Haradin Fenheg Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Haradin Fenheg

What Do We Know?

Haradin Fenheg was a male dwarf around 150 years old. He was supposedly brought up in a religious household and decided to keep to those values. According to Davros and the list he provided to the Menagerie, Haradin was one of the necromancers suspected to have been responsible for the necromantic activity in the mines of Blackburn. He was a former student of Davros and had previously studied undead creatures including vampires. We also knew, he was wanted due to potential connections with the Night of the Endless Void.   The Menagerie of Chaos later discovered Haradin in the city of Famel where we found him and the remaining uninfected/cursed members of the city. Overall, Haradin was a very nice man and had since left his necromantic lifestyle behind him in order to pursue worshipping and serving the Raven Queen. With his help, we assisted in extracting the refugees from Famel to bring them to the safety of Thaneas. Due to all his efforts, we do not believe Haradin played any role in the necromantic activity we had witnessed at the beginning of the campaign.   Once we made it out of Famel, we left Haradin on his own while the Menagerie of Chaos expedited a page from Vecna's spellbook. Haradin, upon arriving in Thaneas made the decision to turn himself in and was later hanged publicly in the streets for his previous crimes. Upon his death, his annoated bible of the Raven Queen was gifted to Cain since he was the champion of the Raven Queen.

Character Information

Physical Description
Male dwarf around 150 years old (Deceased)
Place of Residence
Famel prior to fleeing with us
Organizational Affiliations
Church of the Raven Queen
Known Relations
Master Ulzaren Davros (Teacher)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Necromancy Wizard
Maybe also a Cleric?
Known Weaknesses


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