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The Calathis Archipelago

A chain of lost islands, full of mystery and monsters.

Written by starzomskiwrites

Once a peaceful series of islands, it was eventually discovered by the Humans and High Elves during the Age of Flowering. Shortly after the their arrival, a terrible storm befell the archipelago. The earth quaked, and the skies were blanketed in thunder and rain for several days. When the Apocalypse Storm passed, the islands seemed to have moved. The faint coast of the Wider World was no longer visible on the horizon, it was only ocean for miles. For a long time after that, the island's indigenous people held the belief that the Wider World cursed them, that their arrival caused the end of their days. As a result of this belief, those people fought against those that came to their land in an event called the Calathian War, an event that brought great devastation upon the archipelago, greater even than the Apocalypse Storm.  
Eventually, both groups realized that neither wanted to harm the land, and that their battle would only cause more damage if it were to continue. So they formed a peace pact, and worked to restore the islands together. The indigenous people taught the humans their ways of worship, the magic they had been taught by their god that they passed down through their generations, and in turn the humans taught them arcane magic, the ways their people perfected over decades of study. The relationship became symbiotic, and the land slowly began to heal. Now, for the last several hundred years, the descendants of the Wider World have lived and grown alongside the indigenous people of the Archipelago. Some older members of certain races may hold grudges, but most live together in harmony.

The Lost Islands

To the people of the Dominion, the Calathis Archipelago was sunken in the storm by divine wrath. Their explorers killed, the lands destroyed, bloodlines lost, and nothing left. They are not aware that the archipelago had moved, and so have made no effort to travel out and rediscover it. To them, the expedition was an error that is not to be repeated. However, rumors on the wind have said otherwise, with some people believing that the lands were not destroyed, but instead somehow moved deeper into the Krakendepth Sea. Some of the Dragons believe an expedition through the dangerous waters of the Krakendepth Sea is in order, and that the lost lands can be rediscovered and reclaimed, while others would rather leave the lands as they are.

This article has no secrets.


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