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Fourth Prince Túrin

Marchwarden of the Uilad

1432 T.A.

  Fourth Prince Túrin, First son of Prince Eärnur of Arthedain and Arnor, cuts a striking figure on the battlefield and in the halls of power. He is a man of noble bearing, standing tall and broad-shouldered, with a commanding presence that reflects both his royal lineage and his prowess as a warrior. Atop his head, Túrin wears a distinctive Swan Helm, a beautifully crafted piece of armor made of gleaming steel, adorned with intricate engravings that depict the wings of a swan, a symbol of purity, grace, and vigilance. The swan, has long been associated with his lineage and their connection to the Isle of Númenor. Túrin is also clad in plate armor bearing the symbol of the White Tree, forged in the smithies of Telcar. His armor is both practical and ornate, offering him protection in the fiercest of battles while also displaying the craftsmanship and wealth of Arthedain. The armor is adorned with motifs of stars and flowing rivers, representing the light of Eärendil and the heritage of his people. Despite its weight, Túrin moves with the fluidity and grace of a seasoned warrior, his armor serving as an extension of his formidable skill.   Unlike some of his more clean-shaven kin, Túrin wears a neatly trimmed beard, which adds to his rugged, commanding appearance. His beard is dark, matching his thick hair, and it is often oiled and combed in the manner of the Dúnedain nobility. His eyes are sharp and clear, the blue of a deep, northern sky, reflecting both his wisdom and his unwavering resolve. His face bears the marks of battle, small scars and lines that speak of his experience and the burdens he carries as a defender of his people.   In battle, Túrin wields a spear as a weapon of both elegance and deadly efficiency. The shaft is made of hardend ash, bound with thin silver thread and inlaid with Tengwar. The spearhead is long and sharp, forged from steel and wielded with unmatched skill, striking with precision and power against the forces of Angmar.   Draped over his shoulders is a blue cloak, the deep hue reminiscent of the evening sky over the plains of Arnor. This cloak, lined with fur for warmth during the harsh northern winters, is fastened with a silver brooch shaped like a star, a symbol of his allegiance to the house of Isildur and the legacy of Númenor. The cloak flows behind him as he rides into battle, a beacon of hope and resolve to his comrades.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Túrin is a man of deep honor and unwavering principles, characteristics that set him apart as one of the most respected princes of Arthedain. Raised with a strong sense of duty and justice, he embodies the best qualities of the Dúnedain nobility.   Túrin is driven by a profound sense of honor. He holds himself to the highest standards, both in war and in his personal conduct. He believes in the fair treatment of all people, regardless of their station, and is known for his compassion as well as his martial prowess. This sense of justice extends to his relationships with others, where he treats both allies and adversaries with respect. Túrin is deeply disgusted by practices of oppression and cruelty, such as those seen in the treatment of the Hillfolk after their reconquest. He sees such actions as a stain on the honor of the Dúnedain and a betrayal of the values his people should uphold. He is outspoken in his condemnation of these practices and has, on more than one occasion, clashed with those who defend them. To Túrin, the true strength of a leader lies in protecting the innocent and uplifting the downtrodden, not in subjugation or cruelty.   Túrin is fiercely loyal to his father, Prince Eärnur, and then to the Kingdom of Arnor and its King his uncle Arvegil I. He fights alongside his father against the forces of Angmar as the Chief Marchwarden of the Uilad (W. Everlasting Plain). He is driven by a desire to protect his people from the encroaching darkness. He sees the battle against Angmar not only as a fight for survival but as a struggle for the soul of Arnor, a war to preserve the values of justice, honor, and freedom that his ancestors fought for.   In battle, Túrin is both courageous and strategic. He leads by example, often taking the vanguard in assaults against the enemy. His leadership is marked by a combination of bravery and careful planning, ensuring that his men are not only inspired by his courage but also protected by his wisdom. He is respected by his soldiers for his ability to remain calm under pressure and for his commitment to their well-being. Despite his many strengths, Túrin is not without his burdens. The constant threat of Angmar, the moral decay he sees in parts of Arnor, and the weight of his family’s legacy weigh heavily on him. He feels a deep responsibility to live up to the expectations placed upon him as a prince of Arthedain, and this sometimes leads to moments of introspection and doubt. However, these moments only strengthen his resolve to fight for what is right.   Alongside his father, Túrin is instrumental in planning the defense of Arthedain and its northern marches. He advises on military strategy, helping to coordinate the kingdom’s forces and ensuring that their defenses are strong and well-maintained. His tactical acumen has saved many lives and prevented the fall of key fortresses and towns. To the people of Arthedain, Túrin is more than just a warrior, he is a symbol of their resistance against the darkness of Angmar. His honor, bravery, and commitment to justice inspire those around him to continue the fight, even in the face of overwhelming odds. He represents the hope that the light of Arnor will prevail against the encroaching shadow.


Fourth Prince Túrin


Towards First Crown Prince Arvegil - King Arvegil I


First Crown Prince Arvegil - King Arvegil I


Towards Fourth Prince Túrin


Fourth Prince Túrin


Towards King Arveleg I


King Arveleg I


Towards Fourth Prince Túrin


Fourth Prince Túrin

Great Grandson

Towards King Argeleb I


King Argeleb I

Great Grandfather

Towards Fourth Prince Túrin


Lúthienna of Sarn Ford


Towards Fourth Prince Túrin


Fourth Prince Túrin


Towards Lúthienna of Sarn Ford


Eleventh Prince Annatheldyn


Towards Fourth Prince Túrin


Fourth Prince Túrin


Towards Eleventh Prince Annatheldyn


Thirteenth Prince Argeleb II


Towards Fourth Prince Túrin


Fourth Prince Túrin


Towards Thirteenth Prince Argeleb II


Second Crown Prince Eärnur


Towards Fourth Prince Túrin


Fourth Prince Túrin


Towards Second Crown Prince Eärnur


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Bold, Eärnurion
Date of Birth
1405 T.A.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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