King Arveleg I
20th King of Arnor, 10th King of Arthedain, Protector of the Master Palantir, Warden of Annúminas, and 1st High King of Reunited Arnor
The son of Argeleb I, son of Eärendur the Hapless, King Arveleg I sat on the throne of Arnor for 58 years. During this reign he reconquered and unified the lands of Arnor across Eriador strechting from Tharbad, to the The Shire, Annúminas, Fornost, and The Weather Hills, leading notably to the unification of Cardolan with Arthedain in 1359 T.A.
Though prosperous in trade and culture the lands of Arnor have been under siege for the centuries, in a cold war with Angmar whose flames ignite with the passions of her dark necromancers. Arveleg has been planning her downfall since the death of his father, and through his sons, his pact with the Noldor, and all those who would answer his call he will make war upon Carn-Dum and slay the Witch-King himself if he must. Arveleg is a proud man who, knowing of his fathers pact with Nefstan, called upon this mercurial fellowship to his capital. Upon an inspection their renown and prowess he was without doubt, and thus he petitioned them to be their patron and lord. After which the Fellowship have served him dutifully and in return received baron titles, wealth, honor, and a great place in the annals of Arda. His hatred for his brother and the world of politics he embodies is only equaled by his vehement rage against The Shadow of which even Araphor is in agreement. Arveleg wields Gurthang reforged for him the the fires of Telcar on Lake Nenuiel by a Craft-Lord of Eregion, Dirhael the Smith, and Mim the Dwarf. In its current form it stretches' the length of a Great Sword of War as wielded by Hurin in the days of Old. Arveleg greatly values his alliance with King Oromendero and the Fellowship both of which he considers invaluable.
Though prosperous in trade and culture the lands of Arnor have been under siege for the centuries, in a cold war with Angmar whose flames ignite with the passions of her dark necromancers. Arveleg has been planning her downfall since the death of his father, and through his sons, his pact with the Noldor, and all those who would answer his call he will make war upon Carn-Dum and slay the Witch-King himself if he must. Arveleg is a proud man who, knowing of his fathers pact with Nefstan, called upon this mercurial fellowship to his capital. Upon an inspection their renown and prowess he was without doubt, and thus he petitioned them to be their patron and lord. After which the Fellowship have served him dutifully and in return received baron titles, wealth, honor, and a great place in the annals of Arda. His hatred for his brother and the world of politics he embodies is only equaled by his vehement rage against The Shadow of which even Araphor is in agreement. Arveleg wields Gurthang reforged for him the the fires of Telcar on Lake Nenuiel by a Craft-Lord of Eregion, Dirhael the Smith, and Mim the Dwarf. In its current form it stretches' the length of a Great Sword of War as wielded by Hurin in the days of Old. Arveleg greatly values his alliance with King Oromendero and the Fellowship both of which he considers invaluable.
1415 T.A.
Following the pyrrhic victory of the Free Peoples in the Siege of Carn Dûm King Arveleg return to his seat of power in Annúminas to enjoy the fruits of thier hard won peace. This retirement was however, not to last. The agression of the Second Crown Prince Eärnur coupled with the duplicity of the Princes and Lords of Cardolan wrought disaster. A campaign to cleanse the wastes of Angmar and the eastern reaches of what was once Rhudaur was soon recalled as a rebellion lead by Prince Araphor of Cardolan broke out in a bid for the Throne of Arnor. Eregion took advantage of this opportunity and reclaimed the lands to the north of Eregion, pressuring Arthedain to cede more than half of what was once Rhudaur in exchange for assistance in the civil war and easing of tensions of the borders. Just as the last of the rebellious Lords of Cardolan had been put down the plots of the Necromancer began to take root. His foul plagues muttiplied and took the life of King Arveleg I, having been weakend by the decades of warfare, the recent campaign, and the loss of hope in his heart for a reunited Arnor. And so it was that in 1415 T.A. King Arveleg I passed into the Halls of Mandos bequeathing to his Son Prince Arvegil the Throne and the duty to unite the realm and drive out The Shadow.Relationships
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
1203 T.A.
Date of Death
1415 T.A.
Dowager Queen Liríel Celebrindal
Ruling Prince Araphor
Salt and Pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Valar
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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