Niby Lastfirn Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Niby Lastfirn

What Do We Know?

Niby Lastfirn is a female gnome around the age of 270 years old. She has always been rumored to be more of a loner with only a few close friends. She is currently residing, or at least last reported residing in the southern city of Yuross in the Orndoth Domain. She received her formal education prior to the Night of the Endless Void where much of her studies focused on the extension of one's lifespan or prolonging ones life far past what would normally be considered natural. Those studies eventually led to her studies making her a fully trained master. Other than that, the party knows pretty much nothing about her seeing as the Menagerie of Chaos have had no interactions with her up to this point.

Character Information

Physical Description
Female gnome, approximately 270 years of age
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Unknown, likely studied at the Arcane Academy
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
High Level Necromancy Wizard
Known Weaknesses


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