Lord Holsen Yersinia Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Lord Holsen Yersinia

What Do We Know?

Holsen Yersinia was a human man of an unknown age at the time of his demise. Yersinia was the former ruler of the city of Famel in the northern Laidencross Empire. He seems to have forcibly took power from the previously ruling Autumnfield Family. Holsen Yersinia was known to be a powerful vampire lord who had converted a large portion of the population in the city of Famel, which ultimately helped to improve production of food for the Laidencross Empire for the city.   Our first encounter with Yersinia took place when we initially travelled north to the city of Famel after word from Davros via his list of necromancers that the necromancer Haradin Fenheg was reported to be living there last. It was in the city, the Menagerie of Chaos found themselves invited to Yersinia's residence where he proceeded to essentially interrogate us and charm Pari for information before the Menagerie and the surviving unturned population in Famel made an escape fighting off Yersinia, forcing him to retreat to his coffin.   The Menagerie of Chaos would later return to the city of Famel with reinforcements supplied and organized in part by John Morazmus and by Archmage Xanier Morazmus via the House of the Arcane to invade and recapture the city from Yersinia and his army of vampires. It was there that we saved 49% of the crops grown there as Yersinia and his vampires attempted to burn it all as we invaded for the empire's betrayl. It was during this invasion, the Menagerie would ultimately kill Yersinia, but not before he was able to kill Loxia, infecting her with vampirism. The results off this invasion have also led to a more recent official rationing in the northern part of Eisilfel, due to the incredibly large loss in crops as of late.

Character Information

Physical Description
Male human, vampire lord, of an unknown age (Deceased)
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
Completely Unknown, he just be big sppoky vampire
Known Weaknesses
Wooden Stake to the heart while recovering in his coffin


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