Session 15

General Summary

The date is Sunday, 25th June

  Explore the room with the way down into the chasm. It is an oval room with two more exits to the north. We can see there is a path leading down to the lower levels. At least two of the levels below are part of the dwarven place we are in (not under-dark). One passage (further north east) leading out of the room is small and two things attack the two scouts. They are dispatched.   To the north there is a long set of steps upwards which end at a locked door we cannot open. The door has a keyhole and handle. We search for a secret button, but none are found to open the door. The door is heavy and can’t be pushed open.   We leave the room and head back to the room with the forgery to explore the tunnel to the north that we have not yet explored. This tunnel has cobwebs that Fyren must blast through. The two scouts go around the corner and see there is a Giant Spider in a small room, filled with “particularly sticky webs”. Chi enters and gets stuck immediately.   Eventually the spider is destroyed by Fyren's fire. Behind there is a barred window.   A couple of the bars are broken and there seems to be an empty chasm below about 30ft down. Chi jumps down and Fyren goes down with a rope. It seems this is a natural chasm, but the dwarves made a bridge through it. The bridge is now destroyed and only a support pillar is left in the middle. The bridge would have gone between the large door we barred next to the exit of the secret passageway and the southern exit of the first room we entered (with the fire).   Chi looks ahead and connects up the map and can see that there are now creatures in the first room (with the fire). From the other side of the door by the secret pathway (chasm side) it says  The dwarves are dead. Fear the enemy of my enemy. Do not venture in. By command of Queen Amalfrida  We go back through the secret passage and plan to attack the goblins in the first room. Before that, we rest in the armour room at the end of the secret passageway and identify the maul (+1) and helm (comprehend languages at will). Clear goblins and wargs from the main room initially but more come down the stairs to the east. Chi and Fyren search upwards while we search the bodies.   We find only gold on the bodies and go up the stairs to a cavern that stinks. There are 4 more Goblins in here and a body tied on the floor, possibly conscious. 3 that are put to sleep but then the 4th shouts intruders!!!!! At this point the body gets up and shouts “stay away from the pool or the beast within will swallow you all!” Sigmund walks a bit too far up and an Otyugh comes out of the pool and knocks Sigmund unconscious   After a long and hard battle, we defeat the Otyugh. We search the pool quickly and find a magical staff and wand. We go immediately back to the secret room for a rest.   After a rest, we go back to the large room and the scouts explore. The goblin bodies and tied-up body are gone. There is a door at the north, a passage to the south and two wooden palisades to the east. After checking there is nothing left in the main room we listen at the door to the north:  If the yeti got our lads at the door, then who got the yeti? The pointy ears. I tell ya, there is more of them sniffing around, tracked their mate. Then why did they leave without him? Probably thought better of it after killing the lads in the main hall. Must have got scared off. My money is on the vermin in the stockade. These wolf paw goblins are cowards, if Rockfist were leading them they would have raised the outpost long ago and the orcs would rule this forest. Sharpfang is useless alright but he's following orders. Someone should challenge Fez, he's a half breed, not even half an orc. Rockfist? Or Boneeater.  We then enter and dispatch four orcs who were chatting with lightning speed.

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13 Aug 2019
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