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Republic of Dezaria

Republic of Dezaria
The nation rests on the most eastern part of the Central Contintent, bordered by the the Godsrange Mountains. It is the youngest known nation in Merra.

The State

The small Republic of Dezaria is located on the eastern part of the known continent of Merra. To the north is Deathsea, a barren wastleland and the cursed ruins of Hel and parted by the impressive Godsrange Mountain Range. To the west is the Kingdom of Fiumri, an older nation Dezaria has experienced a mixed relationship with. The ocean to the south are both a boon and hazard, for the seas are fertile yet precarious.   The land is vastly covered in long fields and gentle hills, punctuated by evergreen forests and a variety of native woods. Its supply of water primarily stems the rivers fed by Lake Peh and Helmslake, as well as the Mezura lake that is the western border between Dezaria and Fiumri.   The races of Dezaria are extremely varied, more so than any other nation on the Central Continent. Although humans are the most frequent race encountered, followed by dwarves, nearly all settlements are a diverse mix of races and mixed breeds.   Common is the primarily language, coloured by its unique accent derived over a thousand years. Racial languages exist, but are not inherently known depending on the period a person's forefathers have spent in larger cities. The more isolated, the more often that a racial language will be known in addition to Common.


Prior to 3,oooAC, the region of Dezaria was mostly lawless land and essentially a buffer zone between the Merrian nations and Helstraad Empire.
Various races who had left the expanding nations of Valoris and Fiumri started to look for new opportunities settled the lands closest to Hel, outside the laws of existing nations.   Voystok was established sometime in 3,000AC and in 3530 declared itself an independent city state. Other unaligned towns were established in the nearby region and in seeking protection from bandits and beasts in the wild, created a coalition.   The Kingdom Fiumri saw a growing threat and initially offered the fledling coalition to form part of the kingdom, thereby increasing its borders. Following the coalition's declinature, Fiumri sent a military force to subjugate and conquer the settlements.   The coalition, together with the dwarven kingdom that also saw the invasion of Fiumri as a threat, was able to organise a formidable defense, led by Alexandr, after a few years of resistance, Fiumri gave up, possibly under pressure of Valoris and Arbroia. The coalition then declared a formal nation in 3527, having been united further during the war.   For his victory, Aleksandr is given the title of Grand Marshall, leader of Dezaria. All subsequent leaders are awarded the title of Grand Marshall, forsaking their family name so to ensure that their duty lies with the Republic.   Following the war, the dwarves had retreated back to their domain but were ultimately betrayed by Dezaria years later as it slowly took over the entire region between Fiumri's border all the way east to Helsgate.


Whilst the Grand Marshall leads the republic from his seat in Voystok, the House of State progresses his will. The House of State is a collection of ministers, appointed by the Grand Marshall. A considerable bureaucracy based in the capital in turn ensures orders are documentation and issued across the republic as required. They also ensure taxes - known in Dezaria as "The Contribution" are collected and accounted for.   Provincial officers then govern different regions and towns of the Republic, with a Mer being appointed to a larger settlement, having a greater degree of power, whilst Vodjas are appointed in a village, and both act as law masters and collectors of the Contribution.   All land of Dezaria is owned by the State, and parcels are generally alloted and leased to its denizens indefinitely as long as the Contribution is paid, and this can carry on through generations. The wealthy may lease additional land from the State for a set term, who receive a greater power to do with that land as they see fit.   As Dezaria subscribes to the Merrian Racial Accords, it means that all its laws only apply to listed races. However, compared to other nations, Dezaria has always tried to be accepting of other non-listed races, and as such sees a greater number of Tieflings, Goblins and the like within their population.   However, Dezaria has long concentrated on integrating all races to align with is core ideologies, to avoid splintering of race based secession.


Northern Dezaria is its bread basket of the larger towns and cities, feeding them with staples of wheat, maize and yams. Smaller villages are responsible to grow their own provisions, though the State is responsible to provide appropriate land.   South Dezaria has a considerable cotton, stone and timber industry whilst Eastern Dezaria has minerals, salt, quality furs and fish.   Artisanal foods such as wines, cheese and the like are usually procured and sold on by the Megom from Fiumri or Valoris. Exotic spices and items are also brought in from Zamay, albeit rarely.


Most Dezarians will have a basic education mandated by the State, up until the age of fourteen, though this can change depending on a race's maturity rate. Such citizens then go on to follow the footsteps of their parents, working on farms, mining, fishing and other labour. Others will continue their education to learn a better trade, such as a smith, apothecary. Those who are wealthy will learn at the Voystok University or even abroad, to become high officials.   Others will take the Oath and join the Dezarian Grand Army, whether for a short time but usually for life.


The primary faith across Dezaria is the God of Protection, Helm. Dezaria's Constitution separates its government from religion which would mean that people can follow any faith but since the Mending, The Holy Order of Helm has ensured that the belief in any other god other than Helm is extremely rare.   Dezaria and the Order have a long relationship where they have both worked alongside and in opposition. For the most part, the relationship has been lucrative for the Order, including near absolute autonomy of the holy capital, Ozerksy. In turn the Order has helped keep the rulers of Dezaria in power, with religious propaganda, funding to enacting outright racial cleansing.
Torm 7th, 3527

Capital City

Majority humans (2/5), dwarves (1/5), remaining split between other races.
Largest cities include Voystok, Ozerksy, Ust and Vrana.

Major Governing Laws
Laws of the Republic of Dezaria
Merrian Racial Accords

Grand Marshall Otit

Annual State Holidays
-Helmsmas, 7th & 8th Lathander
-Day of the Defender, Chaunt 23rd
-Grand Marshall's Birthday, Vaukeen 7th
-Commoners' Day, Vaukeen 8th
-Day of Unity, Kelemvor 4th
-Foundation Day, 7th Torm

Dezarian Grand Army (DezGrA)

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