Session 16

General Summary

The date is Sunday, 25th June

  After, the two scouts go to check out the tunnel to the south. The tunnel then splits into two, down the left side they appear to see goblins dancing in a room beyond.   These chambers are slightly moister and some moss grows on the floor. In the left side chamber, the goblins here wear wolves' heads as headdresses. In the centre of the cavern is a large stalagmite that has been carved into a wolf standing on its hind legs as if leaping. Around this are a few faint candles. The once gleaming white stalagmite is darkly stained.   We exterminate some strong Hobgoblins and a goblin druid, then search the room. A chamber off this room runs to the chasm with the broken bridge but high up 50m. We find some magic bracers in the room and move on to the right fork.   The right split from the tunnel has a passage with a sharp drop (45 degrees about 20ft down). The end of the tunnel has had rubble dumped in it. We sit and clear the rubble but Idris detects magic down in the chasm. Chi climbs down and retrieves the item.

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14 Aug 2019
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