Archmage Xanier Morazmus Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Archmage Xanier Morazmus

What Do We Know?

Xanier Morazmus is a relatively young male half-elf and one of two of John Morazmus's adopted sons. Xanier Morazmus is the current Archmage of Conjuration for the Arcane Academy and the House of the Arcane, taking over for his father after several mishaps leading to the other archmages feeling he was no longer suitable for the job. Prior to being archmage, Xanier worked with his brother Vanier Morazmus for the Morazmus family business, Morazmus's Miraculous Marvels which sells a variety of magical items.   The Menagerie of Chaos have had several interactions with Xanier up to this point. The party has had several conversations with him and his brother Vanier at the Triple M in attempts to purchase or have magical items made prior to him receiving his current archmage title. We have also worked with him after he received it however. During our mission to investigate and then eventually eliminate the necromancer known as Valkyrie Spiritshine, Xanier helped to organize our staged arrest and gave us our briefing prior to us being sent into The Void.   Other than him being the adopted son of John Morazmus and therefore sharing his last name, it is unclear at this time what made Xanier the choice for the next Archamge of Conjuration.

Character Information

Physical Description
Relatively young male half-elf
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
House of the Arcane
Arcane Academy
Morazmus's Miraculous Marvels
Known Relations
John Morazmus (Father)
Vanier Morazmus (Brother)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Conjuration Wizard
Known Weaknesses


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