to the Tumbleton Wall.


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