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Sixth Prince Osthír

Elendilion, The Elf Friend

Prince Osthír, the fourth son of King Arvegil I of Arnor, is a warrior of exceptional skill and a man of complex character. Known as "The Elendilion" or "The Elf Friend," Osthír is renowned for his deep connection with the Elves, particularly those of Eregion and Lindon. Despite his title, which speaks of his affinity for the Quendi, Osthír is a formidable and often aggressive figure, driven by a fierce sense of honor and justice. Osthír possesses the tall, imposing stature characteristic of his Númenórean lineage. His frame is powerful and well-muscled, built from years of combat and rigorous training. His presence commands respect, and his every movement is filled with purpose and strength. His hair is dark and long, often tied back in a warrior’s braid, and his eyes are a deep, piercing grey, intense and always alert, reflecting the storms of his inner convictions.   Osthír wears a suit of armor crafted by both Dúnedain and Elven smiths, symbolizing his unique position between these two great peoples. The armor is a work of art, combining the craftsmanship of Men with the elegance of the Elves. Made from a rare alloy of steel and Mithril, it is both lightweight and incredibly strong, offering protection without sacrificing mobility. The armor is decorated with intricate designs of leaves, stars, and flowing rivers, evoking the imagery of both Arnor and the Elven realms he holds dear.   On his head, Osthír wears the Helm of the West, a Númenórean war helm with a visor shaped like the wings of an eagle, symbolizing the vigilance and might of his forebears. The helm is adorned with a small, glowing gem, gifted to him by the Elves of Lindon, which is said to grant clarity of vision and protection against the forces of darkness. At his side, Osthír carries a sword of Elven make, a longsword once belonging to a great warrior of Gil-galad’s household, who fell during the War of the Last Alliance. The sword, named Carnilion, (Q. Deed's Son) is a truly ancient weapon, forged during the Years of the Trees shining with a faint red light, reminiscent of the star Carnil. The blade is sharp and unyielding, capable of cutting through the armor of orcs and the dark creatures of Angmar with ease. The hilt is bound in black leather, and the pommel is set with a red stone, symbolizing the blood of those who fell in defense of Middle-earth. In addition to his sword, Osthír is a master archer, skilled with a longbow crafted by the Elves of Lothlórien. The bow, named Tatharil ("Willow Star"), is made from the wood of a mallorn tree and strung with the finest Elven hair. It is a weapon of great power and precision, capable of sending arrows over great distances with deadly accuracy. Osthír carries a quiver of Elven arrows, each one fletched with white feathers and tipped with silver. Over his armor, Osthír wears a cloak of grey-green, woven by the Sindar of Eregion. The cloak is enchanted to blend seamlessly with the forests and mountains, making him nearly invisible to his enemies when he wishes to remain unseen. The brooch that fastens the cloak is shaped like a mallorn leaf, symbolizing his bond with the Elves and their trust in him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Osthír is a man of intense emotions and unyielding principles, a warrior whose heart is divided between his love for the Elves and his duty to Arnor. His aggressive nature and fierce loyalty make him a formidable ally and a dangerous enemy.   Despite his aggressive nature, Osthír is deeply respected and beloved by the Elves, particularly those of Eregion and Lindon. He has spent much time among them, learning their ways, their language, and their wisdom. His title, "Elendilion," reflects his deep connection to the Elves, a bond that transcends mere friendship and enters the realm of kinship. He has fought alongside them, shared in their joys and sorrows, and he holds their trust as one of their own.   Osthír is a man of honor, but his sense of honor is not bound by the same constraints as others. He believes that the ends justify the means, especially when the stakes are high. This ruthlessness makes him a fearsome opponent, willing to take actions that others might shy away from, as long as he believes they are just. He will not hesitate to strike down those he considers enemies, but he does so with a clear conscience, believing that his actions serve a greater good.   Osthír is fiercely protective of those he loves, particularly the Elves and the people of Arnor. He views any threat to them as a personal affront and responds with swift and decisive action. His aggression in battle is unmatched; he fights with the fury of a storm, relentless and unyielding. This aggression is tempered by his strategic mind—he is not reckless, but calculated, knowing when to strike and when to hold back. Despite his formidable exterior, Osthír possesses a deep well of kindness and compassion. He is known for his acts of mercy, particularly towards the innocent and the downtrodden. He has a strong sense of empathy, understanding the pain of others, and he often goes out of his way to help those in need, even if it means risking his own life. This kindness is most evident in his interactions with the Elves, whom he treats with great respect and love. Osthír has a strong independent streak, often challenging authority when he believes it is in the wrong. His refusal to accept the lands of Rhudaur under the control of the Noldor despot King Oromendero is a prime example of his defiance. Osthír believes that the lands of Rhudaur are rightfully part of Arnor and that the Noldor's claim is illegitimate. He is willing to confront the Elves on this issue, despite his deep love for them, because he believes in the justice of his cause.   Osthír’s role in the ongoing conflicts surrounding Arnor, Rhudaur, and the encroaching forces of Angmar is complex. He is a warrior, a diplomat, and a protector of both his people and the Elves he holds dear. Osthír often ventures into the Forest of Brethil and beyond, patrolling the borders of Eregion and ensuring that the ancient lands of the Elves are kept safe from the encroaching darkness of Angmar. His presence in these lands is a comfort to the Elves, who trust him implicitly to defend their homes. He is well-known among the rangers of Arnor for his deep knowledge of the forests and his ability to move unseen through the wilds.Osthír’s refusal to accept the rule of King Oromendero over Rhudaur has led to tension between him and the Noldor of Eregion. While he respects the Noldor and values their wisdom, he views their claim to Rhudaur as an overreach and a betrayal of the long-standing alliance between Elves and Men. Osthír is willing to use both diplomacy and force to challenge this claim, believing that the lands of Rhudaur should remain under the protection of Arnor. Osthír’s reputation as a fierce and honorable warrior has earned him the loyalty of many within Arnor and beyond. He leads a group of like-minded individuals, both Men and Elves, who share his vision of a united Arnor, free from the influence of Angmar and the overreach of the Noldor. These followers are fiercely loyal to Osthír, willing to follow him into battle or into the diplomatic arena, wherever he believes the fight for justice must be taken. On the battlefield, Osthír is a force to be reckoned with. He fights with a blend of Elven grace and Númenórean strength, wielding both his sword and bow with deadly precision. His strategic mind allows him to anticipate the movements of his enemies, and his unyielding spirit drives him to pursue victory at all costs. He is often at the forefront of the fight against Angmar, leading raids and skirmishes into the dark lands, where his reputation as a fearsome warrior spreads terror among his foes.   Osthír is also known for his defense of the oppressed, particularly those who have suffered under the rule of Angmar or the tyranny of corrupt rulers. He has been known to liberate villages from the grip of cruel overlords and to offer sanctuary to those who flee persecution. His actions have made him a hero to many, though they have also earned him powerful enemies who seek to undermine his influence.


Sixth Prince Osthír


Towards Fifth Prince Arveleg II - First Crown Prince Arveleg II


Fifth Prince Arveleg II - First Crown Prince Arveleg II


Towards Sixth Prince Osthír


Sixth Prince Osthír


Towards Fifth Prince Elepír


Fifth Prince Elepír


Towards Sixth Prince Osthír


Date of Birth
1405 T.A.


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