Season 4, Turn 22 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 22

Days 16 - 30 of the Eleventh Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
57,000 armies appeared in Westergate, likely whistled up from Norvos! The Khal questions the wisdom of sending the flower of their youth to die against the hooves of the horde, but perhaps lives don’t matter to the Essosi.   Free City of Norvos | Bio
While it is true I sent many of my followers to die, it is also true that for every death my men suffered, so did you. Your army of over 100k has been cut right in half. I have done what I can but 58k still stand at The Gateway and I pray for my kingdom's safety.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Alon had been staring out to sea from the Lorassyon Lighthouse deep in thought. The city of Lorath was faintly visible across the straight offering a beautiful yet fridged view.   Lorassyon was the cold sister island of Lorath and home to the scholarly priesthood of the Maze Makers. The Sanctuary was nearly alone on the island, only neighboring two small fishing villages.   Their inhabitants suffer through the miserable cold believing that their catch would be blessed by the holy island. Honestly they could be the only Lorathi citizens that still kept the Gods of Lorath. Many of Lorath's citizens still offered gifts and prayers to the scattered shrines of the city and mainland. However few knew the significance or even the names of the deities they prayed to. The Maze Makers had nearly stopped their religious sermons. Many of their own ranks preferred scholarly pursuits over theological teachings.   Alon himself had largely shunned these religious teachings seeking a comfortable bureaucratic job or a seat in Lorath's Senate. He regretted his selfishness in ignoring the spiritual needs of his countrymen. It was men like him that had turned the order into a laughing stock. How could one honor the Gods when they only sought self gain!?!   His mind turned again to the heavy leather bound book of scriptures his master left him many years ago. These pages contained the salvation of the Maze Makers. It was time they were heard once again, no foreign god would take their city.

A Plea to Westeros

  Free City of Ny Sar | KingEridani
To the Lords and Ladies of Westeros with an interest in the East,   Those of you who spent coin on Pentoshi promises; those coins were promptly spent to put scrawny wagemen into arms, and an inexperienced and mercenary command staff to lead them all to their death. Albeit that the defense of the Antagonist city--even with what impressive support the grace of your interest was able to extend--was a lost cause, Gul Dukat, is ashamed on your behalf for how poorly it was done. This embarrassment of riches was so wastefully deployed and maneuvered, my generals were set to nattering about traps. To you, this letter carries an extra significance, and the double burden of suspicion of the truth of this letter and the sunk cost of your previous decisions.   Yae, to all with an interest in the East; an opportunity comes. Warhawk Qohor and their mercenary Dothraki horde seize their moment, Pentos' flame grows dim. Norvos and Lorath and our own proud Ny Sar soon swept up into greater conflict. There has been no better time than to make that aspiring step across the Narrow Sea. So it is that Ny Sar welcomes you. In a single season it will be our legion to which the customs of the port of Pentos shall answer. Reaching deeper from there into the continent than any other, no better partner to the enterprise you seek has there been available to you before, and likely not again for some time, if the 'Khal' of Qohor has his way of things.   I hereby invoke this imperative upon you, my gracious reader, make your dreams in Esos a reality today; where there is chaos there is opportunity, get more than your foot in the door, today, by funding Ny Sar.   Abashedly yours,   Lord Gul Dukat Ny Sar   P.S. We have only pity for those sold a house of smoke and mirrors by the soon-to-be-late Horro Mopatis, and harbor no ill-will toward any previous partner. Things may have turned out differently, but at this point you've a better chance of that coin finding its way back to you from the bottom of the Narrow Sea.

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Meanwhile the reconstruction of the Stormlands is declared finished. All castles and weir systems are functional. There are no greater bands of robbers (e.g. made of ex-soldiers). Farmers are returning to their fields and herds. In the same way the army will return home.   But there is one major difference now:
Every able man and woman can now support the building of the Septa in Hollow Sanctuary.   They will get a bed (okay, more a bag of straw) to sleep in and food to eat (yummy porridge). They will also get the blessing of Septa Elara Stormcress. She tells sinners to work for the Seven to lift some of their guilt from them.   Parts of the army defending the Southern Wall will also join in. That way they can build up some muscles and practice gathering and transporting large wood planks from Williswood (that you could also use for siege machinery). It's also good for teambuilding, whatever that is.   Naturally the Day Watch will also be in charge of security together with the Holy Hundred. That way they can also work together with guards from Storm's End and House Wensingtone creating trust and bonding together.   To signify the contribution I will put 1000 troops into Hollow Sanctuary each turn until Septa Caelia gives us the honor to hold the inauguration.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
To the Faith, Alexander will try and negotiate with the bandits.   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight

***Event of the Faith: The building of the Greatest Sept***   Story 2/3: The Ambush - Alexander Bracken's Quest   Alexander's silver tongue proved mightier than any sword. He spoke of opportunity and redemption, weaving a vision of a life beyond the shadows of thieving. The bandits, their eyes gleaming with newfound hope, nodded in agreement. The promise of a substantial reward and a chance to be recognized as more than mere outlaws was an offer too enticing to dismiss.   As the atmosphere shifted from hostility to anticipation, a murmur arose within the bandit ranks. A lone figure stepped forward, a spokesman of the dissenting bandit faction. The man, though hesitant, spoke his concerns aloud in a gruff accent. "Wot guarantee do we 'ave that this Westerosi lord won't betray us the moment our use is served? 'Ow can we trust 'is words?"   Alexander faced a pivotal moment, a choice that would shape the fate of this newfound 'alliance':   Option 1: Silence the man by force.
Option 2: Do nothing and wait.
Option 3: Let the thief leader handle it.   As the vehement discussion unfolded, the bandit leader found himself torn between the allure of the promised rewards and the responsibility of being a good leader for his group. The air grew thick with uncertainty as the debate showed no signs of resolution. The bandit leader struggled with conflicting thoughts, realizing that the decision would shape the fate of his group.   Unable to endure the prolonged deliberation, Alexander's patience waned. With a calm but determined demeanor, he walked purposefully towards the two contestants. Without uttering a word, he swiftly drew his weapon and silenced the loud spokesman, ending the dissent with a single stroke. The abrupt act left a bitter-sour note in the atmosphere, and the bandit leader, now suspicious of Alexander's intentions, reluctantly nodded to continue.   As they proceeded towards the castle, the bandit leader, harboring doubts, devised a sneaky plan. In a move of cunning, he decided to discreetly leave the group with some precious cargo. His decision stemmed from a realization that he would rather continue his life as a rogue than risk being deceived by the questionable morale of kings and lords. After bidding his last goodbyes to his comrades from outside the keep, he suddenly heard agonizing screams and pleads, understanding the ruse he had narrowly managed to escape. Cursing the treacherous ways of the ruling elite, he retreated into the shadows, leaving behind a tumultuous mix of regret and resentment.
Story 3/3: The build has begun..Long Tom’s Quest:   Lord Long Tom of House Costayne, having received the materials from Alexander Bracken, embarked on the ambitious endeavor to construct the Greatest Sept of All at the Hollow Sanctuary. His artisans and craftsmen, drawn from both Westeros and Essos, commenced the project with high spirits and dedication.   As the construction progressed, the demanding work took its toll on the tireless workers. Accidents became more frequent, and morale plummeted. The labourers, driven beyond their limits, began to rally for better working conditions and relief from the strenuous tasks.   Facing a growing challenge, Long Tom found himself at a crossroads. The workers, exhausted and discontented, demanded a change. The Lord had to decide on the best course of action to address the rallying workers and ensure the successful completion of the Greatest Sept of All.   Option 1: Yield to the Workers Demands
Option 2: Impose Iron Fist
Option 3: Use of Deceptive Tactics
Option 4: Call upon the Guidance of the Faith   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Tom is as disheartened as the workers. He sends his soldiers to help as laborers in order to lighten the load. More Maesters are requested to be sent in order to tend the injured while Tom prays to the crone for guidance and begs the mothers mercy for his craftsmen.

Bringing Faith to Savages, Continued

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Armstead, having been traveling in secret many moons, finally arrives in the North at Breakwater Household between the men he brought from Redwyne Strait. The coin he saved the many moons at sea paid for a large army to combine with his men, making his forces 90k strong. He arrives just in time with 70k Thenns on one side and another 50k of the wildings sworn to the Thenns approaching from the other side. The Thenns sent 40k men thinking to slaughter the few men they saw like they once did when his brother was killed by Thenns in the North.   But unlike last time, Armstead was prepared and the 40k Thenns met a wall of steel rather than a slaughter of a few men. The Thenns were offered mercy, needing only to accept the mother’s mercy and avoid the wrath of the father. Yet they clung to their beliefs and attempted to slaughter what they thought was a smaller force only to be shown no mercy when they attacked, slaughtering every last man. Now Armstead must decide to finish the Thenns off or once more offer mercy and peace. He sends pamphlets to all wildings.  
Accept the mercy of the mother, I beg you, or face the wrath of the father. Consult the crone for guidance, for the smith has granted his strength to our arms and the stranger awaits to greet all who die in this conflict.

Long Tom receives a raven reporting another victorious battle for his son, and now famed general, Armstead. He reads that after leading his men to victory, Armstead once again extended an olive branch of peace hoping to convert the remaining wildling forces instead of needing to kill them. It is hoped wildlings respect warriors and so will consider the offer of peace now that Armstead has proven himself by their ways, unlike the first meeting between our peoples. Wildlings probably thought little to nothing of House Costanye's fighting abilities before this engagement. Now, though, they may have a bit more respect and caution towards the armies of the Reach.   Thomas takes a moment in silence, praying his son remains under the guidance and protection of The Seven. Thankfully his son is nearly as devoted as himself. Tom coughs, unrelenting and violently, before taking a sip of his tea mixed with milk of the poppy. He finally stops coughing and pens a few letters to be sent off to various corners of both Westeros and Essos seeking aid and coin for his son, before the northern lords begin to back the wildlings if peace is not found. He seeks to make sure his son comes home alive at all costs even if it means selling lands to do so.
A white banner of truce is raised by Armstead requesting a parlay to the wildlings to discuss the offered peace. It will be held at Breakwater Household.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~ Prince Alexander Bracken condemns the actions of House Costayne and Lord Armstead in the North and calls upon Lord Thomas Costayne to recall his armies and my Father, King Otho I, to bring an end to this conflict.   ~ Feeling like he failed at convincing those around him that a possible war in the North was a mistake, Alexander Bracken leaves the City of King's Landing and depends by ship for Griffin's Roost . From there he traveled Nightsong and stayed for several days, enjoying the beautiful weather. From there the ride to Hightower Household went without incident, as he was greeted by his paramore and bastard son, which made him forget about the politics of The Red Keep   ~ But almost immediately after his arrival to The Hightower, a maester rushes into the room to give him a raven, with the sigil of House Rogare upon it.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
An agreement has been made between House Costayne and the Freefolk forces. Armstead Costayne has agreed to vacate the north in 8 turns and cede Solitude and Wolf's Den over to converted members of the Frostfang clan to serve as a refuge for the faith in the north. The Sept of the Snow in White Harbor has been re-opened and will be granted the freedom to practice the faith of the seven freely, including religious festivities. Near the Sept, a monument will be erected to Armstead’s brother, killed in the first conflict between the Thenns and House Costayne. This monument will serve as a living symbol for the lives saved by this agreement.   Peace has been reached, and the people rejoice. Though this will likely mean the faith has a stronger influence in White Harbor and by extension the North, all parties were satisfied by this agreement.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
After finalizing the peace agreement with the free folk, Armstead sets out for a wedding. Another agreement made by his father for peace must be fulfilled without further delay. Having fought and won so many battles he looks forward to some peace and time to spend with family both old and new. He returns home a hero honored for his many victories and granted titles for them. A parade of people welcomed him, shouting names of honor. "Amstead the Bane of Dayne! Armstead the Merciful! Armstead the Devout!" are heard, amongst others. He left to war barely a man grown and returned a famed general, brilliant tactician, and great leader of his people. His undefeated battle record speaks for itself for one so young still.   No longer do the ladies giggle because he was put on his arse as a boy trying to prove his worth to the princess. No, now they giggle and whisper how courageous and valiant a knight he has become. Upon seeing his father meeting him upon the road to the house, Armstead weeps. He embraces his father, his arms wrapping him far too much despite the fact Armstead had grown much in the time he had been at war and away from his father. Armstead cannot believe how thin his father has become and is afraid to squeeze him too tight. He notices his father’s pain caused by the embrace and releases it quickly.

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
While Armstead’s army wins battles in the White Harbor region, the official prisoner exchange between the Vale and the North takes place. Most important is the return of the Magnar.   Brittlefang is skinny, his eyes sunken, his left leg crippled. As the soldiers of the vale unshackle his arms and legs, he walks on crutches over to the Thenn representatives. He has yet to meet with General Greta, as a bitter loss has left her desk swamped with correspondence in an attempt to plan for an all-out invasion. In Gulltown Harbor, Brittlefang boards a ship and begins to sail. Wistfully, he looks back at the Vale. He hopes never to return.

The North Expands

  Gornson | Kingdom of the North | rven
It has been a while since my people have come south of the Wall and for a long time we have felt like we didn't belong.   Our time in White Harbor has changed that.   The time has come for me to integrate into the system of the North and swear fealty to Lyanna Stark of Winterfell.   As soon as the situation in Wolf's Way and the surrounding areas is resolved I will travel to Winterfell to pledge my fealty in person.


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