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Fifth Prince Elepír

The Star Spinner

1432 T.A.

  5th Prince Elepír, The 2nd Son of King Arvegil I, known as "The Star Spinner," is a figure of both mystery and brilliance within the royal family of Arnor. As the second son of King Arvegil I, Elepír possesses an ethereal quality that sets him apart from his more martial siblings. Elepír is of average height but possesses a slender, graceful build. His movements are fluid and deliberate, almost as if he is in constant communion with the unseen forces of the world. His skin is fair, and his eyes are a piercing silver-blue, reminiscent of the night sky, often reflecting the starlight that he so deeply reveres. His hair, long and dark, flows down his back, usually adorned with small silver beads or stars, which catch the light as he moves.   Unlike his brothers who favor armor and martial attire, Elepír is almost always seen wearing flowing robes of deep indigo and midnight blue, colors that echo the sky at dusk. His robes are intricately embroidered with silver thread, depicting constellations and celestial patterns, each stitch a reflection of his profound connection to the heavens. The fabric seems to shimmer in the light, giving the impression of a night sky that moves with him.   Elepír wields a staff made from a single, smooth branch of gilded wood, said to have been blessed by the Elros himself. The staff is topped with a golden orb that glows softly with an inner light, reminiscent of a star captured in its heart. This staff, named Gilthîrion, or "Star Vision," is both a tool and a weapon, capable of channeling Elepír’s knowledge of the stars into powerful magical effects. It is also a symbol of his wisdom and the deep connection he shares with the cosmos. Around his neck, Elepír wears an amulet dedicated to Varda, the Lady of the Stars. The amulet is a delicate silver chain from which hangs a pendant shaped like a starburst, set with a single, flawless sapphire that gleams with an otherworldly light. This amulet is more than just a symbol of his devotion; it is said to protect him from the forces of darkness, calling upon the light of Varda to guide and shield him. Draped over his shoulders ishis deep indigo and midnight blue Cloak, a gift from his mother, Queen Belavanna Nalómë, woven from threads of silk and silver.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elepír’s character is shaped by his deep understanding of the cosmos and his unshakeable belief in the power of knowledge and wisdom. He is not a warrior in the traditional sense but a scholar, a seer, and a philosopher who plays a crucial role in the spiritual and intellectual life of Arnor.   Elepír earned the title "The Star Spinner" due to his unparalleled knowledge of the heavens and his ability to read the movements of the stars as if they were a vast, celestial tapestry. He is a master of astrology and astronomy, using his knowledge to guide the decisions of his family and kingdom. The stars, to him, are not just distant lights but ancient and wise companions, whose movements reveal the fate of the world. From a young age, Elepír displayed a wisdom far beyond his years. He is introspective and contemplative, often spending long hours in quiet meditation, gazing at the night sky. He is a seeker of knowledge, delving into ancient tomes and scrolls, seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe and the will of the Valar. His counsel is sought by many, not just for his knowledge but for his ability to see the broader picture, considering all possibilities before making a decision.   Elepír has a mystical nature, deeply spiritual and attuned to the forces that shape the world. He holds a profound reverence for the Valar, especially Varda, the Queen of the Stars. His devotion is not just ritualistic; it is woven into the very fabric of his being. He believes that his role is to serve as a bridge between the mortal world and the divine, using his knowledge of the stars to guide his people and protect them from the encroaching darkness. Unlike his brothers, who are warriors by nature, Elepír is a pacifist at heart. He believes in the power of diplomacy, wisdom, and understanding to resolve conflicts. However, he is not naïve; he understands that there are times when the sword must be drawn to defend the innocent and uphold justice. While he prefers to avoid direct combat, when he is called upon to fight, he does so with the same sense of duty and honor that guides his life.   Elepír is a scholar of great renown, known for his vast knowledge of ancient lore, history, and the arcane arts. He has studied under the wisest Elves and Men, and his insights are respected across the realms. As a teacher, he is patient and nurturing, eager to share his knowledge with others, particularly those who show a genuine desire to learn. He often mentors younger nobles and scholars, guiding them not just in their studies but in the moral and spiritual dimensions of leadership.   While Elepír may not be the warrior that some of his brothers are, his role in the kingdom of Arnor, particularly in the struggle against Angmar, is no less vital. He serves as a spiritual leader, a seer, and a guide, whose wisdom is invaluable in these dark times. As the second son of King Arvegil I, Elepír holds a prominent position within the court of Arnor. He serves as a key advisor to his father, offering counsel on matters both mundane and arcane. His insights into the movements of the stars often guide the kingdom’s strategies, from the timing of military campaigns to the forging of alliances. King Arvegil, who deeply respects his son’s wisdom, frequently turns to Elepír for guidance, especially in moments of crisis. Elepír’s knowledge of the stars allows him to serve as a seer, predicting the future and interpreting omens. He is often called upon to read the skies before major decisions are made, using the constellations to divine the most auspicious times for action. His ability to foresee potential dangers has saved Arnor from disaster more than once, earning him the respect and trust of the people.


Fifth Prince Elepír


Towards Fifth Prince Arveleg II - First Crown Prince Arveleg II


Fifth Prince Arveleg II - First Crown Prince Arveleg II


Towards Fifth Prince Elepír


Sixth Prince Osthír


Towards Fifth Prince Elepír


Fifth Prince Elepír


Towards Sixth Prince Osthír


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Star Spinner
Date of Birth
1402 T.A.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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