Fry Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Fry is a deaf female fire genasi around the age of 60. She was fairly well-known and relaively charismatic but seemed to be increasingly isolated from others shortly before leaving the Arcane Academy in the northern city of Thaneas where she was training to become a magister at the time. This all happened prior to her being fully deaf supposedly. While she was still at the Arcane Academy, she was conducting research regarding why fire genasi had started to develop deafness with no obvious cause or cure. She was specifically looking for an arcane solution as it appeared all attempts to heal it with divine magic were futile.   Once Fry became fully deaf, she became a shut in, forever leaving Davros out of all future research. Notes left behind by her though do suggest she contacted "something", believed to be a creature from before the creation of the Great Filter or perhaps even a lesser god that managed to dodge the ascension of deities. Whatever this creature is, it seems capable of making deals with people, specifically those with underlying injuries and/or disabilities. Around the same time this was believed to have happened, there was also a noticeable increase in the number of students at the Arcane Academy that had pacts with some sea-based creature similar to a kraken.   She is one of the individuals that appears on the list given to us by Davros of people that are suspected to be responsible for the events that took place in the mines of the southern city of Blackburn. Fry is rumored to have made a pact with something prior to the Night of the Endless Void and was noted as acting strange ever since with potentially violent tendencies. Other than that, all we know is that Fry has family in the northern city of Mahone. Perhaps some waterfront property? Currently her whereabouts are unknown.

Character Information

Physical Description
Female fire genasi, deaf, around the age of 60
Place of Residence
Likely Mahone
Organizational Affiliations
Arcane Academy
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
Mid-to-High Level Necromancy Wizard Maybe Fathomless Warlock?
Known Weaknesses
None, but I mean she is deaf, so like I have a couple guesses...


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