Silent Hand

A guild of assassins and thieves, the Silent hand operate outside of any law. Their methods of information are unknown but if you ask for them in the darkness it is said that they will come. They might come as a beggar, a friend delivering a letter or in some cases a hooded figure in the night. Either way you never know who they are or their method. A payment is always made before the crime, sometimes straight to the message bearer or sometimes just by leaving gold in a secluded area. Once the payment is done is is only a matter of time before your quarry is dealt with.   Those who join the silent hand do it for any number of reasons, to get gold, the excitement of a challenge, or the trill of a kill. But you rarely make contact with other members. The higher up you climb within the ranks the more difficult the task gets and for some it even comes with the responsibility of controlling the new blood. At the top lies the council, the few that pulls all the strings across the continents. Only once have they ever been found but never captured or killed. The true goal of the Silent Hand lies with them.


It is unknown when they where formed but the first time the Silent Hand where spoken of by a captured assassin was 2617 D.E. It is believed that the first seeds started somewhere around 2400 D.E in Whitespire as the city had become a home for thieves. In the beginning many thieves and saw the Silent Hand as a collective of thieves helping each others with information and protection but as it grew the camaraderie dispersed and more and bigger schemes started to take place.   The peak of the Silent Hands strength is said to have been during the war of gods when looting became more prevalent and guards no longer had time to deal with hunting down unsure leads. Their numbers has never been known because of the impossible distinction between a normal criminal and a member if the Silent Hand. It was however during this time that they drew the wrath of the Eyes of Dawn.   After the end of the war of gods the Silent Hand where mercilessly hunted down by the Eyes of Dawn. Between the years 12 and 16 E.H almost all of their presence where wiped out in most parts of the Empire. It was at the end of this period that they where finally cornered and the council was attacked. However, due to leaked information all council members where able to get away before getting captured but several of their identities where revealed. For years the Silent Hands went into hiding slowly recovering from their defeat.   The Silent Hand returned from hiding 356 E.H and was considered at that time merely a legend that had died back in 16 E.H. They performed the greatest hit of all time to prove their skill, the assassination of the Emperor, and stealing a coveted scroll from the Arcane collective. In both cases they left their mark. They wanted people to know that they had returned, and they had no fear.
Guild, Assassins