
The Solindrou are a Winged species, who evolved in a place where the ability to fly was a must. There are a few different subspecies, but all of them have wings and strong bird features.

Basic Information


Clawed Bipeds, a beak, and wings on the back of the torso, and arms with hands or Claws.The wings are usually feathered, but fatherless versions do exist.There are also sub species that do not have a separate set of arms. With this subspecies, the wings and arms are the same, resulting in what could best be described as arms with wings. These specimens are usually smaller than their separate armed counterparts.   The males are usually smaller but come in brighter colors. The Females are usually larger and have often a less colorless palette of colors. Every Solindrou has the ability to fly. Some specimen have very large body feathers, while others have very small ones, making it seem like they are featherless until observed from up close.

Genetics and Reproduction

The species consists of two sexes. Male and female. And after coupling the female produces 2 to 4 eggs. These will have to be kept warm and are relatively fragile. The fetus inside an egg will grow for 7 months before they are hatched. The act of keeping the eggs warm is almost exclusively done in special warmth rooms that stand under constant guard.   Hatchlings are capable of flight after roughly 4 months, at which point they are also enrolled into classes.   Solindrou can easily make the age of 135, however after the age of 100 the ability to fly drops considerably. For this reason it is rare to see a Solindrou above the age of 105 on the home planet, where the necessity to fly is far greater than in space.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Solindrou have a strong social structure, built upon strong bonds between individual members. They form tight communities and these communities welfare seems more important than the individual welfare. On a planetary level the Solindrou have a democratic system with an elected president. Being under Imperium control the main course is determined by the crown, however on local level control lies with the Solindrou Congress. It is almost tradition for congress to discuss every new law made by the crown, until everyone has agreed to it. These sessions often take days.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

It is not uncommon for wings to be mechanized or mechanically assisted. Either for functionality or vanity.


Like so many others, by the time the Solindrou reached the type 1 civilization status, the planet had been unified under one flag. It didn't take long until a crude form of FTL was discovered, which made them stand out to the Imperium enough to be incorporated into The Imperium power. Under this new Imperium control the system was relatively free to continue to develop alongside other newly joined systems.  

Prel - Solindrou war.

Between the Prel and Solindrou home worlds, lies a cluster of small extra-solar planetoids called the Vanada Cluster. The Cluster is a large source of minable materials, which the Prel have traditionally had claim over for hundreds of years. This has always been a source of contention between the two species. Mining the Cluster brings a great deal of profit and raw materials to the Prel. Due to a diplomatic failure on the The Imperium's part, the Solindrou believed they had been given a chance to claim mining rights on the Cluster for themselves.     The fleet was quickly dispatched to secure the Vanada Cluster. This was of course not accepted by the Prel in the system.   The Prel launched defenses but were quickly overrun. The Solindrou were however not able to hold their new territory and were pushed back into their own home world. But the defense turned out too tough for Prel forces to break and a long and bloody stalemate formed.   The addition of DRAS units to the Prel forces proved a valuable strategy. Within a year all main Solindrou strongholds had fallen and the Solindrou Congress was forced to capitulate.   Solindrou fell now under Prel control, and this remained the case until the The Imperium regained control of its systems. The Solindrou were released from their Prel occupation, and were placed under direct The Imperium control. Where it remains until this day.
Male Solindrou
Scientific Name
Average Height
1.8 meters Wingspan: 4.9 meters
Average Weight
94 Kilograms


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