Falwin Highsurge Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Falwin Highsurge

What Do We Know?

Falwin Highsurge was known to be a male halfling in his mid 60s, also known for being quite ADD and enjoying being the center of attention. Falwin was educated at the Arcane Academy in the northern city of Thaneas where his evocation teachings were conducted by Headmaster Aurae Qilar, but where he is believed to have majored in necromancy. Following this he would later be the final official member of The Journeymen to graduate which he did around 653 PD.   Falwin is also well known to the Menagerie as he was more or less the leader of the rival adventuring party of the Shadow's Edge. We first encountered Falwin, following him and the rest of the Shadow's Edge parading through the streets of Thaneas. We would later go on to encounter him in a tournament in the city's arena where we defeated him and his party.   The party would go on to then work with the group to help them eliminate some remorhazes north of Thaneas. It was with the success of this mission we were also briefed during an event held in Thaneas that can be no better described than a necomancy convention that we were intited to search The Hole for the Beads of Corruption. Falwin and the rest of the Shadow's Edge betrayed the Menagerie though as he, Tralen, and Bren escaped with the pouch.   Our final encounter with Falwin was in the city of Llurth Drier where we battled the remainder of the Shadow's Edge, Temerity, and Solzyr while the group tried to open a portal to what we have been told is the Astral Plane. It was during this fight that Falwin lost his life. As Seb went to kill Falwin, Cain's now under the control of the Raven Queen stepped in his path and took Falwin's life before he could. In the aftermath we learned his robes seemed to be bound by blood and that he (and potentially the Shadow's Edge as a whole) had a nice place somewhere in the western part of Valencia. All efforts to review his spellbook for information have been futile so far as much of it was shorthand and hard to understand (at least for Milo).

Character Information

Physical Description
Male halfing in his mid 60s (Deceased)
Place of Residence
In or around Thaneas
Also had a place in the western part of Valencia
Organizational Affiliations
Arcane Academy
Shadow's Edge
Known Relations
Headmaster Aurae Qilar (Evocation Teacher)
Suspected Class Information
Mid-to-High Level Necromancy Wizard
Known Weaknesses
The Raven Queen and her champion


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