Thaeros Naaris Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Thaeros Naaris

Magistrate Thaeros Naaris


After the betrayal of his people from Queen Visenya Targaryen, Thaeros Naaris, a cunning man from the most powerful family in Myr, vowed to retake his City and free his people. After years of planning and secretly gathering support, he was able to reclaim the city in a short but bloody battle. With the help of the Golden Company, the Second Sons, and a civilian uprising, Myr was a Free City again. But this victory was costly, much of the Myrish countryside was never reclaimed and the contracts with both mercenary companies wa costly.
House Sigil

Free City of Myr
Player (Current)
Scotland's Best
Year of Birth
370 AC 51 Years old
Ruled Locations


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