Reflective Poetry

Table of Contents
A written art form that serves to process thoughts or events in one's life.


The exact origin of this tradition is unknown. It is part of all Elven cultures to varying degrees, and the Library of Noraina holds examples that are several thousand years old. Many families in Norume have entire rooms dedicated to storing the writings of their ancestors. Those treasured heirlooms are seen as sources of advice after their authors have passed away.



Reflective poetry focuses on emotions, associations, and philosophical conclusions, rather than recounting events or facts. For example, the poet might express gratitude for a joyous moment or capture the feeling in a form that can refresh their memory at a later time. They might put an unpleasant experience into words to process whatever effect it had on them, confront those feelings, and ideally take the edge off them. Another example would be a seemingly ordinary observation, such as a natural phenomenon or an animal's behavior, that made them realize something about the grander scheme of things.


The text often appears fragmented, with rather short sentences that may be grammatically incomplete. Those sentences tend to contain vivid, momentary impressions, as well as similes and metaphors.


Unlike poetry meant for entertainment, reflective poems rarely rhyme or follow a specific rhythm. However, they typically have four lines, and there are patterns in the number of words per line. The exact numbers vary between cultures.   For example, Desert Elves prefer four words in each line, whereas Northern Forest Elves alternate lines of two words with lines of six. In poems of the Talma'kabi (an extinct Steppe Elf tribe), the outer lines have three words and the inner ones have five.

Components and tools

The initial reflection can be done in one's head, but writing it down is considered essential for truly connecting with one's thoughts. Many people own a dedicated poetry book along with their preferred writing tool. This tool can be anything from a stick of charcoal to a quill pen or a calligraphy brush.


Among the Northern Forest Elves, reflective poetry is mostly limited to nobility and scholars of various disciplines. They have the most time to spare, and a common belief is that it takes a sophisticated mind to create true poetry. They often invest in expensive writing equipment that is deemed worthy of the art.   The Desert Elves consider artistic and philosophical education an important foundation of society. Anyone above manual laborers is encouraged to spend their free time this way, and people who hold great responsibility are explicitly trained to clear and strengthen their mind this way.


Most people practice this form of poetry in quiet moments. Some prefer to write after waking up, trying to interpret their dreams before they fade from memory. Others write before going to bed, reviewing the events of the day and drawing conclusions from them. In Norume, most people use the time around noon when the heat prevents them from going outside or doing productive work.
Meditative Art
Observed by
Northern Forest Elves
Steppe Elves
Desert Elves
Southern Forest Elves
Jungle Elves
Lowland Elves


Desert Elf

The sting of absence
while petals unfold unseen.
Your silence screaming helplessly,
flooding my guilty eyes.


Ash and blood.
Embers fading on the wind.
Bonfires for the wrong side
freeze my heart.
Moon's light above.
Gone is the day's embrace,
echoing in me like voices.
Whispers of failure.

Northern Forest Elf

Future awakens
as ink honors the elders' wisdom.
Noble kin
guarded from fatal stains by me.

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


Author's Notes

All example poems tie into the backstory of the Kingslayer Saga.

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Aug 20, 2024 01:19 by Deleyna Marr

Beautiful. I love the way you created the different examples and tied them together.

Aug 21, 2024 09:02 by Kaleidechse

Thank you very much! ^^ I really enjoyed coming up with these examples.

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.