Session 25

General Summary

The date is Thursday, 29th June

  We short rest in the room which had the raven in and identify the ring Idris as a "ring of warmth". We then go to approach the door in the water past the Grimlock nests. Dark still water pools at the bottom of the stairs. Bits of broken timber and flotsam float on the surface. Further along, the passage descends another set of stairs and completely submerges beneath the water. The rooms appear to be empty but the passage descends into darkness.   Chi explores. As he swims he finds two open rooms submerged. The room to the north has dwarven furniture eroded by the water. At the centre of the chamber (15ft up) is something shiny which appears to be an air pocket. The room to the west appears to be a double room, each with its own air pocket and an entrance on the far side. This doorway leads to a single room with a single chest within. Chi thinks that hidden behind the chest is a tentacle creature.   To the rooms to the north, another double room is found with another single chest. This room appears not to have any creatures within. Sigmund walks along the floor holding his breath and retrieves the chest. The gang then goes and destroys the tentacle beast in a quick underwater fight and retrieves the second chest.   Whilst we search for the loot, Chi stands guard and does some scouting and sees something beyond the barricade: an Umber Hulk.   We fight off the beast and retreat to the surface to fully recover where we do some trading with the local town.  

The date is Friday, 30th June

  We return to the third level and go to the barred door, which we open. Opening the door requires a great deal of effort and the tortured scream of metal rubbing on stone reverberates through the air. The door is an exceedingly snug fit. Beyond the doorway is a roughly circular room some 80' in diameter. It has clearly been excavated out of the natural rock. In the centre of the room is a large, 15' deep pit. Set into the walls around the edges of the room are six chains on pulleys. There are a number of tunnels leading into the pit. The walls and floor are covered with various stains and scorch marks. Sigmund pulls the first chain, and one of the internal doors rises and an ooze oozes out.

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Report Date
08 Oct 2020
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