Session 17

General Summary

The date is Sunday, 25th June

  The door that we cleared the rubble from seems to be barred from the other side. The scouts go back to the main room (with poo pool) and hear voices. The palisade with the slightly open door (the one located on the right wall) has goblin chatter from within, sounds like arguing over a gambling game.   The palisade is 12’ high and a cave can be seen beyond. We clear a room of loads of creatures, 20 in fact, including Hobgoblins and the goblin boss Sharpfang who we saw with a nose ring at Javik. After searching the dead-end room we find a load of gold and a magical scimitar.  

The date is Monday, 26th June

  We go for a long rest in the secret room then come out and another small goblin party has arrived back, we dispatch them but one druid goblin uses moonbeam and causes Sigmund quite a lot of damage. We have to go for another short rest then go to explore the northern palisade. This door is barred from our side, we unbar it and sneak a look inside.   Within the room are 6 children tied together and an otherwise empty room. further back into the room, there is a Dwarf and an Elf manacled to the wall. The children cower from the light when we enter.   Fyren and Idris hand out food to the children and untie them. We use a hammer to free the dwarf who then asks to free the elf himself. we give him a hammer and he then surprisingly bashes the elf's head in.   We then question him, he says he is a frost dwarf from the north. We manacle the dwarf back up and leave him there for his crime.   We plan to leave the children in the secret room with Idris the nanny while we check to see if the people we came with are still outside. They were camping near the entrance and found us so agree to take the children back to Javik. We return back into the cave and go to use knock on the door at the top of the long set of stairs.   In the room, we see a large pool of water with an island in the middle with a massive statue on it, 40ft high. the room sparkles with tiny crystals speckled in the rock.   Beneath the statue, we find a box which triggers a magical fire blast when Tinnan opens it. Within are lots of magical scrolls and a magical ring yet to be identified. This room links to the door which we cleared the rubble from. We bar both doors and have a long rest in this room.  

The date is Tuesday, 27th June

  We descend into the pit...  
The air here is still and cool with the ceiling lost in the darkness above. The natural rock floor has been mostly cleared of stalagmites and is pretty level and even. In the echoey chamber, the faint sound of rushing water can be heard.
  To the southwest stands a large carved column of rock. Runes on this rock say North/East/South/West. To the North East is a marble-lined dwarven passage, far in the distance down the passage is a blue light and something walking towards us with great difficulty. It appears to be a zombie which we dispatch (the blue light remains far deep into the tunnel).   Further to the north of the entry chamber is another very small chamber with two Hook Horrors within. After a very long fight, we dispatch them.

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Report Date
22 Aug 2019
Primary Location