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07. Carts & Coaches

At sunset, the watch made the final preparations for Mrs Meatbraise's execution. A dozen or so Junstol villagers arrived as a grim audience whilst two of the Watch prepared the woman and the noose. The town Vodja, Jerwitt Hubblepot, announced to them the woman's crimes and punishment - for the murder of Julio Moretti, it would be death by hanging. The halfling then invited Surina, as a faithful paladin to pray over the guilty before she was sent to meet Helm for further judgement in His realm.   The half orc arrived along with the half-elf, joining the crowd. Despite the unpleasantry in front of them, Eberrond seemed chuffed, glancing down at his new and improved armour that he paid Mirabel to make for him.   As Surina finished the prayer at last, Jerwitt nodded to Mujj, the shorter of the two Watch, who then proceeded to kick the chair underneath Mrs Meatrbraise. The rope became taught and the woman struggled and twitched as the noose did its work.   The village would have been quiet except for the grunting the hung woman was making, but some of the onlookers looked behind them as the sound of horses and a carriage marked their approach. A black coach flanked by six of the The Soulguard arrived in the village square. A goblin sat in the driver's seat of the coach, comically dwarfed by the goliath sitting next to him. Gilles, running late was heading towards the gallows to meet up with the other adventurers but on seeing the black coach, quickly ducked out of the way, it wasn't the first time he's seen these.   The coach and its retinue came to a halt in the village square. The goliath jumped off and opened the door of the coach. A young cleric stepped adept stepped out but the goliath kept the door open, expecting another passenger to exit.   No one bore witness to when Mrs Meatbraise finally stopped struggling and met her end as people were busy looking with both fear and awe as a small woman stepped down from the coach - despite her small stature the woman carried herself with great authority and there was no mistaking her garb, she was a witch hunter. She wore the distinctive black brimmed hat of a witch hunter, pushing her scarlet hair behind. She also wore strange, dark goggles that hid her eyes.
She did not dawdle and called out for Priestess Gräba and Paladin Surina, who both made themselves known to her. The Witch Hunter beckoned them to to take her to the local temple to speak more about recent events. Interestingly, the goblin also followed, though a plain coach driver he was not, for despite his diminutive size, his had plenty of scars and his ears were mashed like a cauliflower. He carried with him vicious looking short-swords on his back and smaller blades fit by his sides. Obviously he and his goliath partner were of the Witch Hunter's retinue and not of the Soulguard.
Surina looked the proud Soulguard paladins accompanying them to the temple. She tried to make some light talk with these, for her path would eventually lead to her being one of them. The paladins were curt, though one did make a sly mention of Surina's generous girth.   The priestess calmly led them to the temple and the doors were shut behind them, guarded by two of the Soulguard. Interestingly, the other cleric who was also in the coach was not with them here. Bal'Aur and Eberrond had been tagging along but the Soulguard Paladins barred them entry to the temple, for they had not been invited. Bal'Aur called out for Surina, but following no response the two adventurers decided to grab breakfast instead.

Inside the temple, the Witch Huntress introduced her self as Kaziya Burnstar. She was here with the Soulguard following the report to the holy city of Ozerksywhich had been issued by Priestess Gräba some days ago. Sruna had heard of Witch Hunters before, but didn't know how much to judge them. After Surina provided a further detailed report on the creatures in Mrs Eren's basement, she tried get a read on the witch hunter, yet Kaziya appeared stern but truthful. Surina then provided further information regarding the event of the Farmer Bajo's son becoming a changeling, as well as the Neogi creatures they had only encountered a couple of days ago.   Some of the information was evidently left out from Surina's recalling- the ruined temple in Forestlost, the meeting of the Gray Owl and definitely that she knew her friend Gilles wielded magic, an forbidden art.
As Kaziya and two of the Soulguard Paladins listened, the goblin meandered about the temple twirling one of his blades and the goliath brute stood guard near the witch hunter, despite there being no evident danger.   Once Surina had finished her report, Kaziya called the goblin over, "This is Brutalitops."
Surina wondered at the strange name but presumed goblins had strange names, for she never meant one before.
As the goblin gingerly dawdled over, showing his vicious grin of sharp teeth, the witch huntress continued, "He will accompany you to help you in case you get in further trouble. It is interesting that you have faced so many of these strange creatures all of a sudden, it could be either misfortune or a portent of some kind. This goblin will then be able to report me to any further events we need to be aware of."
Surina nodded, accepting the arrangement.
Looking at the Soulguard, Kaziya then added "Meanwhile, we will obtain further information from these villagers and ensure there is no further taint." The Soulguard nodded solemnly at this.   Surina left the temple, Brutalitops in tow, to catch up with the rest of her companions.

Journey to Trg

After Surina foud her companions, the situation with the witch huntress was relayed to the others. The goblin was introduced and his role explained. the others decided to reserve their judgement regarding the goblin for now and went with it.   The adventurers headed towards Thorri's Smallgoods, where the dwarf had offered them a job to escort his son Odar to the town in the east. Through the window of the shop they found Thorri, nervously pacing back and forth in his shop. They knocked and the dwarf let them inside.
“Odar's already left, I’m afraid,” the worried dwarf said, "he said he couldn't be stuffed waiting any longer and he's been gone a couple of hours already!"
Thorri then explained to them that his offer still stood if they could catch up with Odar and returned him without a scratch. The adventurers debated if they could catch up with the wagon as they were on foot, but as it was heavily laden with goods, they could reach Odar if they travelled with haste.
Thorri bid them farewell and the adventures scampered off.

It was a pleasant morning, but the jogging in armour and equipment bore down on some of them, especially Surina. They soon smelled the sea in the air and saw the coast in the distance. The road turned from south to east and the adventurers continued with all due haste.   It was a few hours later that they saw a ruined building along the road next to Fatherseye, a small and delightful lake. The building was perhaps a halfway inn a long time ago but obviously travel between Trg and Junstol was so infrequent that the enterprise fell apart. The building still retained some shape and had a second floor, giving a good vantage point.   The adventurers thanked Helm, for by the lake was Odar in his wagon. They called out to him and as the dwarf turned, Brutalitops could see someone in the ruined building releasing a bolt from a crossbow/. Odar clutched at his chest and fell off the wagon. The confused horse licked at its owner, wondering what was going on.
Brutalitops called out to the others, warning them of the attacker.
Surina huffed and leaned against a tree, trying to catch her breath from the travel. She beckoned for the others to go ahead.
Eberrond took cover behind a tree and readied his short bow to attack at first sight of the enemy while Gilles dashed towards Odar. Brutalitops advanced forward, trying his luck by throwing one of his daggers at the building to try and draw the attacker's attention. But evidently the attacker was more worried about Bal'Aur, who roared in anger and rushed straight towards the ruin. They heard someone in the ruins call out in alarm, "Orc!"   A couple of silhouettes appeared in the ruin, concentrating their short bows against the half-orc, whilst Eberrond and Brutalitops took the opportunity to attack the foes from a distance. Surina, having caught her breath also started to jog forward and directly help Bal'Aur.
As Bal'Aur reached the ruin, he saw one of the attackers through a window. With a yank, he grabbed them and pulled them out in front. The attacker was Tabaxi and quickly dropped his short bow for a sword. The tabaxi was dressed strange, the design was definitely not local. Regardless, Bal'Aur slashed away at the foe. Another tabaxi on the second floor tried to help his friend, as did another small humanoid next to him.
There also appeared another Tabaxi on the adventurers flank.
Despite this, Gilles rushed over to the fallen body of Odar, and uttering words of prayer, he gently pulled the bolt from the dwarf. White light surrounded the wound and it closed, leaving just a slight scar. Odar murmured, starting to gain consciousness, while overhead, more of Eberond's arrows shot towards the attackers.   Brutalitops had an inkling that the tabaxi were not that unfriendly and could perhaps be reasoned with. He tried to utter a warning to the tabaxi fighting Bal'Aur to surrender but the tabaxi seemed more preoccupied to save himself from what he perceived to be an orc. The goblin shrugged and then deftly climbed up the walls of the ruin. A somersault later he had flanked the second tabaxi. Brutalitops saw that the smaller humanoid next to the Tabaxi was just a boy, latching a crossbow that was too large for him.   Surina continued to advance forward to help the half-orc but suddenly a bloodhawk swooped at her, its claws trying to scratch her face. Apparently the tabaxi had trained it. A swing or two later with her long sword, the bird exploded into little chunks of roasted meat and charred feathers as the paladin called upon the power of Helm and smote it.   Gilles now joined the combat, eyeing the tabaxi on their flank. He yelled out to the tabaxi to drop the weapons, and it appeared that the tabaxi would do so.   Meanwhile the one fighting Bal'Aur tried to escape towards his friend in the light woods but Bal'Aur rushed after him. The tabaxi backpedalled and tripped over a root of a tree, The tabaxi raised his hands to protect himself but Bal'Aur's warhammer smashed through the pitiful defence and there was a horrible sound as the tabaxi's head was split apart. The other Tabaxi facing Gilles yelled out, "Teeg, no!"   In the ruins, Brutalithops advanced towards his foes. The tabaxi here was edging back, protecting the child. A few of Eberrond's arrows had made some horrible wounds in the tabaxi, with blood pooling across his armour and fur. The goblin suddenly pounced, using an old barrel to gain height and landed on the tabaxi, His sword slashed a horrible wound in across the chest and the tabaxi fell down. The Goblin drew his second sword and slowly thrust the blade upwards into the tabaxi's throat and through the brain, all the while watching the child watch in absolute terror. The child then dropped into a hep and sobbed.   Bal'Aur surged forward and faced the last remaining tabaxi, who dropped on his knees and prayed for mercy. Bal'Aur bloody warhammer reached towards the kneeling foes but decided to spare him.   "Who are you,” bellowed the half-orc, "and why did you attack us?"

Narcotics may cause serious side effects, including death

Through a warm haze, Bran enjoyed the view of the sea from here. From the ruins, the sea looked calm and purple and tasted like art. What art, Bran wasn’t sure but this didn't do anything to lessen the feeling the Shreem gave him. He looked beside him, where Rekka was teaching the kid how to handle a crossbow.
"Man, isn’t he a bit too young for that?" Bran's voice slurred.
Rekka looked back at him and slowly shook his head, "I won't give him any Shreem. You think I'd do something like that?
Bran laughed, "Nah man, I mean the crossbow. Teaching him."
The tabaxi known as Rekka looked thoughtful for a moment, "The world's going crazy. And with what little Dmitri has seen, he knows better than anyone else around here."
Bran frowned. They had found the kid a week or so ago by the marshes, terrified. It took a number of days for the child to even speak, but when he did, he mentioned someone or something had killed his family and all the people in his hamlet.
Teeg, their third tabaxi companion chimed in, "You think what we've seen home is happening here as well? I thought the point of crossing over here was to get away from it." Teeg had Kir resting on his arm. The bird cocked its head and looked at him. Bran had heard it talk a few times before, but he knew that was the Shreem, yet the Tabaxi thought the bloodhawk was one judgemental son of a bitch. The bird then looked to the coast and bound into flight. Something had come to its attention and it uttered a shrill.

"Happy hunting, my little man," said Teeg. He then turned to them, "I'll go prepare some more Shreem, this stuff is weak!"
  As Teeg descended downstairs, Rekka sat beside Bran and they resumed their game of mrok, which Bran knew he would loose. He glanced over at Dimitri, pointing the crossbow outside the window. At least he was having fun, the tabaxi thought, and it was keeping his mind off those horrible things."

Bran then heard the distinctive snap of the crossbow releasing its bolt. Dimitri fell back and looked at them in alarm, mouthing the words, "I'm sorry!"
Bran and Rekka casually looked out the window and saw a wagon and horse in front of the building. Bran thought that the really should stop eating Shreem, it was muddying his sense a bit too much. But the roar coming from behind the wagon was what caused Bran and Rekka alarm. Along the path that lead from the road to this ruin, an orc was rushing straight towards them. It was muscly and monstrous, hefting a mean looking warhammer and typical orc shield. Its dark armour smoked as if it was made of magic. It roared again and Rekka screamed out to Teeg below them, "Orc!"   Trying to clear the effects of the Shreem, Bran grabbed his weapons nearby and rushed down and to the side of the building. He knew the drill, flanking the orcs from the side would bypass their great shield.
Bran could hear a flurry of bolts and arrows whisking through the air. He reached his desired spot, taking cover behind a tree. The orc had already reached the Teeg who was downstairs, hefting his friend right out of the window.   As Bran aimed his bow, his peripheral vision spotted others helping the orc. His confused brain could not make sense of this, as these others were not orcs. What madness had come over this damned Dezaria, Bran wondered, that its people had submitted to an orc? He recalled the number of raids by the orcs from Deathsea against his home town. When successful, the orcs and their goblin accomplices pillaged, raped and murdered.   Bran shook of these thoughts. He would defend his kin and little Dimitri and then they could get some answers.  
Sune 5th, 5249AC   Location

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