
There are only a few species that have a latent, natural ability to use psionics. For instance, Drida are capable of limited telekinesis.  

Biological Ability

  Most natural psionic ability comes from the being's natural ability to emit electromagnetic frequencies. As the trait evolved over time, they were able to manipulate the frequencies and affect foreign objects. The cost of using these abilities is high though and remains limited in scope and functionality.  


Natural telekinesis is the ability of the being to affect objects outside of their self. Because of the cost on the body, the functionality is limited by range and mass of the target object. The further away the object is, the greater effort is required and the greater cost on the person. Most individuals have an effective range of about a dozen meters.  


Natural telepathy is a very difficult ability to use. There are no known instances of successfully using telepathy outside of your own species. The differences in brain chemistry and design cannot be overcome. Intra-species telepathy is very difficult but not impossible as every individual's brain is slightly different. A person attempting telepathy would need to become accustomed to the differences and learn the ability to communicate. This is usually achieved through weeks of close contact.  

Cybernetic Psionics

Study of natural psionic ability had led to the creation of artificial cybernetic enhancements that replicate natural ability. Artificial psionics have greater limitations of range and mass versus natural ability due to the inefficiency of the cybernetics, power cost, and the detriment of translating cybernetic machine code to neuro-communication and back. Most who choose to have cybernetics implanted do not choose to use implanted psionics. Instead opting to use the space for more valuable implants. Those who do choose to implant one are usually attempting to use it for theft and pickpocketing. However there are many methods to circumvent becoming the victim of such a crime.   The implanting of a psionics cybernetics implant involved the removing of a minimal piece of the patient's brain.    


  Many believe that the use of psionic ability is completely clandestine and its use cannot be detected. This is not correct. Psionic ability is dependent on electromagnetic frequencies that are detectable to most scanners. Active scanning for the use of psionics is a standard part of most automated security systems.
Parent Technologies

Cover image: Scarlet Witch - Captain America 2 by Marvel Studios


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