Kerymis Donaevel

Professor Kerymis Donaevel (a.k.a. Uncle)

Kerymis Donaevel; Professor of Theoretical Arcanology and Ritual Magic, recently touched by the Dark Dancer. One man’s army fighting for the justice and the Island he has sworn to protect.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, agile and despite his desk job he is still quite good with sword.

Body Features

Tall, long hair, handsome.

Facial Features

Eyes bluer than those of his brother or father, him taking more to his mother’s side.

Identifying Characteristics

  • A big bladesinger tattoo on his upper back, over the shoulder blades; depicts two swords and roses of the Donaevel family.
  • A hawk tattoo on his arm
  • Few piercings on his ears, on the left ear a blue stone droplet looking earring which act as his wizard (bladesinging) focus.

Special abilities

Ritualist (Scholar), Bladesinger, Cleric

Apparel & Accessories

  • green, brown, white
  • vests over dress shirts, a long coat.

Specialized Equipment

Keeps his rapier at hand

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kerymis was born in Cla'ath Dul in Empire of Islenor, 14th of Sep, 3616.


Mainly attracted towards women



(see above)
  • He has worked as a professor for quite many years, but also as the Vice Principal of the Numen Hoop University in years when the Island still belonged to Islenor.

Accomplishments & Achievements

(See above for his academical success)
  • In the Army he achieved a bravery award and a distinguished service award

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Having lost his senses to the bitter anger when Taelras was lost (see below) and killed (innocent) people
  • That he couldn’t be a better son and instead pursued a career his family did not expect
  • That he lost his cool over an argument with his second student Nakhar Gravelpike. Eventually the anger faded and he was bale to bend his head despite the pride, trying to reconcile with his student.
  • That he abandoned his dear mother alone to the continent after his father died
  • That he couldn’t be a better father for his boys (as girls still live at home)
  • That he had to drag Nharaigh, Galadher and the rest of his family into this mess because of his sense of justice
  • Where we come to the point that he is deeply ashamed of himself for not doing anything and just hiding away and trying to survive during the most recent war

Mental Trauma

  • Losing people in general (See below)
  • The relationship with his brother Enwandor had always been a difficult one, but especially the last time they saw each other before Enwandor departed for the war had added to the burden, as they fought back then and he never got to apologize, as Enwandor didn’t return from the mission that turned out to be his last. Everything regarding his late brother is still slightly sore to Kerymis.
  • Losing his mentor when he was still a cadet in the army and being the one tasked with leading the group to safety left marks on him, which, to this day, have not fully healed. The grief over his mentor and good friend Taelras made him to succumb into the darker part of the elven nature.
  • Losing a numerous number of other friends in the army left its mark.
  • Losing, yet again, his third student Nephenee Bonner and raising her underaged child as his own.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, caring, dutiful, just, faithful, loyal, diplomatic (at times), ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of other or better world and thus easily forgets to take care of himself, thinks like a professor…

Morality & Philosophy

  • With compassion the world would be a better place
  • Knowledge is power
  • Very specific about proper code of conduct


Mainly attracted towards women, but for him love can have many sides and he is ready to make sacrifices on the altar of love. He loves his wife dearly, but so does he love Mion, his husband In the same, and in a different way, and sex is just one way to show you care about someone.


  • He has hard time showing his (sad) feelings in front of others and usually can not cry then
  • If someone takes that one step towards a compromise, offers a hand for a shake to seal the deal peacedully and does so politely, truthfully and ready to reconcile, putting themselves at the stake, then you shall not slap that hand away. Never, if they do so in good will.

Personality Characteristics


  • Protective instinct
  • Compassion
  • Guilt and regret
  • Justice

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Excellent at scribing scroll
  • Very knowledgeable on magical minerals, rituals, and the Weave.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: children (and baby animals). Likes to hug people, but knows it doesn't always solve all problems (if only!).   Dislikes: people who don’t know how to behave. And olives.

Virtues & Personality perks

Just, accepting and loving. Like a proper scientist, he constantly aims to change himself and the world for better.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Finds it very hard to cry and openly discuss on his own negative feelings
  • Slightly racist
  • Inflexible at times

Personality Quirks

He tends to have the silent 'high elf nod'. When the talks, mainly when he's unconsciously uncomfortable with the topic or the problem of the discussion, he tends to circle around the important things he wishes to say, being unable to pronounce the real underlying issues directly.


Very clean, used to do the family’s laundry. He takes very good care of his appearance, but mostly out of habit and the need to be presentable than peacocking around in fancy clothes. For him, having clean clothes, ironed shirt and matching cufflinks is a way to show that he can keep his things in check.


Contacts & Relations

His soulmate Aod Flickerpetal
(and many, many others…)

Family Ties

  • Father Beluar (deceased)
  • Mother Laerune
  • Paternal Uncle Dyffros Donaevel (deceased)
  • Paternal Uncle Elaith Donaevel (deceased)

Religious Views

In his family Corellon Larethian and Tethrin Veraldé had been highly venerated, but he didn’t really care about higher powers, until he recently met the drow goddess Eilistraee and has now joined her followers. He also has allegiances to Mystra and Labelas Enoreth.

Social Aptitude

Might come out a bit arrogant, but actually isn’t. Kerymis is proud, but not unforgiving. He keeps etiquette in high regard and dislikes anyone who breaks it without a proper reason. Uncle might seem at a first glance very particular on how certain things are done and inflexible in social situations. He knows this flaw in himself and has tried to shake such old learned traditions from his shoulders, but it has proved out to be a difficult task. Yet, he tries his best to learn and adapt to take people from different background and races into account, sometimes coming out a bit clumsy and racist without meaning it.


Calm and analytical, which often makes him feel a bit cold to the ones who don’t know his mannerism. Yet he had a soft and big heart for those who suffer or need help, and he is not scared to get his hands dirty.

Hobbies & Pets

Likes to read and write letters. He used to play the violin but hasn’t since the war started as he lost his instrument in all the hassle.   Also got some puppies for his extended family. He has a white familiar hawk called Rua (‘Star’).


Calm, at times a bit posh British accent. Doesn't usually raise his voice, and in time of anger he prefers to clam up and say nothing instead of shouting to someone.


Kerymis Donaevel


Towards Valtherin Donaevel


Valtherin Donaevel


Towards Kerymis Donaevel


Kerymis Donaevel


Towards Dyffros Donaevel


Dyffros Donaevel

Uncle, father's side

Towards Kerymis Donaevel


Kerymis Donaevel

Old brother in arms

Towards Baron Saelyr Auglatha


Baron Saelyr Auglatha

Old brother in arms

Towards Kerymis Donaevel



Met as cadets while learning blade singing, both starting in 3749.

Kerymis Donaevel

Old brother in arms

Towards Arranan Thearluth


Arranan Thearluth

Old brother in arms

Towards Kerymis Donaevel



Met as cadets while learning blade singing, both starting in 3749. They had a rough start, but Arranan gain respect towards his old class mate, and learned some humility from him.

Kerymis Donaevel

Younger brother

Towards Enwandor Donaevel


Enwandor Donaevel

Older brother

Towards Kerymis Donaevel


Kerymis Donaevel

Uncle, father's side

Towards Galadher Donaevel


Galadher Donaevel


Towards Kerymis Donaevel


Kerymis Donaevel

Uncle, father's side

Towards Shalana Donaevel


Shalana Donaevel


Towards Kerymis Donaevel


Aod Flickerpetal

Rathla, collague (Vital)

Towards Kerymis Donaevel



Kerymis Donaevel

Rathla, collague (Vital)

Towards Aod Flickerpetal



Kerymis Donaevel


Towards Eilstacia Donaevel


Eilstacia Donaevel


Towards Kerymis Donaevel


Kerymis Donaevel

Husband, friend

Towards Mionzair Phinlynn


Mionzair Phinlynn

Husband, friend

Towards Kerymis Donaevel


Wealth & Financial state

Upper middle class (noble)

One man’s army fighting for the justice and the Island he has sworn to protect.

Character Location
View Character Profile

neutral good with few lawful tendencies
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Uncle of The Count of Winter Roses,
Cousin of a Duke of Sehan Thosel. (no real titles)
Professor of Theoretical Arcanology and Ritual Magic
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
14th of Sep
Year of Birth
3616 AoS 431 Years old
Mionzair Phinlynn (Husband, friend)
Enwandor Donaevel (Older brother)
Current Residence
Greenish blue
In his younger years it was almost white platinum blonde, but during the years it has darkened a tone or two.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dragonic, Gnomish, Dwarvish.
Character Prototype
Esthetically Thranduil from LotR (might be a bit butch but anyway, almost the same hairstyle :D )
Rua the Hawk
Full playlist


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